Interface IMinecraftExtension

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IMinecraftExtension
Extension interface for Minecraft.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Locale
    Retrieves the Locale set by the player.
    default void
    Pops a GUI layer from the screen.
    default void
    Pushes a screen as a new GUI layer.
    private Minecraft
  • Method Details

    • self

      private Minecraft self()
    • pushGuiLayer

      default void pushGuiLayer(Screen screen)
      Pushes a screen as a new GUI layer.
      screen - the new GUI layer
    • popGuiLayer

      default void popGuiLayer()
      Pops a GUI layer from the screen.
    • getLocale

      default Locale getLocale()
      Retrieves the Locale set by the player. Useful for creating string and number formatters.