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Loot modifier that rolls one loot table (the "subtable" and adds the results to the loot being modified (the "target table").
protected static <T extends LootModifier > com.mojang.datafixers.Products.P1<com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder.Mu<T>,LootItemCondition []>
LootModifier. codecStart (com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder.Instance<T> instance)
Simplifies codec creation, especially if no other fields are added:
private static class
private static class
When harvesting blocks with bamboo, this modifier is invoked, via the silk_touch_bamboo loot_modifier json
private static class
The smelting enchantment causes this modifier to be invoked, via the smelting loot_modifier json
private static class
When harvesting wheat with shears, this modifier is invoked via the wheat_harvest loot_modifier json
This modifier checks how many seeds were harvested and turns X seeds into Y wheat (3:1)