Class CustomArmorModelTest.EndermanArmorItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
Vanishable, Wearable, ItemLike, IForgeItem, IForgeRegistryEntry<Item>
Enclosing class:

private static class CustomArmorModelTest.EndermanArmorItem extends ArmorItem
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getArmorTexture

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, EquipmentSlot slot, String type)
      Description copied from interface: IForgeItem
      Called by RenderBiped and RenderPlayer to determine the armor texture that should be use for the currently equipped item. This will only be called on instances of ItemArmor. Returning null from this function will use the default value.
      stack - ItemStack for the equipped armor
      entity - The entity wearing the armor
      slot - The slot the armor is in
      type - The subtype, can be null or "overlay"
      Path of texture to bind, or null to use default
    • initializeClient

      public void initializeClient(Consumer<IItemRenderProperties> consumer)
      initializeClient in class Item