Interface IBrewingRecipe

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IBrewingRecipe
Interface for more flexible brewing recipes.

Register using RegisterBrewingRecipesEvent and PotionBrewing.Builder.addRecipe(IBrewingRecipe).

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getOutput(ItemStack input, ItemStack ingredient)
    Returns the output when the passed input is brewed with the passed ingredient.
    isIngredient(ItemStack ingredient)
    Returns true if the passed ItemStack is an ingredient for this recipe.
    Returns true is the passed ItemStack is an input for this recipe.
  • Method Details

    • isInput

      boolean isInput(ItemStack input)
      Returns true is the passed ItemStack is an input for this recipe. "Input" being the item that goes in one of the three bottom slots of the brewing stand (e.g: water bottle)
    • isIngredient

      boolean isIngredient(ItemStack ingredient)
      Returns true if the passed ItemStack is an ingredient for this recipe. "Ingredient" being the item that goes in the top slot of the brewing stand (e.g: nether wart)
    • getOutput

      ItemStack getOutput(ItemStack input, ItemStack ingredient)
      Returns the output when the passed input is brewed with the passed ingredient. Empty if invalid input or ingredient.