Class PlayLevelSoundEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PlayLevelSoundEvent.AtEntity, PlayLevelSoundEvent.AtPosition

public class PlayLevelSoundEvent extends net.neoforged.bus.api.Event implements net.neoforged.bus.api.ICancellableEvent
PlayLevelSoundEvent is fired when a sound is played on a Level. This event is fired from Level.playSound(, net.minecraft.core.BlockPos, net.minecraft.sounds.SoundEvent, net.minecraft.sounds.SoundSource, float, float), Level.playSeededSound(, double, double, double, net.minecraft.core.Holder<net.minecraft.sounds.SoundEvent>, net.minecraft.sounds.SoundSource, float, float, long), and LocalPlayer.playSound(net.minecraft.sounds.SoundEvent, float, float).

getLevel() contains the level the sound is being played in. getSound() contains the sound event to be played. getOriginalVolume() contains the original volume for the sound to be played at. getOriginalPitch() contains the original pitch for the sound to be played at. getNewVolume() contains the volume the sound will be played at. getNewPitch() contains the pitch the sound will be played at.

This event is cancelable. If this event is canceled, the sound is not played.

This event does not have a result.

This event is fired on the NeoForge.EVENT_BUS.

  • Field Details

    • level

      private final Level level
    • originalVolume

      private final float originalVolume
    • originalPitch

      private final float originalPitch
    • sound

      private Holder<SoundEvent> sound
    • source

      private SoundSource source
    • newVolume

      private float newVolume
    • newPitch

      private float newPitch
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLevel

      public Level getLevel()
      Returns the level the sound is being played in.
      the level the sound is being played in
    • getSound

      @Nullable public @Nullable Holder<SoundEvent> getSound()
      Returns the sound event to be played.
      the sound event to be played
    • setSound

      public void setSound(@Nullable @Nullable Holder<SoundEvent> sound)
      Sets the sound event to be played.
    • getSource

      public SoundSource getSource()
      Returns the sound source.
      the sound source
    • setSource

      public void setSource(SoundSource source)
      Sets the sound source.
    • getOriginalVolume

      public float getOriginalVolume()
      Returns the original volume for the sound to be played at.
      the original volume for the sound to be played at
    • getOriginalPitch

      public float getOriginalPitch()
      Returns the original pitch for the sound to be played at.
      the original pitch for the sound to be played at
    • getNewVolume

      public float getNewVolume()
      Returns the volume the sound will be played at.
      the volume the sound will be played at
    • setNewVolume

      public void setNewVolume(float newVolume)
      Sets the volume the sound will be played at.
    • getNewPitch

      public float getNewPitch()
      Returns the pitch the sound will be played at.
      the pitch the sound will be played at
    • setNewPitch

      public void setNewPitch(float newPitch)
      Sets the pitch the sound will be played at.