Class ModifiableStructureInfo


public class ModifiableStructureInfo extends Object
Holds lazy-evaluable modified structure info. Memoizers are not used because it's important to return null without evaluating the structure info if it's accessed outside of a server context.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ModifiableStructureInfo

      public ModifiableStructureInfo(@NotNull @NotNull ModifiableStructureInfo.StructureInfo originalStructureInfo)
      originalStructureInfo - StructureInfo representing the original state of a structure when the structure was constructed.
  • Method Details

    • get

      @NotNull public @NotNull ModifiableStructureInfo.StructureInfo get()
      Returns The modified structure info if modified structure info has been generated, otherwise gets original structure info.
      The modified structure info if modified structure info has been generated, otherwise gets original structure info
    • getOriginalStructureInfo

      @NotNull public @NotNull ModifiableStructureInfo.StructureInfo getOriginalStructureInfo()
      Returns The original structure info that the associated structure was created with.
      The original structure info that the associated structure was created with
    • getModifiedStructureInfo

      @Nullable public @Nullable ModifiableStructureInfo.StructureInfo getModifiedStructureInfo()
      Returns Modified structure info; null if it hasn't been set yet.
      Modified structure info; null if it hasn't been set yet
    • applyStructureModifiers

      @Internal public void applyStructureModifiers(Holder<Structure> structure, List<StructureModifier> structureModifiers)
      Internal forge method; the game will crash if mods invoke this. Creates and caches the modified structure info.
      structure - named structure with original data.
      structureModifiers - structure modifiers to apply.
      IllegalStateException - if invoked more than once.