Package net.minecraftforge.event.entity
package net.minecraftforge.event.entity
Use this event to register attributes for your own EntityTypes.EntityAttributeModificationEvent.
Use this event to add attributes to existing entity types.EntityEvent is fired when an event involving any Entity occurs.
If a method utilizes thisEvent
as its parameter, the method will receive every child event of this class.
contains the entity that caused this event to occur.
All children of this event are fired on theMinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS
.CanUpdate is fired when an Entity is being created.EnteringChunk is fired when an Entity enters a chunk.EntityConstructing is fired when an Entity is being created.This event is fired whenever thePose
changes, and in a few other hardcoded scenarios.
CAREFUL: This is also fired in the Entity constructor.EntityJoinWorldEvent is fired when an Entity joins the world.EntityLeaveWorldEvent is fired when an Entity leaves the world.EntityMobGriefingEvent is fired when mob griefing is about to occur and allows an event listener to specify whether it should or not.
This event is fired when ever themobGriefing
game rule is checked.
This event has aresult
means this instance of mob griefing is allowed.Event.Result.DEFAULT
means themobGriefing
game rule is used to determine the behaviour.Event.Result.DENY
means this instance of mob griefing is not allowed.
This event is fired on theMinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS
.This event gets fired whenever a entity mounts/dismounts another entity.
entityBeingMounted can be null, be sure to check for that.EntityStruckByLightningEvent is fired when an Entity is about to be struck by lightening.
This event is fired whenever an EntityLightningBolt is updated to strike an Entity inEntityLightningBolt#onUpdate()
viaForgeEventFactory.onEntityStruckByLightning(Entity, EntityLightningBolt)
contains the instance of EntityLightningBolt attempting to strike an entity.
This event isCancelable
If this event is canceled, the Entity is not struck by the lightening.
This event does not have a result.EntityTravelToDimensionEvent is fired before an Entity travels to a dimension.
contains the id of the dimension the entity is traveling to.
This event isCancelable
If this event is canceled, the Entity does not travel to the dimension.
This event does not have a result.PlaySoundAtEntityEvent is fired a sound is to be played at an Entity
This event is fired whenever a sound is set to be played at an Entity such as inClientPlayerEntity.playSound(SoundEvent, float, float)
andWorld.playSound(PlayerEntity, double, double, double, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float, float)
contains the name of the sound to be played at the Entity.
contains the volume at which the sound is to be played originally.
contains the pitch at which the sound is to be played originally.
contains the volume at which the sound is actually played.
contains the pitch at which the sound is actually played.
field will cause the sound of this name to be played instead of the originally intended sound.
This event isCancelable
If this event is canceled, the sound is not played.
This event does not have a result.This event is fired when a projectile entity impacts something.Event is cancellable, causes firework to ignore the current hit and continue on its journey.Event is cancellable, causes bobber to ignore the current hit and continue on its journey.