Interface IVertexConsumerExtension

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferBuilder, OutlineBufferSource.EntityOutlineGenerator, QuadBakingVertexConsumer, RemappingVertexPipeline, SheetedDecalTextureGenerator, SpriteCoordinateExpander, TransformingVertexPipeline, VertexConsumerWrapper, VertexMultiConsumer.Double, VertexMultiConsumer.Multiple

public interface IVertexConsumerExtension
Extension interface for VertexConsumer.
  • Method Details

    • self

      private VertexConsumer self()
    • misc

      default VertexConsumer misc(VertexFormatElement element, int... rawData)
      Consumes an unknown VertexFormatElement as a raw int data array.

      If the consumer needs to store the data for later use, it must copy it. There are no guarantees on immutability.

    • putBulkData

      default void putBulkData(PoseStack.Pose pose, BakedQuad bakedQuad, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, boolean readExistingColor)
      Variant with no per-vertex shading.
    • applyBakedLighting

      default int applyBakedLighting(int packedLight, ByteBuffer data)
    • applyBakedNormals

      default void applyBakedNormals(org.joml.Vector3f generated, ByteBuffer data, org.joml.Matrix3f normalTransform)