Class EmptyEnergyStorage

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EmptyEnergyStorage extends Object implements IEnergyStorage
Implementation of IEnergyStorage that cannot store, receive, or provide energy. Use the INSTANCE, don't instantiate. Example:

 ItemStack stack = ...;
 IEnergyStorage storage = stack.getCapability(ForgeCapabilities.ENERGY).orElse(EmptyEnergyStorage.INSTANCE);
 // Use storage without checking whether it's present.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EmptyEnergyStorage

      protected EmptyEnergyStorage()
  • Method Details

    • receiveEnergy

      public int receiveEnergy(int maxReceive, boolean simulate)
      Description copied from interface: IEnergyStorage
      Adds energy to the storage. Returns the amount of energy that was accepted.
      Specified by:
      receiveEnergy in interface IEnergyStorage
      maxReceive - The amount of energy being received.
      simulate - If true, the insertion will only be simulated, meaning IEnergyStorage.getEnergyStored() will not change.
      Amount of energy that was (or would have been, if simulated) accepted by the storage.
    • extractEnergy

      public int extractEnergy(int maxExtract, boolean simulate)
      Description copied from interface: IEnergyStorage
      Removes energy from the storage. Returns the amount of energy that was removed.
      Specified by:
      extractEnergy in interface IEnergyStorage
      maxExtract - The amount of energy being extracted.
      simulate - If true, the extraction will only be simulated, meaning IEnergyStorage.getEnergyStored() will not change.
      Amount of energy that was (or would have been, if simulated) extracted from the storage.
    • getEnergyStored

      public int getEnergyStored()
      Description copied from interface: IEnergyStorage
      Returns the amount of energy currently stored.
      Specified by:
      getEnergyStored in interface IEnergyStorage
    • getMaxEnergyStored

      public int getMaxEnergyStored()
      Description copied from interface: IEnergyStorage
      Returns the maximum amount of energy that can be stored.
      Specified by:
      getMaxEnergyStored in interface IEnergyStorage
    • canExtract

      public boolean canExtract()
      Description copied from interface: IEnergyStorage
      Returns if this storage can have energy extracted. If this is false, then any calls to extractEnergy will return 0.
      Specified by:
      canExtract in interface IEnergyStorage
    • canReceive

      public boolean canReceive()
      Description copied from interface: IEnergyStorage
      Used to determine if this storage can receive energy. If this is false, then any calls to receiveEnergy will return 0.
      Specified by:
      canReceive in interface IEnergyStorage