All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
void |
addAttributeModifier(java.lang.String attributeName,
AttributeModifier modifier,
EquipmentSlotType equipmentSlot) |
void |
addEnchantment(Enchantment ench,
int level) |
static void |
addEnchantmentTooltips(java.util.List<ITextComponent> p_222120_0_,
ListNBT p_222120_1_) |
static boolean |
areItemsEqual(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
static boolean |
areItemsEqualIgnoreDurability(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
static boolean |
areItemStacksEqual(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
static boolean |
areItemStackTagsEqual(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
boolean |
attemptDamageItem(int amount,
java.util.Random rand,
ServerPlayerEntity damager) |
boolean |
canDestroy(NetworkTagManager p_206848_1_,
CachedBlockInfo p_206848_2_) |
boolean |
canHarvestBlock(BlockState blockIn) |
boolean |
canPlaceOn(NetworkTagManager p_206847_1_,
CachedBlockInfo p_206847_2_) |
void |
clearCustomName() |
ItemStack |
copy() |
private static java.text.DecimalFormat |
createAttributeModifierDecimalFormat() |
<T extends LivingEntity> void |
damageItem(int amount,
T entityIn,
java.util.function.Consumer<T> onBroken) |
void |
deserializeNBT(CompoundNBT nbt) |
private void |
Set up forge's ItemStack additions.
int |
getAnimationsToGo() |<java.lang.String,AttributeModifier> |
getAttributeModifiers(EquipmentSlotType equipmentSlot) |
CompoundNBT |
getChildTag(java.lang.String key) |
int |
getCount() |
int |
getDamage() |
float |
getDestroySpeed(BlockState blockIn) |
ITextComponent |
getDisplayName() |
SoundEvent |
getDrinkSound() |
SoundEvent |
getEatSound() |
ListNBT |
getEnchantmentTagList() |
Item |
getItem() |
ItemFrameEntity |
getItemFrame() |
private Item |
Internal call to get the actual item, not the delegate.
int |
getMaxDamage() |
int |
getMaxStackSize() |
CompoundNBT |
getOrCreateChildTag(java.lang.String key) |
CompoundNBT |
getOrCreateTag() |
private static java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
getPlacementTooltip(java.lang.String stateString) |
Rarity |
getRarity() |
int |
getRepairCost() |
CompoundNBT |
getTag() |
ITextComponent |
getTextComponent() |
java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
getTooltip(PlayerEntity playerIn,
ITooltipFlag advanced) |
java.lang.String |
getTranslationKey() |
UseAction |
getUseAction() |
int |
getUseDuration() |
void |
grow(int count) |
boolean |
hasDisplayName() |
boolean |
hasEffect() |
boolean |
hasTag() |
void |
hitEntity(LivingEntity entityIn,
PlayerEntity playerIn) |
boolean |
interactWithEntity(PlayerEntity playerIn,
LivingEntity entityIn,
Hand hand) |
void |
inventoryTick(World worldIn,
Entity entityIn,
int inventorySlot,
boolean isCurrentItem) |
boolean |
isCrossbowStack() |
boolean |
isDamageable() |
boolean |
isDamaged() |
boolean |
isEmpty() |
boolean |
isEnchantable() |
boolean |
isEnchanted() |
boolean |
isFood() |
boolean |
isItemEqual(ItemStack other) |
boolean |
isItemEqualIgnoreDurability(ItemStack stack) |
private boolean |
isItemStackEqual(ItemStack other) |
boolean |
isOnItemFrame() |
boolean |
isStackable() |
private static boolean |
isStateAndTileEntityEqual(CachedBlockInfo p_206846_0_,
CachedBlockInfo p_206846_1_) |
void |
onBlockDestroyed(World worldIn,
BlockState blockIn,
BlockPos pos,
PlayerEntity playerIn) |
void |
onCrafting(World worldIn,
PlayerEntity playerIn,
int amount) |
ActionResultType |
onItemUse(ItemUseContext context) |
private ActionResultType |
onItemUse(ItemUseContext context,
java.util.function.Function<ItemUseContext,ActionResultType> callback) |
void |
onItemUsed(World worldIn,
LivingEntity livingEntityIn,
int countIn) |
ItemStack |
onItemUseFinish(World worldIn,
LivingEntity entityLiving) |
ActionResultType |
onItemUseFirst(ItemUseContext context) |
void |
onPlayerStoppedUsing(World worldIn,
LivingEntity entityLiving,
int timeLeft) |
static ItemStack |
read(CompoundNBT compound) |
void |
removeChildTag(java.lang.String p_196083_1_) |
void |
setAnimationsToGo(int animations) |
void |
setCount(int count) |
void |
setDamage(int damage) |
ItemStack |
setDisplayName(ITextComponent name) |
void |
setItemFrame(ItemFrameEntity frame) |
void |
setRepairCost(int cost) |
void |
setTag(CompoundNBT nbt) |
void |
setTagInfo(java.lang.String key,
INBT value) |
void |
shrink(int count) |
ItemStack |
split(int amount) |
java.lang.String |
toString() |
private void |
updateEmptyState() |
ActionResult<ItemStack> |
useItemRightClick(World worldIn,
PlayerEntity playerIn,
Hand hand) |
CompoundNBT |
write(CompoundNBT nbt) |