Package net.minecraftforge.common
Interface Tags.IOptionalNamedTag<T>
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- Enclosing class:
- Tags
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface net.minecraft.tags.ITag
ITag.Builder, ITag.INamedTag<T>, ITag.ITagEntry, ITag.ItemEntry, ITag.OptionalItemEntry, ITag.OptionalTagEntry, ITag.Proxy, ITag.TagEntry
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
Returns true if the current state is defaulted.Methods inherited from interface net.minecraft.tags.ITag
contains, getRandomElement, getValues
Methods inherited from interface net.minecraft.tags.ITag.INamedTag
Method Details
boolean isDefaulted()Returns true if the current state is defaulted. This means we have connected to a server that does not contain this tag. The values referenced in this tag may be empty, or some values specified by the original tag creator.