All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
boolean |
allowsMovement(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
PathType type) |
boolean |
blockNeedsPostProcessing(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
void |
cacheState() |
boolean |
canEntitySpawn(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
EntityType<?> type) |
boolean |
canProvidePower() |
boolean |
causesSuffocation(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
static <T> BlockState |
deserialize(com.mojang.datafixers.Dynamic<T> dynamic) |
float |
getAmbientOcclusionLightValue(IBlockReader reader,
BlockPos pos) |
Block |
getBlock() |
float |
getBlockHardness(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
VoxelShape |
getCollisionShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
VoxelShape |
getCollisionShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
ISelectionContext context) |
int |
getComparatorInputOverride(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
INamedContainerProvider |
getContainer(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
java.util.List<ItemStack> |
getDrops(LootContext.Builder builder) |
VoxelShape |
getFaceOcclusionShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction directionIn) |
IFluidState |
getFluidState() |
int |
getLightValue() |
Material |
getMaterial() |
MaterialColor |
getMaterialColor(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos)
Vec3d |
getOffset(IBlockReader access,
BlockPos pos) |
int |
getOpacity(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
float |
getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(PlayerEntity player,
IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
long |
getPositionRandom(BlockPos pos) |
PushReaction |
getPushReaction() |
VoxelShape |
getRaytraceShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
VoxelShape |
getRenderShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
BlockRenderType |
getRenderType() |
VoxelShape |
getShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
VoxelShape |
getShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
ISelectionContext context) |
SoundType |
getSoundType() |
int |
getStrongPower(IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
getWeakPower(IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
boolean |
hasComparatorInputOverride() |
boolean |
boolean |
isCollisionShapeLargerThanFullBlock() |
boolean |
isCollisionShapeOpaque(IBlockReader blockReaderIn,
BlockPos blockPosIn) |
boolean |
isEmissiveRendering() |
boolean |
isIn(Tag<Block> tagIn) |
boolean |
isNormalCube(IBlockReader reader,
BlockPos pos) |
boolean |
isOpaqueCube(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
boolean |
isReplaceable(BlockItemUseContext useContext) |
boolean |
isReplaceable(Fluid fluidIn) |
boolean |
isSideInvisible(BlockState state,
Direction face) |
boolean |
isSolid() |
boolean |
isSolidSide(IBlockReader blockReaderIn,
BlockPos blockPosIn,
Direction directionIn) |
boolean |
isSuffocating(IBlockReader blockReaderIn,
BlockPos blockPosIn) |
boolean |
isTopSolid(IBlockReader reader,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entityIn) |
boolean |
isTransparent() |
boolean |
isValidPosition(IWorldReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
BlockState |
mirror(Mirror mirrorIn) |
void |
neighborChanged(World worldIn,
BlockPos posIn,
Block blockIn,
BlockPos fromPosIn,
boolean isMoving) |
ActionResultType |
onBlockActivated(World worldIn,
PlayerEntity player,
Hand handIn,
BlockRayTraceResult resultIn) |
void |
onBlockAdded(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState oldState,
boolean isMoving) |
void |
onBlockClicked(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
PlayerEntity player) |
boolean |
onBlockEventReceived(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
int id,
int param) |
void |
onEntityCollision(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entityIn) |
void |
onProjectileCollision(World worldIn,
BlockState state,
BlockRayTraceResult hit,
Entity projectile) |
void |
onReplaced(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState newState,
boolean isMoving) |
boolean |
propagatesSkylightDown(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
void |
randomTick(ServerWorld worldIn,
BlockPos posIn,
java.util.Random randomIn) |
BlockState |
rotate(Rotation rot) |
static <T> com.mojang.datafixers.Dynamic<T> |
serialize(com.mojang.datafixers.types.DynamicOps<T> opsIn,
BlockState state) |
void |
spawnAdditionalDrops(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
ItemStack stack) |
void |
tick(ServerWorld worldIn,
BlockPos posIn,
java.util.Random randomIn) |
boolean |
ticksRandomly() |
void |
updateDiagonalNeighbors(IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
int flags) |
void |
updateNeighbors(IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
int flags) |
BlockState |
updatePostPlacement(Direction face,
BlockState queried,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos offsetPos) |