Class ServerStatus


public class ServerStatus extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ServerStatus

      public ServerStatus()
  • Method Details

    • getForgeData

      @Nullable public ServerStatusPing getForgeData()
    • setForgeData

      public void setForgeData(ServerStatusPing data)
    • getDescription

      @Nullable public Component getDescription()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(Component p_134909_)
    • getPlayers

      @Nullable public ServerStatus.Players getPlayers()
    • setPlayers

      public void setPlayers(ServerStatus.Players p_134911_)
    • getVersion

      @Nullable public ServerStatus.Version getVersion()
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(ServerStatus.Version p_134913_)
    • setFavicon

      public void setFavicon(String p_134907_)
    • getFavicon

      @Nullable public String getFavicon()
    • setEnforcesSecureChat

      public void setEnforcesSecureChat(boolean p_242968_)
    • enforcesSecureChat

      public boolean enforcesSecureChat()
    • getJson

      public String getJson()
      Returns this object as a Json string. Converting to JSON if a cached version is not available. Also to prevent potentially large memory allocations on the server this is moved from the SPacketServerInfo writePacket function As this method is called from the impl threads so thread safety is important!
    • invalidateJson

      public void invalidateJson()
      Invalidates the cached json, causing the next call to getJson to rebuild it. This is needed externally because PlayerCountData.setPlayer's is public.