Uses of Class
Packages that use DeferredItem
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.debug.capabilities
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.debug.capabilities declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final DeferredItem
<Item> ItemInventoryTests.BACKPACK
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> ItemEnergyTests.BATTERY
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> DeferredRegistryTest.ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> DeferredRegistryTest.ITEM_WITH_COMPONENT
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> CustomSoundTypeTest.TEST_STEP_BLOCK_ITEM
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.block
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.block declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomHeadTest.BLAZE_HEAD_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> FullPotsAccessorDemo.DIORITE_POT_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> HideNeighborFaceTest.GLASS_SLAB_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> ValidRailShapeTest.RAIL_SLOPE_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> CustomBreakSoundTest.TEST_BLOCK_ITEM
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> OnTreeGrowBlockTest.TEST_DIRT_ITEM
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> OnTreeGrowBlockTest.TEST_GRASS_BLOCK_ITEM
static final DeferredItem
<HangingSignItem> CustomSignsTest.TEST_HANGING_SIGN
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> RedstoneSidedConnectivityTest.TEST_REDSTONE_BLOCKITEM
static final DeferredItem
<SignItem> CustomSignsTest.TEST_SIGN
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.client
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.client declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> AmbientOcclusionElementsTest.AO_BLOCK_NO_SHADE_ITEM
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> AmbientOcclusionElementsTest.AO_BLOCK_SHADE_ITEM
(package private) static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomTooltipTest.CUSTOM_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomArmorModelTest.ENDERMAN_BOOTS
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomArmorModelTest.ENDERMAN_CHESTPLATE
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> AmbientOcclusionElementsTest.NO_AO_BLOCK_NO_SHADE_ITEM
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> AmbientOcclusionElementsTest.NO_AO_BLOCK_SHADE_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomArmorModelTest.RED_LEGGINGS
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> EmissiveElementsTest.TEST_BLOCK_ITEM
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.client.model
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.client.model declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic DeferredItem
<Item> CompositeModelTest.composite_item
static DeferredItem
<Item> NewModelLoaderTest.custom_loader
static DeferredItem
<Item> NewModelLoaderTest.custom_transforms
static DeferredItem
<Item> NewModelLoaderTest.custom_vanilla_loader
static final DeferredItem
<Item> DynBucketModelTest.DRIP_BUCKET
static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomItemDisplayContextTest.ITEM_HANGER_ITEM
static DeferredItem
<Item> NewModelLoaderTest.item_layers
static final DeferredItem
<Item> DynBucketModelTest.LAVA_OBSIDIAN
static DeferredItem
<Item> NewModelLoaderTest.obj_item
static DeferredItem
<Item> NewModelLoaderTest.separate_perspective
static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> MegaModelTest.TEST_BLOCK_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> MultiLayerModelTest.TEST_BLOCK_ITEM
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> TRSRTransformerTest.TEST_ITEM
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.entity.player
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.entity.player declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final DeferredItem
<Item> ItemUseAnimationTest.THING
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.fluid
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.fluid declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic DeferredItem
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> FluidTypeTest.TEST_FLUID_BUCKET
static DeferredItem
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.item
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.item declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic DeferredItem
<Item> StopUsingItemTest.BAD
Attempt at a "reverse scope" that also makes you fly without using the Forge method.static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomFluidContainerTest.CUSTOM_FLUID_CONTAINER
private static final DeferredItem
<CustomShieldTest.CustomShieldItem> CustomShieldTest.CUSTOM_SHIELD_ITEM
static DeferredItem
<Item> EnderMaskTest.ENDER_MASK
static DeferredItem
<Item> MayFlyAttributeTest.GOOD
Successful "scope item" using the Forge method, all cases of stopping using the item will remove the flight abilitystatic DeferredItem
<Item> StopUsingItemTest.GOOD
Successful "scope item" using the Forge method, all cases of stopping using the item will stop the FOV changeprivate static final DeferredItem
<Item> RangedMobsUseModdedWeaponsTest.MODDED_BOW
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> RangedMobsUseModdedWeaponsTest.MODDED_CROSSBOW
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> CustomElytraTest.TEST_ELYTRA
private static final DeferredItem
<Item> MusicDiscTest.TEST_MUSIC_DISC
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.misc
Fields in net.neoforged.neoforge.oldtest.misc declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> GameTestTest.ENERGY_BLOCK_ITEM
Uses of DeferredItem in
Fields in declared as DeferredItemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final DeferredItem
<BlockItem> ForgeChunkManagerTest.CHUNK_LOADER_ITEM
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.neoforge.registries
Methods in net.neoforged.neoforge.registries that return DeferredItemModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected <I extends Item>
DeferredItem<I> DeferredRegister.Items.createHolder
(ResourceKey<? extends Registry<Item>> registryKey, ResourceLocation key) static <T extends Item>
DeferredItem<T> DeferredItem.createItem
(ResourceKey<Item> key) Creates a newDeferredHolder
targeting the specifiedItem
.static <T extends Item>
DeferredItem<T> DeferredItem.createItem
(ResourceLocation key) Creates a newDeferredHolder
targeting theItem
with the specified name.<I extends Item>
DeferredItem<I> DeferredRegister.Items.register
(String name, Function<ResourceLocation, ? extends I> func) Adds a new item to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.<I extends Item>
DeferredItem<I> Adds a new item to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.<I extends Item>
DeferredItem<I> DeferredRegister.Items.registerItem
(String name, Function<Item.Properties, ? extends I> func) Adds a new item to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.<I extends Item>
DeferredItem<I> DeferredRegister.Items.registerItem
(String name, Function<Item.Properties, ? extends I> func, Item.Properties props) Adds a new item to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.DeferredRegister.Items.registerSimpleBlockItem
(String name, Supplier<? extends Block> block) Adds a new simpleBlockItem
for the givenBlock
to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.DeferredRegister.Items.registerSimpleBlockItem
(String name, Supplier<? extends Block> block, Item.Properties properties) Adds a new simpleBlockItem
for the givenBlock
to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.DeferredRegister.Items.registerSimpleBlockItem
(Holder<Block> block) Adds a new simpleBlockItem
for the givenBlock
to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.DeferredRegister.Items.registerSimpleBlockItem
(Holder<Block> block, Item.Properties properties) Adds a new simpleBlockItem
for the givenBlock
to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.DeferredRegister.Items.registerSimpleItem
(String name) Adds a new simpleItem
with the defaultproperties
to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically.DeferredRegister.Items.registerSimpleItem
(String name, Item.Properties props) Adds a new simpleItem
with the givenproperties
to the list of entries to be registered and returns aDeferredItem
that will be populated with the created item automatically. -
Uses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.testframework.registration
Subclasses of DeferredItem in net.neoforged.testframework.registration