Class DataMapsUpdatedEvent


public class DataMapsUpdatedEvent extends net.neoforged.bus.api.Event
Event fired on the game event bus when the data maps of a registry have either been synced to the client or reloaded on the server.

This event can be used to build caches (like weighed lists) or for post-processing the data map values.
Remember however that the data map values should not end up referencing their owner, as they're not copied when attached to tags.

  • Field Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getRegistries Link icon

      public RegistryAccess getRegistries()
      Returns a registry access.
      a registry access
    • getRegistry Link icon

      public Registry<?> getRegistry()
      Returns the registry that had its data maps updated.
      the registry that had its data maps updated
    • getRegistryKey Link icon

      public ResourceKey<? extends Registry<?>> getRegistryKey()
      Returns the key of the registry that had its data maps updated.
      the key of the registry that had its data maps updated
    • ifRegistry Link icon

      public <T> void ifRegistry(ResourceKey<Registry<T>> type, Consumer<Registry<T>> consumer)
      Runs the given consumer if the registry is of the given type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the registry type
      type - the registry key
      consumer - the consumer
    • getCause Link icon

      Returns the reason for the update.
      the reason for the update