Interface IDimensionSpecialEffectsExtension

All Known Implementing Classes:
DimensionSpecialEffects, DimensionSpecialEffects.EndEffects, DimensionSpecialEffects.NetherEffects, DimensionSpecialEffects.OverworldEffects

public interface IDimensionSpecialEffectsExtension
Extension interface for DimensionSpecialEffects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    adjustLightmapColors(ClientLevel level, float partialTicks, float skyDarken, float blockLightRedFlicker, float skyLight, int pixelX, int pixelY, org.joml.Vector3f colors)
    Allows for manipulating the coloring of the lightmap texture.
    default boolean
    renderClouds(ClientLevel level, int ticks, float partialTick, PoseStack poseStack, double camX, double camY, double camZ, org.joml.Matrix4f modelViewMatrix, org.joml.Matrix4f projectionMatrix)
    Renders the clouds of this dimension.
    default boolean
    renderSky(ClientLevel level, int ticks, float partialTick, org.joml.Matrix4f modelViewMatrix, Camera camera, org.joml.Matrix4f projectionMatrix, boolean isFoggy, Runnable setupFog)
    Renders the sky of this dimension.
    default boolean
    renderSnowAndRain(ClientLevel level, int ticks, float partialTick, LightTexture lightTexture, double camX, double camY, double camZ)
    Renders the snow and rain effects of this dimension.
    default boolean
    tickRain(ClientLevel level, int ticks, Camera camera)
    Ticks the rain of this dimension.
  • Method Details

    • self

      private DimensionSpecialEffects self()
    • renderClouds

      default boolean renderClouds(ClientLevel level, int ticks, float partialTick, PoseStack poseStack, double camX, double camY, double camZ, org.joml.Matrix4f modelViewMatrix, org.joml.Matrix4f projectionMatrix)
      Renders the clouds of this dimension.
      true to prevent vanilla cloud rendering
    • renderSky

      default boolean renderSky(ClientLevel level, int ticks, float partialTick, org.joml.Matrix4f modelViewMatrix, Camera camera, org.joml.Matrix4f projectionMatrix, boolean isFoggy, Runnable setupFog)
      Renders the sky of this dimension.
      true to prevent vanilla sky rendering
    • renderSnowAndRain

      default boolean renderSnowAndRain(ClientLevel level, int ticks, float partialTick, LightTexture lightTexture, double camX, double camY, double camZ)
      Renders the snow and rain effects of this dimension.
      true to prevent vanilla snow and rain rendering
    • tickRain

      default boolean tickRain(ClientLevel level, int ticks, Camera camera)
      Ticks the rain of this dimension.
      true to prevent vanilla rain ticking
    • adjustLightmapColors

      default void adjustLightmapColors(ClientLevel level, float partialTicks, float skyDarken, float blockLightRedFlicker, float skyLight, int pixelX, int pixelY, org.joml.Vector3f colors)
      Allows for manipulating the coloring of the lightmap texture. Will be called for each 16*16 combination of sky/block light values.
      level - The current level (client-side).
      partialTicks - Progress between ticks.
      skyDarken - Current darkness of the sky (can be used to calculate sky light).
      blockLightRedFlicker - Block light flicker factor (red color) (can be used to calculate block light).
      skyLight - Sky light brightness (accounting for sky darkness).
      pixelX - X-coordinate of the lightmap texture (block).
      pixelY - Y-coordinate of the lightmap texture (sky).
      colors - The color values that will be used: [r, g, b].
      See Also: