Class MobSpawnEvent.SpawnPlacementCheck

Enclosing class:

public static class MobSpawnEvent.SpawnPlacementCheck extends net.neoforged.bus.api.Event
This event is fired when Spawn Placements (aka Spawn Rules) are checked, before a mob attempts to spawn.
Spawn Placement checks include light levels, slime chunks, grass blocks for animals, and others in the same vein.
The purpose of this event is to permit runtime changes to any or all spawn placement logic without having to wrap the placement for each entity.

This event is only fired on the logical server.

This event is not fired for mob spawners which utilize SpawnData.CustomSpawnRules, as they do not check spawn placements.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEntityType

      public EntityType<?> getEntityType()
      The type of entity that checks are being performed for.
    • getLevel

      public ServerLevelAccessor getLevel()
      The level relating to the mob spawn action
    • getSpawnType

      public MobSpawnType getSpawnType()
      Retrieves the type of mob spawn that is happening.
      The mob spawn type.
      See Also:
    • getPos

      public BlockPos getPos()
      The position where checks are being evaluated.
    • getRandom

      public RandomSource getRandom()
      In all vanilla cases, this is equal to LevelAccessor.getRandom().
      The random source being used.
    • getDefaultResult

      public boolean getDefaultResult()
      The default vanilla result is useful if an additional check wants to force
      invalid reference
      only if the vanilla check would succeed.
      The result of the vanilla spawn placement check.
    • setResult

      public void setResult(MobSpawnEvent.SpawnPlacementCheck.Result result)
      Changes the result of this event.
    • getResult

      Returns the result of this event, which controls if the placement check will succeed.
      the result of this event, which controls if the placement check will succeed
    • getPlacementCheckResult

      public boolean getPlacementCheckResult()
      Returns If the placement check will succeed or not, based on the current event result.
      If the placement check will succeed or not, based on the current event result