Class ClientLevel

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, BiomeManager.NoiseBiomeSource, BlockAndTintGetter, BlockGetter, CollisionGetter, CommonLevelAccessor, EntityGetter, LevelAccessor, LevelHeightAccessor, LevelReader, LevelSimulatedReader, LevelSimulatedRW, LevelTimeAccess, LevelWriter, SignalGetter, IAttachmentHolder, IBlockAndTintGetterExtension, IBlockGetterExtension, ILevelExtension

public class ClientLevel extends Level
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • handleBlockChangedAck

      public void handleBlockChangedAck(int p_233652_)
    • setServerVerifiedBlockState

      public void setServerVerifiedBlockState(BlockPos p_233654_, BlockState p_233655_, int p_233656_)
    • syncBlockState

      public void syncBlockState(BlockPos p_233648_, BlockState p_233649_, Vec3 p_233650_)
    • getBlockStatePredictionHandler

      BlockStatePredictionHandler getBlockStatePredictionHandler()
    • setBlock

      public boolean setBlock(BlockPos p_233643_, BlockState p_233644_, int p_233645_, int p_233646_)
      Specified by:
      setBlock in interface LevelWriter
      setBlock in class Level
    • queueLightUpdate

      public void queueLightUpdate(Runnable p_194172_)
    • pollLightUpdates

      public void pollLightUpdates()
    • isLightUpdateQueueEmpty

      public boolean isLightUpdateQueueEmpty()
    • effects

      public DimensionSpecialEffects effects()
    • tick

      public void tick(BooleanSupplier p_104727_)
    • tickTime

      private void tickTime()
    • setGameTime

      public void setGameTime(long p_104638_)
    • setDayTime

      public void setDayTime(long p_104747_)
    • entitiesForRendering

      public Iterable<Entity> entitiesForRendering()
    • tickEntities

      public void tickEntities()
    • shouldTickDeath

      public boolean shouldTickDeath(Entity p_194185_)
      shouldTickDeath in class Level
    • tickNonPassenger

      public void tickNonPassenger(Entity p_104640_)
    • tickPassenger

      private void tickPassenger(Entity p_104642_, Entity p_104643_)
    • unload

      public void unload(LevelChunk p_104666_)
    • onChunkLoaded

      public void onChunkLoaded(ChunkPos p_171650_)
    • clearTintCaches

      public void clearTintCaches()
    • hasChunk

      public boolean hasChunk(int p_104737_, int p_104738_)
    • getEntityCount

      public int getEntityCount()
    • addEntity

      public void addEntity(Entity p_104741_)
    • removeEntity

      public void removeEntity(int p_171643_, Entity.RemovalReason p_171644_)
    • getEntity

      @Nullable public Entity getEntity(int p_104609_)
      Specified by:
      getEntity in class Level
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect()
      disconnect in class Level
    • animateTick

      public void animateTick(int p_104785_, int p_104786_, int p_104787_)
    • getMarkerParticleTarget

      @Nullable private Block getMarkerParticleTarget()
    • doAnimateTick

      public void doAnimateTick(int p_233613_, int p_233614_, int p_233615_, int p_233616_, RandomSource p_233617_, @Nullable Block p_233618_, BlockPos.MutableBlockPos p_233619_)
    • trySpawnDripParticles

      private void trySpawnDripParticles(BlockPos p_104690_, BlockState p_104691_, ParticleOptions p_104692_, boolean p_104693_)
    • spawnParticle

      private void spawnParticle(BlockPos p_104695_, ParticleOptions p_104696_, VoxelShape p_104697_, double p_104698_)
    • spawnFluidParticle

      private void spawnFluidParticle(double p_104593_, double p_104594_, double p_104595_, double p_104596_, double p_104597_, ParticleOptions p_104598_)
    • fillReportDetails

      public CrashReportCategory fillReportDetails(CrashReport p_104729_)
      fillReportDetails in class Level
    • playSeededSound

      public void playSeededSound(@Nullable Player p_263381_, double p_263372_, double p_263404_, double p_263365_, Holder<SoundEvent> p_263335_, SoundSource p_263417_, float p_263416_, float p_263349_, long p_263408_)
      Specified by:
      playSeededSound in class Level
    • playSeededSound

      public void playSeededSound(@Nullable Player p_263514_, Entity p_263536_, Holder<SoundEvent> p_263518_, SoundSource p_263487_, float p_263538_, float p_263524_, long p_263509_)
      Specified by:
      playSeededSound in class Level
    • playLocalSound

      public void playLocalSound(Entity p_312749_, SoundEvent p_312635_, SoundSource p_312007_, float p_312298_, float p_312772_)
      playLocalSound in class Level
    • playLocalSound

      public void playLocalSound(double p_104600_, double p_104601_, double p_104602_, SoundEvent p_104603_, SoundSource p_104604_, float p_104605_, float p_104606_, boolean p_104607_)
      playLocalSound in class Level
    • playSound

      private void playSound(double p_233603_, double p_233604_, double p_233605_, SoundEvent p_233606_, SoundSource p_233607_, float p_233608_, float p_233609_, boolean p_233610_, long p_233611_)
    • createFireworks

      public void createFireworks(double p_104585_, double p_104586_, double p_104587_, double p_104588_, double p_104589_, double p_104590_, List<FireworkExplosion> p_330281_)
      createFireworks in class Level
    • sendPacketToServer

      public void sendPacketToServer(Packet<?> p_104734_)
      sendPacketToServer in class Level
    • getRecipeManager

      public RecipeManager getRecipeManager()
      Specified by:
      getRecipeManager in class Level
    • tickRateManager

      public TickRateManager tickRateManager()
      Specified by:
      tickRateManager in class Level
    • getBlockTicks

      public LevelTickAccess<Block> getBlockTicks()
    • getFluidTicks

      public LevelTickAccess<Fluid> getFluidTicks()
    • getChunkSource

      public ClientChunkCache getChunkSource()
    • getMapData

      @Nullable public MapItemSavedData getMapData(MapId p_323873_)
      Specified by:
      getMapData in class Level
    • overrideMapData

      public void overrideMapData(MapId p_323577_, MapItemSavedData p_259308_)
    • setMapData

      public void setMapData(MapId p_324501_, MapItemSavedData p_171671_)
      Specified by:
      setMapData in class Level
    • getFreeMapId

      public MapId getFreeMapId()
      Specified by:
      getFreeMapId in class Level
    • getScoreboard

      public Scoreboard getScoreboard()
      Specified by:
      getScoreboard in class Level
    • sendBlockUpdated

      public void sendBlockUpdated(BlockPos p_104685_, BlockState p_104686_, BlockState p_104687_, int p_104688_)
      Specified by:
      sendBlockUpdated in class Level
    • setBlocksDirty

      public void setBlocksDirty(BlockPos p_104759_, BlockState p_104760_, BlockState p_104761_)
      setBlocksDirty in class Level
    • setSectionDirtyWithNeighbors

      public void setSectionDirtyWithNeighbors(int p_104794_, int p_104795_, int p_104796_)
    • destroyBlockProgress

      public void destroyBlockProgress(int p_104634_, BlockPos p_104635_, int p_104636_)
      Specified by:
      destroyBlockProgress in class Level
    • globalLevelEvent

      public void globalLevelEvent(int p_104743_, BlockPos p_104744_, int p_104745_)
      globalLevelEvent in class Level
    • levelEvent

      public void levelEvent(@Nullable Player p_104654_, int p_104655_, BlockPos p_104656_, int p_104657_)
    • addParticle

      public void addParticle(ParticleOptions p_104706_, double p_104707_, double p_104708_, double p_104709_, double p_104710_, double p_104711_, double p_104712_)
      Specified by:
      addParticle in interface LevelAccessor
      addParticle in class Level
    • addParticle

      public void addParticle(ParticleOptions p_104714_, boolean p_104715_, double p_104716_, double p_104717_, double p_104718_, double p_104719_, double p_104720_, double p_104721_)
      addParticle in class Level
    • addAlwaysVisibleParticle

      public void addAlwaysVisibleParticle(ParticleOptions p_104766_, double p_104767_, double p_104768_, double p_104769_, double p_104770_, double p_104771_, double p_104772_)
      addAlwaysVisibleParticle in class Level
    • addAlwaysVisibleParticle

      public void addAlwaysVisibleParticle(ParticleOptions p_104774_, boolean p_104775_, double p_104776_, double p_104777_, double p_104778_, double p_104779_, double p_104780_, double p_104781_)
      addAlwaysVisibleParticle in class Level
    • players

      public List<AbstractClientPlayer> players()
    • getUncachedNoiseBiome

      public Holder<Biome> getUncachedNoiseBiome(int p_205516_, int p_205517_, int p_205518_)
    • getSkyDarken

      public float getSkyDarken(float p_104806_)
    • getSkyColor

      public Vec3 getSkyColor(Vec3 p_171661_, float p_171662_)
    • getCloudColor

      public Vec3 getCloudColor(float p_104809_)
    • getStarBrightness

      public float getStarBrightness(float p_104812_)
    • getSkyFlashTime

      public int getSkyFlashTime()
    • setSkyFlashTime

      public void setSkyFlashTime(int p_104783_)
      setSkyFlashTime in class Level
    • getShade

      public float getShade(Direction p_104703_, boolean p_104704_)
    • getBlockTint

      public int getBlockTint(BlockPos p_104700_, ColorResolver p_104701_)
    • calculateBlockTint

      public int calculateBlockTint(BlockPos p_104763_, ColorResolver p_104764_)
    • setDefaultSpawnPos

      public void setDefaultSpawnPos(BlockPos p_104753_, float p_104754_)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getLevelData

      public ClientLevel.ClientLevelData getLevelData()
      Specified by:
      getLevelData in interface LevelAccessor
      getLevelData in class Level
    • gameEvent

      public void gameEvent(Holder<GameEvent> p_316478_, Vec3 p_233640_, GameEvent.Context p_233641_)
    • getAllMapData

      protected Map<MapId,MapItemSavedData> getAllMapData()
    • addMapData

      protected void addMapData(Map<MapId,MapItemSavedData> p_171673_)
    • getEntities

      protected LevelEntityGetter<Entity> getEntities()
      Specified by:
      getEntities in class Level
    • gatherChunkSourceStats

      public String gatherChunkSourceStats()
      Specified by:
      gatherChunkSourceStats in class Level
    • addDestroyBlockEffect

      public void addDestroyBlockEffect(BlockPos p_171667_, BlockState p_171668_)
      addDestroyBlockEffect in class Level
    • setServerSimulationDistance

      public void setServerSimulationDistance(int p_194175_)
    • getServerSimulationDistance

      public int getServerSimulationDistance()
    • enabledFeatures

      public FeatureFlagSet enabledFeatures()
    • potionBrewing

      public PotionBrewing potionBrewing()
      Specified by:
      potionBrewing in class Level
    • getPartEntities

      public Collection<PartEntity<?>> getPartEntities()
      Description copied from interface: ILevelExtension
      All part entities in this world. Used when collecting entities in an AABB to fix parts being ignored whose parent entity is in a chunk that does not intersect with the AABB.
    • getModelDataManager

      public ModelDataManager getModelDataManager()
      Description copied from interface: ILevelExtension
      Retrieves the model data manager for the given level. May be null on a server level.

      For model data retrieval, prefer calling IBlockGetterExtension.getModelData(BlockPos) rather than this method, as it works on more than just a level.

    • getModelData

      public ModelData getModelData(BlockPos pos)
      Description copied from interface: IBlockGetterExtension
      Retrieves model data for a block at the given position.
      pos - the position to query
      the model data at this position, or ModelData.EMPTY if none exists
    • getShade

      public float getShade(float normalX, float normalY, float normalZ, boolean shade)
      Description copied from interface: IBlockAndTintGetterExtension
      Computes the shade for a given normal. Alternate version of the vanilla method taking in a Direction.