Class ExistingFileHelper


public class ExistingFileHelper extends Object
Enables data providers to check if other data files currently exist. The instance provided in the GatherDataEvent utilizes the standard resources (via VanillaPackResources), forge's resources, as well as any extra resource packs passed in via the --existing argument, or mod resources via the --existing-mod argument.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ExistingFileHelper

      public ExistingFileHelper(Collection<Path> existingPacks, Set<String> existingMods, boolean enable, @Nullable @Nullable String assetIndex, @Nullable @Nullable File assetsDir)
      Create a new helper. This should probably NOT be used by mods, as the instance provided by forge is designed to be a central instance that tracks existence of generated data.

      Only create a new helper if you intentionally want to ignore the existence of other generated files.

      existingPacks - a collection of paths to existing packs
      existingMods - a set of mod IDs for existing mods
      enable - true if validation is enabled
      assetIndex - the identifier for the asset index, generally Minecraft's current major version
      assetsDir - the directory in which to find vanilla assets and indexes
  • Method Details

    • getManager

      private ResourceManager getManager(PackType packType)
    • getLocation

      private ResourceLocation getLocation(ResourceLocation base, String suffix, String prefix)
    • exists

      public boolean exists(ResourceLocation loc, PackType packType)
      Check if a given resource exists in the known resource packs.
      loc - the complete location of the resource, e.g. "minecraft:textures/block/stone.png"
      packType - the type of resources to check
      true if the resource exists in any pack, false otherwise
    • exists

      public boolean exists(ResourceLocation loc, ExistingFileHelper.IResourceType type)
      Check if a given resource exists in the known resource packs. This is a convenience method to avoid repeating type/prefix/suffix and instead use the common definitions in ExistingFileHelper.ResourceType, or a custom ExistingFileHelper.IResourceType definition.
      loc - the base location of the resource, e.g. "minecraft:block/stone"
      type - a ExistingFileHelper.IResourceType describing how to form the path to the resource
      true if the resource exists in any pack, false otherwise
    • exists

      public boolean exists(ResourceLocation loc, PackType packType, String pathSuffix, String pathPrefix)
      Check if a given resource exists in the known resource packs.
      loc - the base location of the resource, e.g. "minecraft:block/stone"
      packType - the type of resources to check
      pathSuffix - a string to append after the path, e.g. ".json"
      pathPrefix - a string to append before the path, before a slash, e.g. "models"
      true if the resource exists in any pack, false otherwise
    • trackGenerated

      public void trackGenerated(ResourceLocation loc, ExistingFileHelper.IResourceType type)
      Track the existence of a generated file. This is a convenience method to avoid repeating type/prefix/suffix and instead use the common definitions in ExistingFileHelper.ResourceType, or a custom ExistingFileHelper.IResourceType definition.

      This should be called by data providers immediately when a new data object is created, i.e. not during run but instead when the "builder" (or whatever intermediate object) is created, such as a ModelBuilder.

      This represents a promise to generate the file later, since other datagen may rely on this file existing.

      loc - the base location of the resource, e.g. "minecraft:block/stone"
      type - a ExistingFileHelper.IResourceType describing how to form the path to the resource
    • trackGenerated

      public void trackGenerated(ResourceLocation loc, PackType packType, String pathSuffix, String pathPrefix)
      Track the existence of a generated file.

      This should be called by data providers immediately when a new data object is created, i.e. not during run but instead when the "builder" (or whatever intermediate object) is created, such as a ModelBuilder.

      This represents a promise to generate the file later, since other datagen may rely on this file existing.

      loc - the base location of the resource, e.g. "minecraft:block/stone"
      packType - the type of resources to check
      pathSuffix - a string to append after the path, e.g. ".json"
      pathPrefix - a string to append before the path, before a slash, e.g. "models"
    • getResource

      @VisibleForTesting public Resource getResource(ResourceLocation loc, PackType packType, String pathSuffix, String pathPrefix) throws FileNotFoundException
    • getResource

      @VisibleForTesting public Resource getResource(ResourceLocation loc, PackType packType) throws FileNotFoundException
    • getResourceStack

      @VisibleForTesting public List<Resource> getResourceStack(ResourceLocation loc, PackType packType)
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      true if validation is enabled, false otherwise