Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ClientChatEvent is fired whenever the client is about to send a chat message or command to the server.
class |
ClientChatReceivedEvent |
class |
DrawBlockHighlightEvent |
static class |
Event that allows any feature to customize the fog density the player sees.
class |
This event is called before any Gui will open.
static class |
This event fires once it has been determined that a GuiButton object has been clicked.
static class |
This event fires just before
GuiScreen.drawScreen(int, int, float) is called. |
static class |
This event fires just after initializing , GuiScreen.fontRenderer ,
GuiScreen.width , and GuiScreen.height .If canceled the following lines are skipped in GuiScreen.setWorldAndResolution(Minecraft, int, int) :this.buttonList.clear(); this.initGui(); |
static class |
This event fires after
GuiScreen.handleKeyboardInput() provided that the active
screen has not been changed as a result of GuiScreen.handleKeyboardInput() and
the GuiScreen.keyHandled flag has not been set. |
static class |
This event fires when keyboard input is detected by a GuiScreen.
static class |
This event fires after
GuiScreen.handleMouseInput() provided that the active
screen has not been changed as a result of GuiScreen.handleMouseInput() and
the GuiScreen.mouseHandled flag has not been set. |
static class |
This event fires when mouse input is detected by a GuiScreen.
static class |
This event fires in
when potion effects are active and the gui wants to move over. |
class |
Author: MachineMuse (Claire Semple)
Created: 2:46 PM, 9/4/13
class |
This event is called before the pushOutOfBlocks calls in EntityPlayerSP.
class |
Called when a block's texture is going to be overlaid on the player's HUD.
class |
RenderGameOverlayEvent |
class |
This event is fired on
before both hands are rendered. |
class |
This event is called when an item is rendered in an item frame.
static class |
RenderLivingEvent.Pre<T extends EntityLivingBase> |
static class |
RenderLivingEvent.Specials.Pre<T extends EntityLivingBase> |
static class |
RenderPlayerEvent.Pre |
static class |
class |
This event is fired on the
whenever a hand is rendered in first person. |
static class |
This event is fired before any tooltip calculations are done.
class |
This event is fired before and after a screenshot is taken
This event is fired on the
This event is Cancelable
ScreenshotEvent.screenshotFile contains the file the screenshot will be/was saved to
ScreenshotEvent.image contains the BufferedImage that will be saved
ScreenshotEvent.resultMessage contains the ITextComponent to be returned. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AnvilUpdateEvent is fired when a player places items in both the left and right slots of a anvil.
class |
CommandEvent is fired whenever a command is scheduled to be executed.
class |
Event fired when a LootTable json is loaded from json.
class |
ServerChatEvent is fired whenever a C01PacketChatMessage is processed.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
PotionBrewEvent.Pre is fired before vanilla brewing takes place.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
EntityJoinWorldEvent is fired when an Entity joins the world.
class |
This event gets fired whenever a entity mounts/dismounts another entity.
entityBeingMounted can be null, be sure to check for that. |
class |
EntityStruckByLightningEvent is fired when an Entity is about to be struck by lightening.
This event is fired whenever an EntityLightningBolt is updated to strike an Entity in EntityLightningBolt.onUpdate() via ForgeEventFactory.onEntityStruckByLightning(Entity, EntityLightningBolt) .EntityStruckByLightningEvent.lightning contains the instance of EntityLightningBolt attempting to strike an entity.This event is Cancelable .If this event is canceled, the Entity is not struck by the lightening. This event does not have a result. |
class |
EntityTravelToDimensionEvent is fired before an Entity travels to a dimension.
EntityTravelToDimensionEvent.dimension contains the id of the dimension the entity is traveling to.This event is Cancelable .If this event is canceled, the Entity does not travel to the dimension. This event does not have a result. |
class |
PlaySoundAtEntityEvent is fired a sound is to be played at an Entity
This event is fired whenever a sound is set to be played at an Entity such as in EntityPlayerSP.playSound(SoundEvent, float, float) and World.playSound(EntityPlayer, double, double, double, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float, float) contains the name of the sound to be played at the Entity.PlaySoundAtEntityEvent.volume contains the volume at which the sound is to be played originally.PlaySoundAtEntityEvent.pitch contains the pitch at which the sound is to be played originally.PlaySoundAtEntityEvent.newVolume contains the volume at which the sound is actually played.PlaySoundAtEntityEvent.newPitch contains the pitch at which the sound is actually played.Changing the field will cause the sound of this name to be played instead of the originally intended sound.This event is Cancelable .If this event is canceled, the sound is not played. This event does not have a result. |
class |
This event is fired when a projectile entity impacts something.
static class |
ProjectileImpactEvent.Arrow |
static class |
ProjectileImpactEvent.Fireball |
static class |
ProjectileImpactEvent.Throwable |
class |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Event that is fired when an EntityItem's age has reached its maximum
class |
Event that is fired whenever a player tosses (Q) an item or drag-n-drops a
stack of items outside the inventory GUI screens.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This event is fired when an
EntityAnimal is tamed. |
class |
BabyEntitySpawnEvent is fired just before a baby entity is about to be spawned.
class |
Event for when an Enderman/Shulker teleports or an ender pearl is used.
class |
LivingAttackEvent is fired when a living Entity is attacked.
class |
LivingDamageEvent is fired just before damage is applied to entity.
At this point armor, potion and absorption modifiers have already been applied to damage - this is FINAL value. Also note that appropriate resources (like armor durability and absorption extra hearths) have already been consumed. This event is fired whenever an Entity is damaged in EntityLivingBase.damageEntity(DamageSource, float) and
EntityPlayer.damageEntity(DamageSource, float) .This event is fired via the ForgeHooks.onLivingDamage(EntityLivingBase, DamageSource, float) .LivingDamageEvent.source contains the DamageSource that caused this Entity to be hurt. |
class |
LivingDeathEvent is fired when an Entity dies.
class |
Fired when the ender dragon or wither attempts to destroy a block and when ever a zombie attempts to break a door.
class |
LivingDropsEvent is fired when an Entity's death causes dropped items to appear.
This event is fired whenever an Entity dies and drops items in EntityLivingBase.onDeath(DamageSource) .This event is fired via the ForgeHooks.onLivingDrops(EntityLivingBase, DamageSource, ArrayList, int, boolean) .LivingDropsEvent.source contains the DamageSource that caused the drop to occur.LivingDropsEvent.drops contains the ArrayList of EntityItems that will be dropped.LivingDropsEvent.lootingLevel contains the amount of loot that will be dropped.LivingDropsEvent.recentlyHit determines whether the Entity doing the drop has recently been damaged.This event is Cancelable .If this event is canceled, the Entity does not drop anything. This event does not have a result. |
static class |
Fired when a player starts 'using' an item, typically when they hold right mouse.
static class |
Fired when a player stops using an item without the use duration timing out.
static class |
Fired every tick that a player is 'using' an item, see
LivingEntityUseItemEvent.Start for info. |
static class |
LivingUpdateEvent is fired when an Entity is updated.
class |
Event for when an entity drops experience on its death, can be used to change
the amount of experience points dropped or completely prevent dropping of experience
by canceling the event.
class |
LivingFallEvent is fired when an Entity is set to be falling.
This event is fired whenever an Entity is set to fall in EntityLivingBase.fall(float, float) .This event is fired via the ForgeHooks.onLivingFall(EntityLivingBase, float, float) .LivingFallEvent.distance contains the distance the Entity is to fall. |
class |
LivingHealEvent is fired when an Entity is set to be healed.
class |
LivingHurtEvent is fired when an Entity is set to be hurt.
class |
LivingKnockBackEvent is fired when a living entity is about to be knocked back.
static class |
SpecialSpawn is fired when an Entity is to be spawned.
This allows you to do special inializers in the new entity. This event is fired via the ForgeEventFactory.doSpecialSpawn(EntityLiving, World, float, float, float) .This event is Cancelable .If this event is canceled, the Entity is not spawned. This event does not have a result. |
static class |
This Event is fired when a Potion is about to get removed from an Entity.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MinecartInteractEvent is fired when a player interacts with a minecart.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ArrowLooseEvent is fired when a player stops using a bow.
This event is fired whenever a player stops using a bow in ItemBow.onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack, World, EntityLivingBase, int) .ArrowLooseEvent.bow contains the ItemBow ItemStack that was used in this event.ArrowLooseEvent.charge contains the value for how much the player had charged before stopping the shot.This event is Cancelable .If this event is canceled, the player does not stop using the bow. This event does not have a result. |
class |
AttackEntityEvent is fired when a player attacks an Entity.
This event is fired whenever a player attacks an Entity in EntityPlayer.attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem(Entity) contains the Entity that was damaged by the player. |
class |
This event is called when a player attempts to use Bonemeal on a block.
class |
This event is called when a player collides with a EntityItem on the ground.
class |
This event is fired when a player attempts to use a Empty bucket, it
can be canceled to completely prevent any further processing.
class |
This event is called when a player fishes an item.
class |
Child class of LivingDropEvent that is fired specifically when a
player dies.
static class |
BreakSpeed is fired when a player attempts to harvest a block.
This event is fired whenever a player attempts to harvest a block in EntityPlayer.canHarvestBlock(IBlockState) .This event is fired via the ForgeEventFactory.getBreakSpeed(EntityPlayer, IBlockState, float, BlockPos) .PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed.state contains the block being broken. |
static class |
This event is fired on both sides when the player right clicks an entity.
static class |
This event is fired on both sides whenever a player right clicks an entity.
static class |
This event is fired when a player left clicks while targeting a block.
static class |
This event is fired on both sides whenever the player right clicks while targeting a block.
static class |
This event is fired on both sides before the player triggers
Item.onItemRightClick(, net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer, net.minecraft.util.EnumHand) . |
class |
This event is called when a player collides with a EntityXPOrb on the ground.
class |
PlayerSetSpawnEvent |
class |
This event is fired when a player attempts to use a Hoe on a block, it
can be canceled to completely prevent any further processing.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
FurnaceFuelBurnTimeEvent is fired when determining the fuel value for an ItemStack. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
VillageSiegeEvent is fired just before a zombie siege finds a successful location in
VillageSiege.trySetupSiege() , to give mods the chance to stop the siege.This event is Cancelable ; canceling stops the siege.This event does not have a result. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Event that is fired when an Block is about to be broken by a player
Canceling this event will prevent the Block from being broken.
static class |
Fired when a single block placement triggers the
creation of multiple blocks(e.g.
static class |
Called when a block is placed.
static class |
Fired when when farmland gets trampled
This event is
Cancelable |
static class |
Fired when a liquid places a block.
static class |
Fired when a single block placement action of a player triggers the
creation of multiple blocks(e.g.
static class |
Fired when a physics update occurs on a block.
static class |
static class |
BlockEvent.PortalSpawnEvent |
static class |
ExplosionEvent.Start is fired before the explosion actually occurs.
static class |
Fired when a Noteblock is changed.
static class |
Fired when a Noteblock plays it's note.
static class |
Called by WorldServer when it attempts to create a spawnpoint for a dimension.
static class |
Called by WorldServer to gather a list of all possible entities that can spawn at the specified location.