Class ChunkWatchEvent

Direct Known Subclasses:
ChunkWatchEvent.Sent, ChunkWatchEvent.UnWatch, ChunkWatchEvent.Watch

public abstract class ChunkWatchEvent extends net.neoforged.bus.api.Event
This event is fired whenever a chunk has a watch-related action.

The player's level may not be the same as the level of the chunk when the player is teleporting to another dimension.

This event is not cancellable and does not

invalid reference
have a result

This event is fired on the main Forge event bus only on the logical server.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPlayer

      public ServerPlayer getPlayer()
      Returns the server player involved with the watch action.
      the server player involved with the watch action
    • getPos

      public ChunkPos getPos()
      Returns the chunk position this watch event is affecting.
      the chunk position this watch event is affecting
    • getLevel

      public ServerLevel getLevel()
      Returns the server level containing the chunk.
      the server level containing the chunk