Class SingleQuadParticle

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class SingleQuadParticle extends Particle
  • Field Details

    • quadSize

      protected float quadSize
  • Constructor Details

    • SingleQuadParticle

      protected SingleQuadParticle(ClientLevel p_107665_, double p_107666_, double p_107667_, double p_107668_)
    • SingleQuadParticle

      protected SingleQuadParticle(ClientLevel p_107670_, double p_107671_, double p_107672_, double p_107673_, double p_107674_, double p_107675_, double p_107676_)
  • Method Details

    • getFacingCameraMode

      public SingleQuadParticle.FacingCameraMode getFacingCameraMode()
    • render

      public void render(VertexConsumer p_107678_, Camera p_107679_, float p_107680_)
      Specified by:
      render in class Particle
    • renderRotatedQuad

      protected void renderRotatedQuad(VertexConsumer p_345690_, Camera p_344809_, org.joml.Quaternionf p_344798_, float p_345099_)
    • renderRotatedQuad

      protected void renderRotatedQuad(VertexConsumer p_346432_, org.joml.Quaternionf p_345557_, float p_345634_, float p_345953_, float p_345531_, float p_346426_)
    • renderVertex

      private void renderVertex(VertexConsumer p_345983_, org.joml.Quaternionf p_345441_, float p_345563_, float p_345839_, float p_346305_, float p_345242_, float p_346207_, float p_344893_, float p_345909_, float p_345984_, int p_345037_)
    • getRenderBoundingBox

      public AABB getRenderBoundingBox(float partialTicks)
      Description copied from class: Particle
      Returns the bounding box that should be used for particle culling. AABB.INFINITE can be returned for particles that should not be culled.
      getRenderBoundingBox in class Particle
    • getQuadSize

      public float getQuadSize(float p_107681_)
    • scale

      public Particle scale(float p_107683_)
      scale in class Particle
    • getU0

      protected abstract float getU0()
    • getU1

      protected abstract float getU1()
    • getV0

      protected abstract float getV0()
    • getV1

      protected abstract float getV1()