Class NoneBiomeModifier

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NoneBiomeModifier extends Object implements BiomeModifier
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • NoneBiomeModifier

      public NoneBiomeModifier()
  • Method Details

    • modify

      public void modify(Holder<Biome> biome, BiomeModifier.Phase phase, ModifiableBiomeInfo.BiomeInfo.Builder builder)
      Description copied from interface: BiomeModifier
      Modifies the information via the provided biome builder. Allows mob spawns and world-gen features to be added or removed, and climate and client effects to be modified.
      Specified by:
      modify in interface BiomeModifier
      biome - the named biome being modified (with original data readable).
      phase - biome modification phase. Biome modifiers apply in each phase in order of the enum constants.
      builder - mutable biome info builder. Apply changes to this.
    • codec

      public com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec<? extends BiomeModifier> codec()
      Specified by:
      codec in interface BiomeModifier
      the codec which serializes and deserializes this biome modifier