ChunkDataEvent is fired when an event involving chunk data occurs.
If a method utilizes this Event as its parameter, the method will
receive every child event of this class. contains the NBTTagCompound containing the chunk data for this event.
ChunkDataEvent.Load is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to load Chunk data.
This event is fired during chunk loading in
{@link, TemplateManager, PointOfInterestManager, ChunkPos, CompoundNBT)} which means it is async, so be careful.
ChunkDataEvent.Save is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to save Chunk data.
This event is fired during chunk saving in
AnvilChunkLoader#saveChunk(World, Chunk).
ChunkEvent.Load is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to load a Chunk into the world.
This event is fired during chunk loading in ChunkProviderClient#loadChunk(int, int),
ChunkEvent.Unload is fired when vanilla Minecraft attempts to unload a Chunk from the world.
This event is fired during chunk unloading in