Class Slot

Direct Known Subclasses:
ArmorSlot, BeaconMenu.PaymentSlot, BrewingStandMenu.FuelSlot, BrewingStandMenu.IngredientsSlot, BrewingStandMenu.PotionSlot, CrafterSlot, CreativeModeInventoryScreen.CustomCreativeSlot, CreativeModeInventoryScreen.SlotWrapper, FurnaceFuelSlot, FurnaceResultSlot, MerchantResultSlot, NonInteractiveResultSlot, ResultSlot, ShulkerBoxSlot, SlotItemHandler

public class Slot extends Object
  • Field Details

    • slot

      private final int slot
    • container

      public final Container container
    • index

      public int index
    • x

      public final int x
    • y

      public final int y
    • backgroundPair

      private com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair<ResourceLocation,ResourceLocation> backgroundPair
  • Constructor Details

    • Slot

      public Slot(Container p_40223_, int p_40224_, int p_40225_, int p_40226_)
  • Method Details

    • onQuickCraft

      public void onQuickCraft(ItemStack p_40235_, ItemStack p_40236_)
    • onQuickCraft

      protected void onQuickCraft(ItemStack p_40232_, int p_40233_)
    • onSwapCraft

      protected void onSwapCraft(int p_40237_)
    • checkTakeAchievements

      protected void checkTakeAchievements(ItemStack p_40239_)
    • onTake

      public void onTake(Player p_150645_, ItemStack p_150646_)
    • mayPlace

      public boolean mayPlace(ItemStack p_40231_)
    • getItem

      public ItemStack getItem()
    • hasItem

      public boolean hasItem()
    • setByPlayer

      public void setByPlayer(ItemStack p_270152_)
    • setByPlayer

      public void setByPlayer(ItemStack p_299990_, ItemStack p_299965_)
    • set

      public void set(ItemStack p_40240_)
    • setChanged

      public void setChanged()
    • getMaxStackSize

      public int getMaxStackSize()
    • getMaxStackSize

      public int getMaxStackSize(ItemStack p_40238_)
    • getNoItemIcon

      @Nullable public com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair<ResourceLocation,ResourceLocation> getNoItemIcon()
    • remove

      public ItemStack remove(int p_40227_)
    • mayPickup

      public boolean mayPickup(Player p_40228_)
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
    • getSlotIndex

      public int getSlotIndex()
      Retrieves the index in the inventory for this slot, this value should typically not be used, but can be useful for some occasions.
      Index in associated inventory for this slot.
    • isSameInventory

      public boolean isSameInventory(Slot other)
      Checks if the other slot is in the same inventory, by comparing the inventory reference.
      other -
      true if the other slot is in the same inventory
    • setBackground

      public Slot setBackground(ResourceLocation atlas, ResourceLocation sprite)
      Sets the background atlas and sprite location.
      atlas - The atlas name
      sprite - The sprite located on that atlas.
      this, to allow chaining.
    • tryRemove

      public Optional<ItemStack> tryRemove(int p_150642_, int p_150643_, Player p_150644_)
    • safeTake

      public ItemStack safeTake(int p_150648_, int p_150649_, Player p_150650_)
    • safeInsert

      public ItemStack safeInsert(ItemStack p_150660_)
    • safeInsert

      public ItemStack safeInsert(ItemStack p_150657_, int p_150658_)
    • allowModification

      public boolean allowModification(Player p_150652_)
    • getContainerSlot

      public int getContainerSlot()
    • isHighlightable

      public boolean isHighlightable()
    • isFake

      public boolean isFake()