Class Particle

Direct Known Subclasses:
ItemPickupParticle, MobAppearanceParticle, NoRenderParticle, SingleQuadParticle

public abstract class Particle extends Object
  • Field Details


      private static final AABB INITIAL_AABB

      private static final double MAXIMUM_COLLISION_VELOCITY_SQUARED
    • level

      protected final ClientLevel level
    • xo

      protected double xo
    • yo

      protected double yo
    • zo

      protected double zo
    • x

      protected double x
    • y

      protected double y
    • z

      protected double z
    • xd

      protected double xd
    • yd

      protected double yd
    • zd

      protected double zd
    • bb

      private AABB bb
    • onGround

      protected boolean onGround
    • hasPhysics

      protected boolean hasPhysics
    • stoppedByCollision

      private boolean stoppedByCollision
    • removed

      protected boolean removed
    • bbWidth

      protected float bbWidth
    • bbHeight

      protected float bbHeight
    • random

      protected final RandomSource random
    • age

      protected int age
    • lifetime

      protected int lifetime
    • gravity

      protected float gravity
    • rCol

      protected float rCol
    • gCol

      protected float gCol
    • bCol

      protected float bCol
    • alpha

      protected float alpha
    • roll

      protected float roll
    • oRoll

      protected float oRoll
    • friction

      protected float friction
    • speedUpWhenYMotionIsBlocked

      protected boolean speedUpWhenYMotionIsBlocked
  • Constructor Details

    • Particle

      protected Particle(ClientLevel p_107234_, double p_107235_, double p_107236_, double p_107237_)
    • Particle

      public Particle(ClientLevel p_107239_, double p_107240_, double p_107241_, double p_107242_, double p_107243_, double p_107244_, double p_107245_)
  • Method Details

    • setPower

      public Particle setPower(float p_107269_)
    • setParticleSpeed

      public void setParticleSpeed(double p_172261_, double p_172262_, double p_172263_)
    • scale

      public Particle scale(float p_107270_)
    • setColor

      public void setColor(float p_107254_, float p_107255_, float p_107256_)
    • setAlpha

      protected void setAlpha(float p_107272_)
    • setLifetime

      public void setLifetime(int p_107258_)
    • getLifetime

      public int getLifetime()
    • tick

      public void tick()
    • render

      public abstract void render(VertexConsumer p_107261_, Camera p_107262_, float p_107263_)
    • getRenderType

      public abstract ParticleRenderType getRenderType()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • remove

      public void remove()
    • setSize

      protected void setSize(float p_107251_, float p_107252_)
    • setPos

      public void setPos(double p_107265_, double p_107266_, double p_107267_)
    • move

      public void move(double p_107246_, double p_107247_, double p_107248_)
    • setLocationFromBoundingbox

      protected void setLocationFromBoundingbox()
    • getLightColor

      protected int getLightColor(float p_107249_)
    • isAlive

      public boolean isAlive()
    • getBoundingBox

      public AABB getBoundingBox()
    • setBoundingBox

      public void setBoundingBox(AABB p_107260_)
    • getParticleGroup

      public Optional<ParticleGroup> getParticleGroup()
    • getRenderBoundingBox

      public AABB getRenderBoundingBox(float partialTicks)
      Returns the bounding box that should be used for particle culling. AABB.INFINITE can be returned for particles that should not be culled.
    • getPos

      public Vec3 getPos()