Interface IPacketFlowExtension

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPacketFlowExtension
Extension for PacketFlow to add some utility methods.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default net.neoforged.fml.LogicalSide
    Returns the LogicalSide that is receiving packets in this PacketFlow.
    default boolean
    Returns an indication of whether this PacketFlow is clientbound.
    default boolean
    Returns an indication of whether this PacketFlow is serverbound.
    default PacketFlow
    Returns the PacketFlow this extension is applied to.
  • Method Details

    • self

      default PacketFlow self()
      Returns the PacketFlow this extension is applied to.
      the PacketFlow this extension is applied to
    • isClientbound

      default boolean isClientbound()
      Returns an indication of whether this PacketFlow is clientbound.
      an indication of whether this PacketFlow is clientbound
    • isServerbound

      default boolean isServerbound()
      Returns an indication of whether this PacketFlow is serverbound.
      an indication of whether this PacketFlow is serverbound
    • getReceptionSide

      default net.neoforged.fml.LogicalSide getReceptionSide()
      Returns the LogicalSide that is receiving packets in this PacketFlow.
      the LogicalSide that is receiving packets in this PacketFlow