Class LivingSwapItemsEvent.Hands

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class LivingSwapItemsEvent.Hands extends LivingSwapItemsEvent implements net.neoforged.bus.api.ICancellableEvent
This event is fired when a living entity is about to swap the items in their main and offhand. This event is executed in ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.handlePlayerAction(

This event is cancellable, and does not

invalid reference
have a result
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getItemSwappedToMainHand

      public ItemStack getItemSwappedToMainHand()
      Gets the item that will be swapped to the main hand of the entity.
      The item that will be swapped to the main hand.
    • getItemSwappedToOffHand

      public ItemStack getItemSwappedToOffHand()
      Gets the item that will be swapped to the offhand of the entity.
      The item that will be swapped to the offhand.
    • setItemSwappedToMainHand

      public void setItemSwappedToMainHand(ItemStack item)
      Sets the item that will be swapped to the main hand of the entity.
      item - The item to swap to the main hand.
    • setItemSwappedToOffHand

      public void setItemSwappedToOffHand(ItemStack item)
      Sets the item that will be swapped to the offhand of the entity.
      item - The item to swap to the offhand.