Class MobEffectEvent.Applicable

Enclosing class:

public static class MobEffectEvent.Applicable extends MobEffectEvent
This event is fired to check if a MobEffectInstance can be applied to an entity.

It will be fired whenever LivingEntity.canBeAffected(MobEffectInstance) would be invoked.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEffectInstance

      public MobEffectInstance getEffectInstance()
      getEffectInstance in class MobEffectEvent
    • setResult

      public void setResult(MobEffectEvent.Applicable.Result result)
      Changes the result of this event.
    • getResult

      Returns the result of this event, which controls if the mob effect will be applied.
      the result of this event, which controls if the mob effect will be applied
    • getApplicationResult

      public boolean getApplicationResult()
      Returns If the mob effect should be applied or not, based on the current event result.
      If the mob effect should be applied or not, based on the current event result