Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static NativeImage |
WhiteGlyph.field_228172_b_ |
private static NativeImage |
DefaultGlyph.NATIVE_IMAGE |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private NativeImage |
UnicodeTextureGlyphProvider.GlpyhInfo.texture |
private NativeImage |
TextureGlyphProvider.texture |
private NativeImage |
TextureGlyphProvider.GlyphInfo.texture |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.Map<ResourceLocation,NativeImage> |
UnicodeTextureGlyphProvider.field_211845_e |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private NativeImage |
UnicodeTextureGlyphProvider.loadTexture(ResourceLocation p_211255_1_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private int |
TextureGlyphProvider.Factory.getCharacterWidth(NativeImage nativeImageIn,
int charWidthIn,
int charHeightInsp,
int columnIn,
int rowIn) |
Constructor and Description |
GlpyhInfo(int p_i49758_1_,
int p_i49758_2_,
int p_i49758_3_,
int p_i49758_4_,
NativeImage p_i49758_5_) |
GlyphInfo(float p_i49748_1_,
NativeImage p_i49748_2_,
int p_i49748_3_,
int p_i49748_4_,
int p_i49748_5_,
int p_i49748_6_,
int p_i49748_7_,
int p_i49748_8_) |
TextureGlyphProvider(NativeImage nativeImageIn,
it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.Char2ObjectMap<TextureGlyphProvider.GlyphInfo> mapGlyphInfosIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private NativeImage |
LightTexture.nativeImage |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private NativeImage |
DynamicTexture.dynamicTextureData |
protected NativeImage[] |
TextureAtlasSprite.frames |
private NativeImage[] |
TextureAtlasSprite.InterpolationData.images |
private NativeImage |
SimpleTexture.TextureData.nativeImage |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static LazyValue<NativeImage> |
MissingTextureSprite.IMAGE |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NativeImage[] |
MipmapGenerator.generateMipmaps(NativeImage imageIn,
int mipmapLevelsIn) |
NativeImage |
SimpleTexture.TextureData.getNativeImage() |
NativeImage |
DynamicTexture.getTextureData() |
private NativeImage |
DownloadingTexture.loadTexture( inputStreamIn) |
private static NativeImage |
DownloadingTexture.processLegacySkin(NativeImage nativeImageIn) |
static NativeImage | byteBufferIn) |
static NativeImage | inputStreamIn) |
static NativeImage | pixelFormatIn,
java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBufferIn) |
static NativeImage | pixelFormatIn, inputStreamIn) |
static NativeImage |
NativeImage.readBase64(java.lang.String stringIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NativeImage.copyImageData(NativeImage from) |
static NativeImage[] |
MipmapGenerator.generateMipmaps(NativeImage imageIn,
int mipmapLevelsIn) |
private void |
LayeredTexture.loadImage(NativeImage imageIn) |
private void |
SimpleTexture.loadImage(NativeImage imageIn,
boolean blurIn,
boolean clampIn) |
private static NativeImage |
DownloadingTexture.processLegacySkin(NativeImage nativeImageIn) |
void |
NativeImage.resizeSubRectTo(int xIn,
int yIn,
int widthIn,
int heightIn,
NativeImage imageIn) |
private static void |
DownloadingTexture.setAreaOpaque(NativeImage image,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) |
private static void |
DownloadingTexture.setAreaTransparent(NativeImage image,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) |
private void |
DownloadingTexture.setImage(NativeImage nativeImageIn) |
void |
DynamicTexture.setTextureData(NativeImage nativeImageIn) |
private void |
DownloadingTexture.upload(NativeImage imageIn) |
private void |
TextureAtlasSprite.uploadFrames(int xOffsetIn,
int yOffsetIn,
NativeImage[] framesIn) |
Constructor and Description |
DynamicTexture(NativeImage nativeImageIn) |
TextureAtlasSprite(AtlasTexture atlasTextureIn,
TextureAtlasSprite.Info spriteInfoIn,
int mipmapLevelsIn,
int atlasWidthIn,
int atlasHeightIn,
int xIn,
int yIn,
NativeImage imageIn) |
TextureData(TextureMetadataSection metadataIn,
NativeImage imageIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private NativeImage |
ClientResourcePackInfo.field_195809_a |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static void |
LegacyResourcePackWrapperV4.func_229284_a_(NativeImage p_229284_0_,
NativeImage p_229284_1_,
int p_229284_2_,
int p_229284_3_,
int p_229284_4_,
int p_229284_5_,
int p_229284_6_,
int p_229284_7_,
int p_229284_8_,
boolean p_229284_9_,
boolean p_229284_10_) |
Constructor and Description |
ClientResourcePackInfo(java.lang.String nameIn,
boolean isAlwaysEnabled,
java.util.function.Supplier<IResourcePack> resourcePackSupplierIn,
ITextComponent titleIn,
ITextComponent descriptionIn,
PackCompatibility compatibilityIn,
ResourcePackInfo.Priority priorityIn,
boolean isOrderLocked,
NativeImage p_i48114_9_)
ClientResourcePackInfo(java.lang.String nameIn,
boolean isAlwaysEnabled,
java.util.function.Supplier<IResourcePack> resourcePackSupplierIn,
ITextComponent titleIn,
ITextComponent descriptionIn,
PackCompatibility compatibilityIn,
ResourcePackInfo.Priority priorityIn,
boolean isOrderLocked,
NativeImage p_i48114_9_,
boolean hidden) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NativeImage |
ScreenShotHelper.createScreenshot(int width,
int height,
Framebuffer framebufferIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static java.util.HashMap<ResourceLocation,java.util.function.Supplier<NativeImage>> |
MinecraftForgeClient.bufferedImageSuppliers |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NativeImage |
MinecraftForgeClient.getImageLayer(ResourceLocation resourceLocation,
IResourceManager resourceManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ScreenshotEvent |
ForgeHooksClient.onScreenshot(NativeImage image, screenshotFile) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
MinecraftForgeClient.registerImageLayerSupplier(ResourceLocation resourceLocation,
java.util.function.Supplier<NativeImage> supplier) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private NativeImage |
ScreenshotEvent.image |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NativeImage |
ScreenshotEvent.getImage() |
Constructor and Description |
ScreenshotEvent(NativeImage image, screenshotFile) |