Class Biome


public final class Biome extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSkyColor

      public int getSkyColor()
    • getMobSettings

      public MobSpawnSettings getMobSettings()
    • hasPrecipitation

      public boolean hasPrecipitation()
    • getPrecipitationAt

      public Biome.Precipitation getPrecipitationAt(BlockPos p_265163_)
    • getHeightAdjustedTemperature

      private float getHeightAdjustedTemperature(BlockPos p_47529_)
    • getTemperature

      @Deprecated private float getTemperature(BlockPos p_47506_)
    • shouldFreeze

      public boolean shouldFreeze(LevelReader p_47478_, BlockPos p_47479_)
    • shouldFreeze

      public boolean shouldFreeze(LevelReader p_47481_, BlockPos p_47482_, boolean p_47483_)
    • coldEnoughToSnow

      public boolean coldEnoughToSnow(BlockPos p_198905_)
    • warmEnoughToRain

      public boolean warmEnoughToRain(BlockPos p_198907_)
    • shouldMeltFrozenOceanIcebergSlightly

      public boolean shouldMeltFrozenOceanIcebergSlightly(BlockPos p_198909_)
    • shouldSnow

      public boolean shouldSnow(LevelReader p_47520_, BlockPos p_47521_)
    • getGenerationSettings

      public BiomeGenerationSettings getGenerationSettings()
    • getFogColor

      public int getFogColor()
    • getGrassColor

      public int getGrassColor(double p_47465_, double p_47466_)
    • getGrassColorFromTexture

      private int getGrassColorFromTexture()
    • getFoliageColor

      public int getFoliageColor()
    • getFoliageColorFromTexture

      private int getFoliageColorFromTexture()
    • getBaseTemperature

      public float getBaseTemperature()
    • getSpecialEffects

      public BiomeSpecialEffects getSpecialEffects()
    • getWaterColor

      public int getWaterColor()
    • getWaterFogColor

      public int getWaterFogColor()
    • getAmbientParticle

      public Optional<AmbientParticleSettings> getAmbientParticle()
    • getAmbientLoop

      public Optional<Holder<SoundEvent>> getAmbientLoop()
    • getAmbientMood

      public Optional<AmbientMoodSettings> getAmbientMood()
    • getAmbientAdditions

      public Optional<AmbientAdditionsSettings> getAmbientAdditions()
    • getBackgroundMusic

      public Optional<Music> getBackgroundMusic()
    • modifiableBiomeInfo

      public ModifiableBiomeInfo modifiableBiomeInfo()
      Returns Cache of original biome data and biome data modified by biome modifiers. Modified biome data is set by server after datapacks and serverconfigs load. Climate and effects field reads are coremodded to redirect to this.
      Cache of original biome data and biome data modified by biome modifiers
    • getModifiedClimateSettings

      public Biome.ClimateSettings getModifiedClimateSettings()
      Returns The biome's climate settings, with modifications if called after modifiers are applied in server init..
      The biome's climate settings, with modifications if called after modifiers are applied in server init.
    • getModifiedSpecialEffects

      public BiomeSpecialEffects getModifiedSpecialEffects()
      Returns The biome's client effects, with modifications if called after modifiers are applied in server init..
      The biome's client effects, with modifications if called after modifiers are applied in server init.