Interface IEntityExtension

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractArrow, AbstractChestedHorse, AbstractClientPlayer, AbstractFish, AbstractGolem, AbstractHorse, AbstractHurtingProjectile, AbstractIllager, AbstractMinecart, AbstractMinecartContainer, AbstractPiglin, AbstractSchoolingFish, AbstractSkeleton, AbstractVillager, AbstractWindCharge, AgeableMob, Allay, AmbientCreature, Animal, AreaEffectCloud, Armadillo, ArmorStand, Arrow, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, Boat, Bogged, Breeze, BreezeWindCharge, Camel, Cat, CaveSpider, ChestBoat, Chicken, Cod, Cow, Creeper, Display, Display.BlockDisplay, Display.ItemDisplay, Display.TextDisplay, Dolphin, Donkey, DragonFireball, Drowned, ElderGuardian, EndCrystal, EnderDragon, EnderDragonPart, EnderMan, Endermite, Entity, EntityDataSerializerTest.TestEntity, EntityRendererEventsTest.MyEntity, EntityTests.AdaptedSpawnEntity, EntityTests.CustomComplexSpawnEntity, EntityTests.SimpleEntity, Evoker, EvokerFangs, ExperienceOrb, EyeOfEnder, FakePlayer, FallingBlockEntity, Fireball, FireworkRocketEntity, FishingHook, FlyingMob, Fox, Frog, GameTestPlayer, Ghast, Giant, GlowItemFrame, GlowSquid, Goat, Guardian, HangingEntity, Hoglin, Horse, Husk, Illusioner, Interaction, IronGolem, ItemEntity, ItemFrame, LargeFireball, LeashFenceKnotEntity, LightningBolt, LivingEntity, Llama, LlamaSpit, LocalPlayer, MagmaCube, Marker, Minecart, MinecartChest, MinecartCommandBlock, MinecartFurnace, MinecartHopper, MinecartSpawner, MinecartTNT, Mob, Monster, Mule, MushroomCow, Ocelot, OminousItemSpawner, Painting, Panda, Parrot, PartEntity, PartEntityTest.TestEntity, PartEntityTest.TestEntityPart, PathfinderMob, PatrollingMonster, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinBrute, Pillager, Player, PolarBear, PrimedTnt, Projectile, Pufferfish, Rabbit, Raider, Ravager, RemotePlayer, Salmon, ServerPlayer, Sheep, ShoulderRidingEntity, Shulker, ShulkerBullet, Silverfish, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Slime, SmallFireball, Sniffer, Snowball, SnowGolem, SpectralArrow, SpellcasterIllager, Spider, Squid, Stray, Strider, Tadpole, TamableAnimal, ThrowableItemProjectile, ThrowableProjectile, ThrownEgg, ThrownEnderpearl, ThrownExperienceBottle, ThrownPotion, ThrownTrident, TraderLlama, TropicalFish, Turtle, VehicleEntity, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, Warden, WaterAnimal, WindCharge, Witch, WitherBoss, WitherSkeleton, WitherSkull, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager, ZombifiedPiglin

public interface IEntityExtension extends INBTSerializable<CompoundTag>
  • Method Details

    • self

      private Entity self()
    • deserializeNBT

      default void deserializeNBT(HolderLookup.Provider provider, CompoundTag nbt)
      Specified by:
      deserializeNBT in interface INBTSerializable<CompoundTag>
    • serializeNBT

      default CompoundTag serializeNBT(HolderLookup.Provider provider)
      Specified by:
      serializeNBT in interface INBTSerializable<CompoundTag>
    • captureDrops

      @Nullable @Nullable Collection<ItemEntity> captureDrops()
    • captureDrops

      Collection<ItemEntity> captureDrops(@Nullable @Nullable Collection<ItemEntity> captureDrops)
    • getPersistentData

      CompoundTag getPersistentData()
      Returns a NBTTagCompound that can be used to store custom data for this entity. It will be written, and read from disc, so it persists over world saves.
      A NBTTagCompound
    • shouldRiderSit

      default boolean shouldRiderSit()
      Used in model rendering to determine if the entity riding this entity should be in the 'sitting' position.
      false to prevent an entity that is mounted to this entity from displaying the 'sitting' animation.
    • getPickedResult

      @Nullable default @Nullable ItemStack getPickedResult(HitResult target)
      Called when a user uses the creative pick block button on this entity.
      target - The full target the player is looking at
      A ItemStack to add to the player's inventory, null ItemStack if nothing should be added.
    • canRiderInteract

      default boolean canRiderInteract()
      If a rider of this entity can interact with this entity. Should return true on the ridden entity if so.
      if the entity can be interacted with from a rider
    • canBeRiddenUnderFluidType

      default boolean canBeRiddenUnderFluidType(FluidType type, Entity rider)
      Returns whether the entity can ride in this vehicle under the fluid.
      type - the type of the fluid
      rider - the entity riding the vehicle
      true if the vehicle can be ridden in under this fluid, false otherwise
    • canTrample

      boolean canTrample(BlockState state, BlockPos pos, float fallDistance)
      Checks if this Entity can trample a Block.
      pos - The block pos
      fallDistance - The fall distance
      true if this entity can trample, false otherwise
    • getClassification

      default MobCategory getClassification(boolean forSpawnCount)
      Returns The classification of this entity
      forSpawnCount - If this is being invoked to check spawn count caps.
      If the creature is of the type provided
    • isAddedToWorld

      boolean isAddedToWorld()
      Gets whether this entity has been added to a world (for tracking). Specifically between the times when an entity is added to a world and the entity being removed from the world's tracked lists.
      True if this entity is being tracked by a world
    • onAddedToWorld

      void onAddedToWorld()
      Called after the entity has been added to the world's ticking list. Can be overriden, but needs to call super to prevent MC-136995.
    • onRemovedFromWorld

      void onRemovedFromWorld()
      Called after the entity has been removed to the world's ticking list. Can be overriden, but needs to call super to prevent MC-136995.
    • revive

      void revive()
      Revives an entity that has been removed from a world. Used as replacement for entity.removed = true. Having it as a function allows the entity to react to being revived.
    • isMultipartEntity

      default boolean isMultipartEntity()
      This is used to specify that your entity has multiple individual parts, such as the Vanilla Ender Dragon. See EnderDragon for an example implementation.
      true if this is a multipart entity.
    • getParts

      @Nullable default @Nullable PartEntity<?>[] getParts()
      Gets the individual sub parts that make up this entity. The entities returned by this method are NOT saved to the world in nay way, they exist as an extension of their host entity. The child entity does not track its server-side(or client-side) counterpart, and the host entity is responsible for moving and managing these children. Only used if isMultipartEntity() returns true. See EnderDragon for an example implementation.
      The child parts of this entity. The value to be returned here should be cached.
    • getFluidTypeHeight

      double getFluidTypeHeight(FluidType type)
      Returns the height of the fluid type in relation to the bounding box of the entity. If the entity is not in the fluid type, then 0 is returned.
      type - the type of the fluid
      the height of the fluid compared to the entity
    • getMaxHeightFluidType

      FluidType getMaxHeightFluidType()
      Returns the fluid type which is the highest on the bounding box of the entity.
      the fluid type which is the highest on the bounding box of the entity
    • isInFluidType

      default boolean isInFluidType(FluidState state)
      Returns whether the entity is within the fluid type of the state.
      state - the state of the fluid
      true if the entity is within the fluid type of the state, false otherwise
    • isInFluidType

      default boolean isInFluidType(FluidType type)
      Returns whether the entity is within the fluid type.
      type - the type of the fluid
      true if the entity is within the fluid type, false otherwise
    • isInFluidType

      default boolean isInFluidType(BiPredicate<FluidType,Double> predicate)
      Returns whether any fluid type the entity is currently in matches the specified condition.
      predicate - a test taking in the fluid type and its height
      true if a fluid type meets the condition, false otherwise
    • isInFluidType

      boolean isInFluidType(BiPredicate<FluidType,Double> predicate, boolean forAllTypes)
      Returns whether the fluid type the entity is currently in matches the specified condition.
      predicate - a test taking in the fluid type and its height
      forAllTypes - true if all fluid types should match the condition instead of at least one
      true if a fluid type meets the condition, false otherwise
    • isInFluidType

      boolean isInFluidType()
      Returns whether the entity is in a fluid.
      true if the entity is in a fluid, false otherwise
    • getEyeInFluidType

      FluidType getEyeInFluidType()
      Returns the fluid that is on the entity's eyes.
      the fluid that is on the entity's eyes
    • isEyeInFluidType

      default boolean isEyeInFluidType(FluidType type)
      Returns whether the fluid is on the entity's eyes.
      true if the fluid is on the entity's eyes, false otherwise
    • canStartSwimming

      default boolean canStartSwimming()
      Returns whether the entity can start swimming in the fluid.
      true if the entity can start swimming, false otherwise
    • getFluidMotionScale

      default double getFluidMotionScale(FluidType type)
      Returns how much the velocity of the fluid should be scaled by when applied to an entity.
      type - the type of the fluid
      a scalar to multiply to the fluid velocity
    • isPushedByFluid

      default boolean isPushedByFluid(FluidType type)
      Returns whether the fluid can push an entity.
      type - the type of the fluid
      true if the entity can be pushed by the fluid, false otherwise
    • canSwimInFluidType

      default boolean canSwimInFluidType(FluidType type)
      Returns whether the entity can swim in the fluid.
      type - the type of the fluid
      true if the entity can swim in the fluid, false otherwise
    • canFluidExtinguish

      default boolean canFluidExtinguish(FluidType type)
      Returns whether the entity can be extinguished by this fluid.
      type - the type of the fluid
      true if the entity can be extinguished, false otherwise
    • getFluidFallDistanceModifier

      default float getFluidFallDistanceModifier(FluidType type)
      Returns how much the fluid should scale the damage done to a falling entity when hitting the ground per tick.

      Implementation: If the entity is in many fluids, the smallest modifier is applied.

      type - the type of the fluid
      a scalar to multiply to the fall damage
    • canHydrateInFluidType

      default boolean canHydrateInFluidType(FluidType type)
      Returns whether the entity can be hydrated by this fluid.

      Hydration is an arbitrary word which depends on the entity.

      type - the type of the fluid
      true if the entity can be hydrated, false otherwise
    • getSoundFromFluidType

      @Nullable default @Nullable SoundEvent getSoundFromFluidType(FluidType type, SoundAction action)
      Returns a sound to play when a certain action is performed by the entity in the fluid. If no sound is present, then the sound will be null.
      type - the type of the fluid
      action - the action being performed
      the sound to play when performing the action
    • hasCustomOutlineRendering

      default boolean hasCustomOutlineRendering(Player player)
      Returns whether this Entity has custom outline rendering behavior which does not use the existing automatic outline rendering based on Entity.isCurrentlyGlowing() and the entity's team color.
      player - the local player currently viewing this Entity
      true to enable outline processing
    • sendPairingData

      default void sendPairingData(ServerPlayer serverPlayer, Consumer<CustomPacketPayload> bundleBuilder)
      Sends the pairing data to the client.
      serverPlayer - The player to send the data to.
      bundleBuilder - Callback to add a custom payload to the packet.
    • copyAttachmentsFrom

      default void copyAttachmentsFrom(Entity other, boolean isDeath)
      Copies the serialized attachments from another entity to this entity.
      other - the entity that attachments should be copied from
      isDeath - if true, only attachments with AttachmentType.Builder.copyOnDeath() set are copied; if false, all serializable attachments are copied.