Uses of Interface
Packages that use RecipeInput
Uses of RecipeInput in net.minecraft.recipebook
Classes in net.minecraft.recipebook with type parameters of type RecipeInputModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ServerPlaceRecipe<I extends RecipeInput,
R extends Recipe<I>> -
Uses of RecipeInput in
Classes in with type parameters of type RecipeInput -
Uses of RecipeInput in
Classes in with type parameters of type RecipeInputModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Recipe<T extends RecipeInput>
static interface
RecipeManager.CachedCheck<I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>> Classes in that implement RecipeInputModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
final record
final record
Methods in with type parameters of type RecipeInputModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
Collection<RecipeHolder<T>> RecipeManager.byType
(RecipeType<T> p_44055_) static <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
RecipeManager.CachedCheck<I, T> RecipeManager.createCheck
(RecipeType<T> p_220268_) <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
List<RecipeHolder<T>> RecipeManager.getAllRecipesFor
(RecipeType<T> p_44014_) <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
Optional<RecipeHolder<T>> RecipeManager.getRecipeFor
(RecipeType<T> p_44016_, I p_345492_, Level p_44018_) <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
Optional<RecipeHolder<T>> RecipeManager.getRecipeFor
(RecipeType<T> p_345895_, I p_345268_, Level p_346336_, ResourceLocation p_346260_) <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
Optional<RecipeHolder<T>> RecipeManager.getRecipeFor
(RecipeType<T> p_220249_, I p_345826_, Level p_220251_, RecipeHolder<T> p_346407_) <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
List<RecipeHolder<T>> RecipeManager.getRecipesFor
(RecipeType<T> p_44057_, I p_346353_, Level p_44059_) <I extends RecipeInput,
T extends Recipe<I>>
NonNullList<ItemStack> RecipeManager.getRemainingItemsFor
(RecipeType<T> p_44070_, I p_345118_, Level p_44072_) -
Uses of RecipeInput in net.neoforged.neoforge.common.crafting
Classes in net.neoforged.neoforge.common.crafting with type parameters of type RecipeInputModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
IShapedRecipe<T extends RecipeInput>
Used to mark a recipe that shape matters so that the recipe book and auto crafting picks the correct shape. -
Uses of RecipeInput in net.neoforged.neoforge.items.wrapper
Classes in net.neoforged.neoforge.items.wrapper that implement RecipeInput