Uses of Interface
Packages that use ICriterionInstance
Uses of ICriterionInstance in net.minecraft.advancements
Classes in net.minecraft.advancements with type parameters of type ICriterionInstanceModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ICriterionTrigger<T extends ICriterionInstance>
static class
ICriterionTrigger.Listener<T extends ICriterionInstance>
Fields in net.minecraft.advancements declared as ICriterionInstanceModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final ICriterionInstance
private final T
Methods in net.minecraft.advancements with type parameters of type ICriterionInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends ICriterionInstance>
(ResourceLocation p_192119_0_) Methods in net.minecraft.advancements that return ICriterionInstanceMethods in net.minecraft.advancements with parameters of type ICriterionInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdvancement.Builder.addCriterion
(String p_200275_1_, ICriterionInstance p_200275_2_) Constructors in net.minecraft.advancements with parameters of type ICriterionInstance -
Uses of ICriterionInstance in net.minecraft.advancements.criterion
Classes in net.minecraft.advancements.criterion that implement ICriterionInstanceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
Uses of ICriterionInstance in
Methods in with parameters of type ICriterionInstanceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCookingRecipeBuilder.unlockedBy
(String p_218628_1_, ICriterionInstance p_218628_2_) ShapedRecipeBuilder.unlockedBy
(String p_200465_1_, ICriterionInstance p_200465_2_) ShapelessRecipeBuilder.unlockedBy
(String p_200483_1_, ICriterionInstance p_200483_2_) SingleItemRecipeBuilder.unlocks
(String p_218643_1_, ICriterionInstance p_218643_2_) SmithingRecipeBuilder.unlocks
(String p_240503_1_, ICriterionInstance p_240503_2_)