Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AgeableEntity |
Constructor and Description |
CreatureEntity(EntityType<? extends CreatureEntity> type,
World worldIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.findAirTarget(CreatureEntity p_226340_0_,
int p_226340_1_,
int p_226340_2_,
Vec3d p_226340_3_,
float p_226340_4_,
int p_226340_5_,
int p_226340_6_) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.findGroundTarget(CreatureEntity p_226338_0_,
int p_226338_1_,
int p_226338_2_,
int p_226338_3_,
Vec3d p_226338_4_,
double p_226338_5_) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.findRandomTarget(CreatureEntity entitycreatureIn,
int xz,
int y) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.findRandomTargetBlockAwayFrom(CreatureEntity entitycreatureIn,
int xz,
int y,
Vec3d targetVec3) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.findRandomTargetBlockTowards(CreatureEntity entitycreatureIn,
int xz,
int y,
Vec3d targetVec3) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.findRandomTargetTowardsScaled(CreatureEntity p_203155_0_,
int xz,
int p_203155_2_,
Vec3d p_203155_3_,
double p_203155_4_) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.func_221024_a(CreatureEntity p_221024_0_,
int p_221024_1_,
int p_221024_2_,
java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction<BlockPos> p_221024_3_) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.func_223548_b(CreatureEntity p_223548_0_,
int p_223548_1_,
int p_223548_2_,
Vec3d p_223548_3_) |
private static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.func_226339_a_(CreatureEntity p_226339_0_,
int p_226339_1_,
int p_226339_2_,
int p_226339_3_,
Vec3d p_226339_4_,
boolean p_226339_5_,
double p_226339_6_,
java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction<BlockPos> p_226339_8_,
boolean p_226339_9_,
int p_226339_10_,
int p_226339_11_,
boolean p_226339_12_) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.func_226344_b_(CreatureEntity p_226344_0_,
int p_226344_1_,
int p_226344_2_,
int p_226344_3_,
Vec3d p_226344_4_,
double p_226344_5_) |
static Vec3d |
RandomPositionGenerator.getLandPos(CreatureEntity creature,
int maxXZ,
int maxY) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private java.util.Optional<LivingEntity> |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220497_b(CreatureEntity p_220497_1_) |
private static void |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220498_a(CreatureEntity p_220498_0_,
LivingEntity p_220498_1_) |
private boolean |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220501_e(CreatureEntity p_220501_1_) |
private java.util.List<LivingEntity> |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220503_d(CreatureEntity p_220503_1_) |
private java.util.Map<LivingEntity,java.lang.Integer> |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220505_c(CreatureEntity p_220505_1_) |
private void |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220508_a(ServerWorld p_220508_1_,
CreatureEntity p_220508_2_,
LivingEntity p_220508_3_) |
private java.util.Optional<LivingEntity> |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.func_220510_a(CreatureEntity p_220510_1_) |
static void |
FleeTask.func_220540_a(CreatureEntity p_220540_0_,
Entity p_220540_1_,
float speedIn) |
private void |
FindWalkTargetTask.func_220593_a(CreatureEntity p_220593_1_) |
private void |
FindWalkTargetTask.func_220594_a(CreatureEntity p_220594_1_,
SectionPos p_220594_2_) |
protected boolean |
FindWalkTargetAfterRaidVictoryTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
WalkTowardsPosTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
WalkRandomlyTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
WorkTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
FleeTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
GatherPOITask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity owner) |
protected void |
WalkTowardsPosTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
WalkRandomlyTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
WorkTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
FleeTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
GatherPOITask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
FindWalkTargetTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
WalkToVillagerBabiesTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
CreatureEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected CreatureEntity |
MeleeAttackGoal.attacker |
protected CreatureEntity |
FleeSunGoal.creature |
private CreatureEntity |
MoveTowardsTargetGoal.creature |
protected CreatureEntity |
RandomWalkingGoal.creature |
protected CreatureEntity |
TemptGoal.creature |
protected CreatureEntity |
PanicGoal.creature |
protected CreatureEntity |
MoveToBlockGoal.creature |
private CreatureEntity |
MoveTowardsRestrictionGoal.creature |
protected CreatureEntity |
AvoidEntityGoal.entity |
protected CreatureEntity |
MoveThroughVillageGoal.entity |
private CreatureEntity |
RestrictSunGoal.entity |
private CreatureEntity |
BreatheAirGoal.field_205142_a |
private CreatureEntity |
FollowBoatGoal.field_205144_b |
private CreatureEntity |
FindWaterGoal.field_205152_a |
private CreatureEntity |
MoveThroughVillageAtNightGoal.field_220756_a |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected int |
CatLieOnBedGoal.getRunDelay(CreatureEntity creatureIn) |
protected int |
MoveToBlockGoal.getRunDelay(CreatureEntity creatureIn) |
Constructor and Description |
AvoidEntityGoal(CreatureEntity entityIn,
java.lang.Class<T> classToAvoidIn,
float avoidDistanceIn,
double farSpeedIn,
double nearSpeedIn) |
AvoidEntityGoal(CreatureEntity entityIn,
java.lang.Class<T> avoidClass,
float distance,
double nearSpeedIn,
double farSpeedIn,
java.util.function.Predicate<LivingEntity> targetPredicate) |
AvoidEntityGoal(CreatureEntity entityIn,
java.lang.Class<T> avoidClass,
java.util.function.Predicate<LivingEntity> targetPredicate,
float distance,
double nearSpeedIn,
double farSpeedIn,
java.util.function.Predicate<LivingEntity> p_i48859_9_) |
BreakBlockGoal(Block blockIn,
CreatureEntity creature,
double speed,
int yMax) |
BreatheAirGoal(CreatureEntity p_i48940_1_) |
FindWaterGoal(CreatureEntity p_i48936_1_) |
FleeSunGoal(CreatureEntity theCreatureIn,
double movementSpeedIn) |
FollowBoatGoal(CreatureEntity p_i48939_1_) |
HurtByTargetGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
java.lang.Class<?>... p_i50317_2_) |
MeleeAttackGoal(CreatureEntity creature,
double speedIn,
boolean useLongMemory) |
MoveThroughVillageAtNightGoal(CreatureEntity p_i50321_1_,
int p_i50321_2_) |
MoveThroughVillageGoal(CreatureEntity p_i50324_1_,
double speedIn,
boolean nocturnal,
int maxDistanceIn,
java.util.function.BooleanSupplier booleanSupplierIn) |
MoveToBlockGoal(CreatureEntity creature,
double speedIn,
int length) |
MoveToBlockGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speed,
int length,
int p_i48796_5_) |
MoveTowardsRestrictionGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speedIn) |
MoveTowardsTargetGoal(CreatureEntity creature,
double speedIn,
float targetMaxDistance) |
MoveTowardsVillageGoal(CreatureEntity p_i50325_1_,
double p_i50325_2_) |
PanicGoal(CreatureEntity creature,
double speedIn) |
RandomSwimmingGoal(CreatureEntity p_i48937_1_,
double p_i48937_2_,
int chance) |
RandomWalkingGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speedIn) |
RandomWalkingGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speedIn,
int chance) |
RestrictSunGoal(CreatureEntity creature) |
TemptGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speedIn,
boolean scaredByPlayerMovementIn,
Ingredient temptItemsIn) |
TemptGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speedIn,
Ingredient temptItemsIn,
boolean scaredByPlayerMovementIn) |
WaterAvoidingRandomFlyingGoal(CreatureEntity p_i47413_1_,
double p_i47413_2_) |
WaterAvoidingRandomWalkingGoal(CreatureEntity creature,
double speedIn) |
WaterAvoidingRandomWalkingGoal(CreatureEntity creature,
double speedIn,
float probabilityIn) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
WitherEntity |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractVillagerEntity |
class |
VillagerEntity |
class |
WanderingTraderEntity |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractIllagerEntity |
class |
AbstractRaiderEntity |
class |
AbstractSkeletonEntity |
class |
BlazeEntity |
class |
CaveSpiderEntity |
class |
CreeperEntity |
class |
DrownedEntity |
class |
ElderGuardianEntity |
class |
EndermanEntity |
class |
EndermiteEntity |
class |
EvokerEntity |
class |
GiantEntity |
class |
GuardianEntity |
class |
HuskEntity |
class |
IllusionerEntity |
class |
MonsterEntity |
class |
PatrollerEntity |
class |
PillagerEntity |
class |
RavagerEntity |
class |
ShulkerEntity |
class |
SilverfishEntity |
class |
SkeletonEntity |
class |
SpellcastingIllagerEntity |
class |
SpiderEntity |
class |
StrayEntity |
class |
VexEntity |
class |
VindicatorEntity |
class |
WitchEntity |
class |
WitherSkeletonEntity |
class |
ZombieEntity |
class |
ZombiePigmanEntity |
class |
ZombieVillagerEntity |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private CreatureEntity |
DrownedEntity.GoToWaterGoal.field_204730_a |
Constructor and Description |
AttackTurtleEggGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speed,
int yMax) |
CopyOwnerTargetGoal(CreatureEntity creature) |
GoToWaterGoal(CreatureEntity p_i48910_1_,
double p_i48910_2_) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AnimalEntity |
class |
BeeEntity |
class |
CatEntity |
class |
ChickenEntity |
class |
CowEntity |
class |
DolphinEntity |
class |
FoxEntity |
class |
GolemEntity |
class |
IronGolemEntity |
class |
MooshroomEntity |
class |
OcelotEntity |
class |
PandaEntity |
class |
ParrotEntity |
class |
PigEntity |
class |
PolarBearEntity |
class |
RabbitEntity |
class |
SheepEntity |
class |
ShoulderRidingEntity |
class |
SnowGolemEntity |
class |
SquidEntity |
class |
TameableEntity |
class |
TurtleEntity |
class |
WaterMobEntity |
class |
WolfEntity |
Constructor and Description |
StingGoal(CreatureEntity creatureIn,
double speedIn,
boolean useLongMemory) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractFishEntity |
class |
AbstractGroupFishEntity |
class |
CodEntity |
class |
PufferfishEntity |
class |
SalmonEntity |
class |
TropicalFishEntity |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractChestedHorseEntity |
class |
AbstractHorseEntity |
class |
DonkeyEntity |
class |
HorseEntity |
class |
LlamaEntity |
class |
MuleEntity |
class |
SkeletonHorseEntity |
class |
TraderLlamaEntity |
class |
ZombieHorseEntity |