Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
DisplayInfo.description |
private ITextComponent |
Advancement.displayText |
private ITextComponent |
DisplayInfo.title |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
DisplayInfo.getDescription() |
ITextComponent |
Advancement.getDisplayText() |
ITextComponent |
DisplayInfo.getTitle() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Advancement.Builder |
Advancement.Builder.withDisplay(IItemProvider itemIn,
ITextComponent title,
ITextComponent description,
ResourceLocation background,
FrameType frame,
boolean showToast,
boolean announceToChat,
boolean hidden) |
Advancement.Builder |
Advancement.Builder.withDisplay(ItemStack stack,
ITextComponent title,
ITextComponent description,
ResourceLocation background,
FrameType frame,
boolean showToast,
boolean announceToChat,
boolean hidden) |
Constructor and Description |
DisplayInfo(ItemStack icon,
ITextComponent title,
ITextComponent description,
ResourceLocation background,
FrameType frame,
boolean showToast,
boolean announceToChat,
boolean hidden) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
CraftingTableBlock.field_220271_a |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Block.getNameTextComponent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShulkerBoxBlock.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
IBlockReader worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
Block.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
IBlockReader worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
SoundEventAccessor.subtitle |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
SoundEventAccessor.getSubtitle() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RemoteClientPlayerEntity.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
ClientPlayerEntity.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
ClientPlayerEntity.sendStatusMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent,
boolean actionBar) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ChatLine.lineString |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ChatLine.getChatComponent() |
ITextComponent |
NewChatGui.getTextComponent(double p_194817_1_,
double p_194817_3_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
RenderComponentsUtil.splitText(ITextComponent textComponent,
int maxTextLenght,
FontRenderer fontRendererIn,
boolean trimSpace,
boolean forceTextColor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IngameGui.addChatMessage(ChatType chatTypeIn,
ITextComponent message) |
U |
ScreenManager.IScreenFactory.create(T p_create_1_,
PlayerInventory p_create_2_,
ITextComponent p_create_3_) |
default void |
ScreenManager.IScreenFactory.createScreen(ITextComponent title,
ContainerType<T> type,
Minecraft mc,
int windowId) |
static <T extends Container> |
ScreenManager.getScreenFactory(ContainerType<T> type,
Minecraft mc,
int windowId,
ITextComponent title) |
static <T extends Container> |
ScreenManager.openScreen(ContainerType<T> type,
Minecraft mc,
int windowId,
ITextComponent title) |
void |
NewChatGui.printChatMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent) |
void |
NewChatGui.printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion(ITextComponent chatComponent,
int chatLineId) |
private void |
NewChatGui.setChatLine(ITextComponent chatComponent,
int chatLineId,
int updateCounter,
boolean displayOnly) |
void |
IngameGui.setOverlayMessage(ITextComponent component,
boolean animateColor) |
static java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
RenderComponentsUtil.splitText(ITextComponent textComponent,
int maxTextLenght,
FontRenderer fontRendererIn,
boolean trimSpace,
boolean forceTextColor) |
Constructor and Description |
ChatLine(int updateCounterCreatedIn,
ITextComponent lineStringIn,
int chatLineIDIn) |
DisplayEffectsScreen(T screenContainer,
PlayerInventory inv,
ITextComponent titleIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ITextComponent |
NarratorChatListener.EMPTY |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IChatListener.say(ChatType chatTypeIn,
ITextComponent message) |
void |
NarratorChatListener.say(ChatType chatTypeIn,
ITextComponent message) |
void |
OverlayChatListener.say(ChatType chatTypeIn,
ITextComponent message) |
void |
NormalChatListener.say(ChatType chatTypeIn,
ITextComponent message) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerTabOverlayGui.footer |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerTabOverlayGui.header |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
PlayerTabOverlayGui.getDisplayName(NetworkPlayerInfo p_200262_1_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerTabOverlayGui.setFooter(ITextComponent footerIn) |
void |
PlayerTabOverlayGui.setHeader(ITextComponent headerIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
DeathScreen.causeOfDeath |
protected ITextComponent |
AlertScreen.field_201550_f |
private ITextComponent |
ConnectingScreen.field_209515_s |
private ITextComponent |
MultiplayerWarningScreen.field_230157_b_ |
private ITextComponent |
MultiplayerWarningScreen.field_230158_c_ |
private ITextComponent |
MultiplayerWarningScreen.field_230159_d_ |
private ITextComponent |
MultiplayerWarningScreen.field_230160_e_ |
private ITextComponent |
MultiplayerWarningScreen.field_230161_f_ |
private ITextComponent |
ConfirmBackupScreen.message |
private ITextComponent |
DisconnectedScreen.message |
private ITextComponent |
ConfirmScreen.messageLine2 |
protected ITextComponent |
Screen.title |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ReadBookScreen.cachedPageLines |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ITextComponent |
StatsScreen.StatsList.func_200208_a(Item p_200208_1_) |
ITextComponent |
ReadBookScreen.func_214154_c(double p_214154_1_,
double p_214154_3_) |
ITextComponent |
DeathScreen.getClickedComponentAt(int p_184870_1_) |
default ITextComponent |
ReadBookScreen.IBookInfo.getPageText(int pageNum) |
ITextComponent |
Screen.getTitle() |
ITextComponent |
ReadBookScreen.IBookInfo.iGetPageText(int pageNum) |
ITextComponent |
ReadBookScreen.UnwrittenBookInfo.iGetPageText(int pageNum) |
ITextComponent |
ReadBookScreen.WrittenBookInfo.iGetPageText(int pageNum) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WorkingScreen.displayLoadingString(ITextComponent component) |
void |
WorkingScreen.displaySavingString(ITextComponent component) |
protected void |
StatsScreen.StatsList.func_200207_a(ITextComponent p_200207_1_,
int p_200207_2_,
int p_200207_3_) |
private void |
ConnectingScreen.func_209514_a(ITextComponent p_209514_1_) |
boolean |
Screen.handleComponentClicked(ITextComponent p_handleComponentClicked_1_) |
boolean |
ReadBookScreen.handleComponentClicked(ITextComponent p_handleComponentClicked_1_) |
protected void |
Screen.renderComponentHoverEffect(ITextComponent p_renderComponentHoverEffect_1_,
int p_renderComponentHoverEffect_2_,
int p_renderComponentHoverEffect_3_) |
void |
WorkingScreen.resetProgressAndMessage(ITextComponent component) |
Constructor and Description |
AlertScreen(java.lang.Runnable p_i48623_1_,
ITextComponent p_i48623_2_,
ITextComponent p_i48623_3_) |
AlertScreen(java.lang.Runnable p_i49786_1_,
ITextComponent p_i49786_2_,
ITextComponent p_i49786_3_,
java.lang.String p_i49786_4_) |
ConfirmBackupScreen(Screen p_i51122_1_,
ConfirmBackupScreen.ICallback p_i51122_2_,
ITextComponent p_i51122_3_,
ITextComponent p_i51122_4_,
boolean p_i51122_5_) |
ConfirmScreen(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanConsumer _callbackFunction,
ITextComponent _title,
ITextComponent _messageLine2) |
ConfirmScreen(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanConsumer _callbackFunction,
ITextComponent _title,
ITextComponent _messageLine2,
java.lang.String _confirmButtonText,
java.lang.String _cancelButtonText) |
DeathScreen(ITextComponent p_i51118_1_,
boolean p_i51118_2_) |
DirtMessageScreen(ITextComponent p_i51114_1_) |
DisconnectedScreen(Screen screen,
java.lang.String reasonLocalizationKey,
ITextComponent chatComp) |
EnchantmentScreen(EnchantmentContainer p_i51090_1_,
PlayerInventory p_i51090_2_,
ITextComponent p_i51090_3_) |
ErrorScreen(ITextComponent p_i51115_1_,
java.lang.String p_i51115_2_) |
GrindstoneScreen(GrindstoneContainer p_i51086_1_,
PlayerInventory p_i51086_2_,
ITextComponent p_i51086_3_) |
HopperScreen(HopperContainer p_i51085_1_,
PlayerInventory p_i51085_2_,
ITextComponent p_i51085_3_) |
LecternScreen(LecternContainer p_i51082_1_,
PlayerInventory p_i51082_2_,
ITextComponent p_i51082_3_) |
LoomScreen(LoomContainer p_i51081_1_,
PlayerInventory p_i51081_2_,
ITextComponent p_i51081_3_) |
Screen(ITextComponent titleIn) |
SettingsScreen(Screen p_i225930_1_,
GameSettings p_i225930_2_,
ITextComponent p_i225930_3_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ISpectatorMenuView.getPrompt() |
ITextComponent |
BaseSpectatorGroup.getPrompt() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerMenuObject.getSpectatorName() |
ITextComponent |
ISpectatorMenuObject.getSpectatorName() |
ITextComponent |
SpectatorMenu.EndSpectatorObject.getSpectatorName() |
ITextComponent |
SpectatorMenu.MoveMenuObject.getSpectatorName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
TeleportToTeam.getPrompt() |
ITextComponent |
TeleportToPlayer.getPrompt() |
ITextComponent |
TeleportToTeam.getSpectatorName() |
ITextComponent |
TeleportToTeam.TeamSelectionObject.getSpectatorName() |
ITextComponent |
TeleportToPlayer.getSpectatorName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
SystemToast.addOrUpdate(ToastGui p_193657_0_,
SystemToast.Type p_193657_1_,
ITextComponent p_193657_2_,
ITextComponent p_193657_3_) |
void |
SystemToast.setDisplayedText(ITextComponent titleComponent,
ITextComponent subtitleComponent) |
Constructor and Description |
SystemToast(SystemToast.Type typeIn,
ITextComponent titleComponent,
ITextComponent subtitleComponent) |
TutorialToast(TutorialToast.Icons iconIn,
ITextComponent titleComponent,
ITextComponent subtitleComponent,
boolean drawProgressBar) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
AbstractResourcePackList.field_214368_c |
private static ITextComponent |
AbstractResourcePackList.field_214369_d |
private ITextComponent |
AbstractResourcePackList.field_214370_e |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractResourcePackList(Minecraft p_i51074_1_,
int p_i51074_2_,
int p_i51074_3_,
ITextComponent p_i51074_4_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ServerData.ServerResourceMode.motd |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ServerData.ServerResourceMode.getMotd() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClientHandshakeNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.function.Consumer<ITextComponent> |
ClientLoginNetHandler.statusMessageConsumer |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ClientLoginNetHandler.joinServer(java.lang.String serverHash) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClientLoginNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
Constructor and Description |
ClientLoginNetHandler(NetworkManager networkManagerIn,
Minecraft mcIn,
Screen previousScreen,
java.util.function.Consumer<ITextComponent> statusMessageConsumerIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
NetworkPlayerInfo.displayName |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
NetworkPlayerInfo.getDisplayName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClientPlayNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
void |
NetworkPlayerInfo.setDisplayName(ITextComponent displayNameIn) |
Constructor and Description |
ClientResourcePackInfo(java.lang.String nameIn,
boolean isAlwaysEnabled,
java.util.function.Supplier<IResourcePack> resourcePackSupplierIn,
ITextComponent titleIn,
ITextComponent descriptionIn,
PackCompatibility compatibilityIn,
ResourcePackInfo.Priority priorityIn,
boolean isOrderLocked,
NativeImage p_i48114_9_)
ClientResourcePackInfo(java.lang.String nameIn,
boolean isAlwaysEnabled,
java.util.function.Supplier<IResourcePack> resourcePackSupplierIn,
ITextComponent titleIn,
ITextComponent descriptionIn,
PackCompatibility compatibilityIn,
ResourcePackInfo.Priority priorityIn,
boolean isOrderLocked,
NativeImage p_i48114_9_,
boolean hidden) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
private static ITextComponent |
private static ITextComponent |
OpenInventoryStep.DESCRIPTION |
private static ITextComponent |
CraftPlanksStep.DESCRIPTION |
private static ITextComponent |
private static ITextComponent |
MovementStep.LOOK_TITLE |
private static ITextComponent |
private static ITextComponent |
MovementStep.MOVE_TITLE |
private static ITextComponent |
FindTreeStep.TITLE |
private static ITextComponent |
PunchTreeStep.TITLE |
private static ITextComponent |
OpenInventoryStep.TITLE |
private static ITextComponent |
CraftPlanksStep.TITLE |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ITextComponent |
Tutorial.createKeybindComponent(java.lang.String keybind) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
CommandException.component |
private ITextComponent |
CommandSource.displayName |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
CommandException.getComponent() |
ITextComponent |
CommandSource.getDisplayName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
CommandSource.logFeedback(ITextComponent message) |
void |
CommandSource.sendErrorMessage(ITextComponent message) |
void |
CommandSource.sendFeedback(ITextComponent message,
boolean allowLogging) |
void |
ICommandSource.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
Constructor and Description |
CommandException(ITextComponent message) |
CommandSource(ICommandSource sourceIn,
Vec3d posIn,
Vec2f rotationIn,
ServerWorld worldIn,
int permissionLevelIn,
java.lang.String nameIn,
ITextComponent displayNameIn,
MinecraftServer serverIn,
Entity entityIn) |
CommandSource(ICommandSource sourceIn,
Vec3d posIn,
Vec2f rotationIn,
ServerWorld worldIn,
int permissionLevelIn,
java.lang.String nameIn,
ITextComponent displayNameIn,
MinecraftServer serverIn,
Entity entityIn,
boolean feedbackDisabledIn,
com.mojang.brigadier.ResultConsumer<CommandSource> resultConsumerIn,
EntityAnchorArgument.Type entityAnchorTypeIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
ITextComponent |
EntityOptions.OptionHandler.tooltip |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ITextComponent |
ComponentArgument.getComponent(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<CommandSource> context,
java.lang.String name) |
static ITextComponent |
MessageArgument.getMessage(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<CommandSource> context,
java.lang.String name) |
static ITextComponent |
EntitySelector.joinNames(java.util.List<? extends Entity> entities) |
ITextComponent |
ComponentArgument.parse(com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader p_parse_1_) |
ITextComponent |
MessageArgument.Part.toComponent(CommandSource source) |
ITextComponent |
MessageArgument.Message.toComponent(CommandSource source,
boolean allowSelectors) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
EntityOptions.register(java.lang.String id,
EntityOptions.IFilter handler,
java.util.function.Predicate<EntitySelectorParser> p_202024_2_,
ITextComponent tooltip) |
Constructor and Description |
OptionHandler(EntityOptions.IFilter handlerIn,
java.util.function.Predicate<EntitySelectorParser> p_i48717_2_,
ITextComponent tooltipIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static int |
ScoreboardCommand.addObjective(CommandSource source,
java.lang.String name,
ScoreCriteria criteria,
ITextComponent displayName) |
private static int |
TeamCommand.addTeam(CommandSource source,
java.lang.String name,
ITextComponent displayName) |
private static int |
BanCommand.banGameProfiles(CommandSource source,
java.util.Collection<com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile> gameProfiles,
ITextComponent reason) |
private static int |
BanIpCommand.banIpAddress(CommandSource source,
java.lang.String ip,
ITextComponent reason) |
private static int |
BanIpCommand.banUsernameOrIp(CommandSource source,
java.lang.String username,
ITextComponent reason) |
private static int |
BossBarCommand.createBossbar(CommandSource source,
ResourceLocation id,
ITextComponent displayName) |
private static int |
TeamMsgCommand.func_218917_a(CommandSource p_218917_0_,
ITextComponent p_218917_1_) |
private static int |
KickCommand.kickPlayers(CommandSource source,
java.util.Collection<ServerPlayerEntity> players,
ITextComponent reason) |
private static int |
MessageCommand.sendPrivateMessage(CommandSource source,
java.util.Collection<ServerPlayerEntity> recipients,
ITextComponent message) |
private static int |
ScoreboardCommand.setDisplayName(CommandSource source,
ScoreObjective objective,
ITextComponent displayName) |
private static int |
TeamCommand.setDisplayName(CommandSource source,
ScorePlayerTeam teamIn,
ITextComponent value) |
private static int |
BossBarCommand.setName(CommandSource source,
CustomServerBossInfo bossbar,
ITextComponent name) |
private static int |
TeamCommand.setPrefix(CommandSource source,
ScorePlayerTeam teamIn,
ITextComponent prefix) |
private static int |
TeamCommand.setSuffix(CommandSource source,
ScorePlayerTeam teamIn,
ITextComponent suffix) |
private static int | source,
java.util.Collection<ServerPlayerEntity> targets,
ITextComponent message,
STitlePacket.Type type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static int |
ListCommand.listPlayers(CommandSource source,
java.util.function.Function<ServerPlayerEntity,ITextComponent> nameExtractor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
StorageAccessor.getGetMessage(NBTPathArgument.NBTPath pathIn,
double scale,
int value) |
ITextComponent |
EntityDataAccessor.getGetMessage(NBTPathArgument.NBTPath pathIn,
double scale,
int value) |
ITextComponent |
IDataAccessor.getGetMessage(NBTPathArgument.NBTPath pathIn,
double scale,
int value) |
ITextComponent |
BlockDataAccessor.getGetMessage(NBTPathArgument.NBTPath pathIn,
double scale,
int value) |
ITextComponent |
StorageAccessor.getModifiedMessage() |
ITextComponent |
EntityDataAccessor.getModifiedMessage() |
ITextComponent |
IDataAccessor.getModifiedMessage() |
ITextComponent |
BlockDataAccessor.getModifiedMessage() |
ITextComponent |
StorageAccessor.getQueryMessage(INBT nbt) |
ITextComponent |
EntityDataAccessor.getQueryMessage(INBT nbt) |
ITextComponent |
IDataAccessor.getQueryMessage(INBT nbt) |
ITextComponent |
BlockDataAccessor.getQueryMessage(INBT nbt) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Enchantment.getDisplayName(int level) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static DataParameter<java.util.Optional<ITextComponent>> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Entity.getCustomName() |
ITextComponent |
Entity.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
EntityType.getName() |
ITextComponent |
Entity.getName() |
protected ITextComponent |
Entity.getProfessionName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
EntityType.create(World worldIn,
CompoundNBT compound,
ITextComponent customName,
PlayerEntity playerIn,
BlockPos pos,
SpawnReason reason,
boolean p_220349_7_,
boolean p_220349_8_) |
private static void |
Entity.removeClickEvents(ITextComponent p_207712_0_) |
void |
Entity.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
Entity.setCustomName(ITextComponent name) |
T |
EntityType.spawn(World worldIn,
CompoundNBT compound,
ITextComponent customName,
PlayerEntity playerIn,
BlockPos pos,
SpawnReason reason,
boolean p_220342_7_,
boolean p_220342_8_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WitherEntity.setCustomName(ITextComponent name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ItemEntity.getName() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static DataParameter<ITextComponent> |
MinecartCommandBlockEntity.LAST_OUTPUT |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default void |
IMerchant.openMerchantContainer(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent p_213707_2_,
int level) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ITextComponent |
VillagerEntity.getProfessionName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VindicatorEntity.setCustomName(ITextComponent name) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.displayname |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.SleepResult.message |
private ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
PlayerEntity.prefixes |
private java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
PlayerEntity.suffixes |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.addTellEvent(ITextComponent p_208016_1_) |
ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.getDisplayNameAndUUID() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.SleepResult.getMessage() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerModelPart.getName() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.getName() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerInventory.getName() |
ITextComponent |
ServerPlayerEntity.getTabListDisplayName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
PlayerEntity.getPrefixes() |
java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
PlayerEntity.getSuffixes() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerEntity.addTellEvent(ITextComponent p_208016_1_) |
void |
ServerPlayerEntity.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
ServerPlayerEntity.sendMessage(ITextComponent textComponent,
ChatType chatTypeIn) |
void |
PlayerEntity.sendStatusMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent,
boolean actionBar) |
void |
ServerPlayerEntity.sendStatusMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent,
boolean actionBar) |
Constructor and Description |
SleepResult(ITextComponent msg) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
INamedContainerProvider.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
SimpleNamedContainerProvider.getDisplayName() |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleNamedContainerProvider(IContainerProvider p_i50396_1_,
ITextComponent p_i50396_2_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
FireworkStarItem.func_200297_a(int p_200297_0_) |
private static ITextComponent |
FireworkStarItem.func_200298_a(ITextComponent p_200298_0_,
int[] p_200298_1_) |
ITextComponent |
BannerPatternItem.func_219981_d() |
ITextComponent |
ItemStack.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
SkullItem.getDisplayName(ItemStack stack) |
ITextComponent |
WrittenBookItem.getDisplayName(ItemStack stack) |
ITextComponent |
Item.getDisplayName(ItemStack stack) |
ITextComponent |
Item.getName() |
ITextComponent |
MusicDiscItem.getRecordDescription() |
ITextComponent |
ItemStack.getTextComponent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static java.util.Collection<ITextComponent> |
ItemStack.getPlacementTooltip(java.lang.String stateString) |
java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ItemStack.getTooltip(PlayerEntity playerIn,
ITooltipFlag advanced) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
FireworkStarItem.func_200298_a(ITextComponent p_200298_0_,
int[] p_200298_1_) |
private static void |
DebugStickItem.sendMessage(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent text) |
ItemStack |
ItemStack.setDisplayName(ITextComponent name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ItemStack.addEnchantmentTooltips(java.util.List<ITextComponent> p_222120_0_,
ListNBT p_222120_1_) |
void |
FireworkStarItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
MusicDiscItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
AirItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
TippedArrowItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
FireworkRocketItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
CrossbowItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
ShieldItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
WrittenBookItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
BlockItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
FilledMapItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
BannerPatternItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
FishBucketItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
EnchantedBookItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
PotionItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
LingeringPotionItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
Item.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
void |
BannerItem.addInformation(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> tooltip,
ITooltipFlag flagIn) |
static void |
BannerItem.appendHoverTextFromTileEntityTag(ItemStack stack,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> p_185054_1_) |
static void |
FireworkStarItem.func_195967_a(CompoundNBT p_195967_0_,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> p_195967_1_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static ITextComponent |
CompoundNBT.func_197642_t(java.lang.String p_197642_0_) |
default ITextComponent |
INBT.toFormattedComponent() |
ITextComponent |
ShortNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
EndNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
ByteNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
LongArrayNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
CompoundNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
ByteArrayNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
IntArrayNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
LongNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
ListNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
DoubleNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
StringNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
IntNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
INBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
ITextComponent |
FloatNBT.toFormattedComponent(java.lang.String indentation,
int indentDepth) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ServerStatusResponse.description |
private ITextComponent |
NetworkManager.terminationReason |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
NetworkManager.getExitMessage() |
ITextComponent |
ServerStatusResponse.getServerDescription() |
ITextComponent |
PacketBuffer.readTextComponent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NetworkManager.closeChannel(ITextComponent message) |
void |
INetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
void |
ServerStatusResponse.setServerDescription(ITextComponent descriptionIn) |
PacketBuffer |
PacketBuffer.writeTextComponent(ITextComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static IDataSerializer<java.util.Optional<ITextComponent>> |
static IDataSerializer<ITextComponent> |
DataSerializers.TEXT_COMPONENT |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServerHandshakeNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServerLoginNetHandler.disconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
void |
ServerLoginNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
SDisconnectLoginPacket.reason |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
SDisconnectLoginPacket.getReason() |
Constructor and Description |
SDisconnectLoginPacket(ITextComponent p_i46853_1_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServerPlayNetHandler.disconnect(ITextComponent textComponent) |
void |
ServerPlayNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
Constructor and Description |
CUpdateSignPacket(BlockPos p_i49822_1_,
ITextComponent p_i49822_2_,
ITextComponent p_i49822_3_,
ITextComponent p_i49822_4_,
ITextComponent p_i49822_5_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
SChatPacket.chatComponent |
ITextComponent |
SCombatPacket.deathMessage |
private ITextComponent |
STeamsPacket.displayName |
private ITextComponent |
SScoreboardObjectivePacket.displayName |
private ITextComponent |
SPlayerListItemPacket.AddPlayerData.displayName |
private ITextComponent |
SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket.footer |
private ITextComponent |
SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket.header |
private ITextComponent |
STitlePacket.message |
private ITextComponent | |
private ITextComponent |
STeamsPacket.prefix |
private ITextComponent |
SDisconnectPacket.reason |
private ITextComponent |
STeamsPacket.suffix |
private ITextComponent |
SOpenWindowPacket.title |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
SChatPacket.getChatComponent() |
ITextComponent |
STeamsPacket.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
SScoreboardObjectivePacket.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
SPlayerListItemPacket.AddPlayerData.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket.getFooter() |
ITextComponent |
SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket.getHeader() |
ITextComponent |
STitlePacket.getMessage() |
ITextComponent |
SUpdateBossInfoPacket.getName() |
ITextComponent |
STeamsPacket.getPrefix() |
ITextComponent |
SDisconnectPacket.getReason() |
ITextComponent |
STeamsPacket.getSuffix() |
ITextComponent |
SOpenWindowPacket.getTitle() |
Constructor and Description |
AddPlayerData(com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile profileIn,
int latencyIn,
GameType gameModeIn,
ITextComponent displayNameIn) |
SChatPacket(ITextComponent componentIn) |
SChatPacket(ITextComponent message,
ChatType type) |
SCombatPacket(CombatTracker p_i49825_1_,
SCombatPacket.Event p_i49825_2_,
ITextComponent p_i49825_3_) |
SDisconnectPacket(ITextComponent messageIn) |
SOpenWindowPacket(int windowIdIn,
ContainerType<?> menuIdIn,
ITextComponent titleIn) |
STitlePacket(STitlePacket.Type typeIn,
ITextComponent messageIn) |
STitlePacket(STitlePacket.Type typeIn,
ITextComponent messageIn,
int fadeInTimeIn,
int displayTimeIn,
int fadeOutTimeIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RConConsoleSource.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
ServerStatusNetHandler.EXIT_MESSAGE |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServerStatusNetHandler.onDisconnect(ITextComponent reason) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Effect.getDisplayName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
PotionUtils.addPotionTooltip(ItemStack itemIn,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> lores,
float durationFactor) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
DisconnectedRealmsScreen.reason |
Constructor and Description |
DisconnectedRealmsScreen(RealmsScreen parentIn,
java.lang.String unlocalizedTitle,
ITextComponent reasonIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PackCompatibility.confirmMessage |
private ITextComponent |
PackCompatibility.description |
private ITextComponent |
ResourcePackInfo.description |
private ITextComponent |
ResourcePackInfo.title |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ResourcePackInfo.getChatLink(boolean p_195794_1_) |
ITextComponent |
PackCompatibility.getConfirmMessage() |
ITextComponent |
PackCompatibility.getDescription() |
ITextComponent |
ResourcePackInfo.getDescription() |
ITextComponent |
ResourcePackInfo.getTitle() |
Constructor and Description |
ResourcePackInfo(java.lang.String nameIn,
boolean isAlwaysEnabled,
java.util.function.Supplier<IResourcePack> resourcePackSupplierIn,
ITextComponent titleIn,
ITextComponent descriptionIn,
PackCompatibility compatibilityIn,
ResourcePackInfo.Priority priorityIn,
boolean isOrderLocked)
ResourcePackInfo(java.lang.String nameIn,
boolean isAlwaysEnabled,
java.util.function.Supplier<IResourcePack> resourcePackSupplierIn,
ITextComponent titleIn,
ITextComponent descriptionIn,
PackCompatibility compatibilityIn,
ResourcePackInfo.Priority priorityIn,
boolean isOrderLocked,
boolean hidden) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PackMetadataSection.description |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
PackMetadataSection.getDescription() |
Constructor and Description |
PackMetadataSection(ITextComponent packDescriptionIn,
int packFormatIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ScoreObjective.displayName |
private ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.displayName |
private ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.prefix |
private ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.suffix |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract ITextComponent |
Team.format(ITextComponent p_200540_1_) |
ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.format(ITextComponent p_200540_1_) |
static ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.formatMemberName(Team p_200541_0_,
ITextComponent p_200541_1_) |
ITextComponent |
ScoreObjective.func_197890_e() |
ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.getCommandName() |
ITextComponent |
Team.CollisionRule.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
Team.Visible.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
ScoreObjective.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.getPrefix() |
ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.getSuffix() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ScoreObjective |
Scoreboard.addObjective(java.lang.String p_199868_1_,
ScoreCriteria p_199868_2_,
ITextComponent p_199868_3_,
ScoreCriteria.RenderType p_199868_4_) |
abstract ITextComponent |
Team.format(ITextComponent p_200540_1_) |
ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.format(ITextComponent p_200540_1_) |
static ITextComponent |
ScorePlayerTeam.formatMemberName(Team p_200541_0_,
ITextComponent p_200541_1_) |
void |
ScoreObjective.setDisplayName(ITextComponent p_199864_1_) |
void |
ScorePlayerTeam.setDisplayName(ITextComponent name) |
void |
ScorePlayerTeam.setPrefix(ITextComponent p_207408_1_) |
void |
ScorePlayerTeam.setSuffix(ITextComponent p_207409_1_) |
Constructor and Description |
ScoreObjective(Scoreboard p_i49788_1_,
java.lang.String p_i49788_2_,
ScoreCriteria p_i49788_3_,
ITextComponent p_i49788_4_,
ScoreCriteria.RenderType p_i49788_5_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
MinecraftServer.userMessage |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
CustomServerBossInfo.getFormattedName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CustomServerBossInfo |
CustomServerBossInfoManager.add(ResourceLocation id,
ITextComponent p_201379_2_) |
void |
MinecraftServer.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
protected void |
MinecraftServer.setUserMessage(ITextComponent userMessageIn) |
Constructor and Description |
CustomServerBossInfo(ResourceLocation idIn,
ITextComponent nameIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DedicatedServer.sendMessage(ITextComponent message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
IntegratedPlayerList.canPlayerLogin( p_206258_1_,
com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile p_206258_2_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
PlayerList.canPlayerLogin( p_206258_1_,
com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile p_206258_2_) |
ITextComponent |
IPBanEntry.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
ProfileBanEntry.getDisplayName() |
abstract ITextComponent |
BanEntry.getDisplayName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerList.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
PlayerList.sendMessage(ITextComponent component,
boolean isSystem) |
void |
PlayerList.sendMessageToAllTeamMembers(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent message) |
void |
PlayerList.sendMessageToTeamOrAllPlayers(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent message) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
EnchantingTableTileEntity.customname |
private ITextComponent |
BeaconTileEntity.customName |
private ITextComponent |
CommandBlockLogic.customName |
private ITextComponent |
LockableTileEntity.customName |
private static ITextComponent |
CommandBlockLogic.field_226655_c_ |
private ITextComponent |
CommandBlockLogic.lastOutput |
private ITextComponent | |
ITextComponent[] |
SignTileEntity.signText |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
EnchantingTableTileEntity.getCustomName() |
ITextComponent |
BannerTileEntity.getCustomName() |
ITextComponent |
LockableTileEntity.getCustomName() |
protected ITextComponent |
ChestTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
FurnaceTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
BarrelTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
ShulkerBoxTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
SmokerTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
DispenserTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
DropperTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
BrewingStandTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
HopperTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected abstract ITextComponent |
LockableTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
protected ITextComponent |
BlastFurnaceTileEntity.getDefaultName() |
ITextComponent |
BeaconTileEntity.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
LockableTileEntity.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
LecternTileEntity.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
CommandBlockLogic.getLastOutput() |
ITextComponent |
EnchantingTableTileEntity.getName() |
ITextComponent |
BannerTileEntity.getName() |
ITextComponent |
CommandBlockLogic.getName() |
ITextComponent |
LockableTileEntity.getName() |
ITextComponent |
SignTileEntity.getText(int line) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
LockableTileEntity.canUnlock(PlayerEntity p_213905_0_,
LockCode p_213905_1_,
ITextComponent p_213905_2_) |
void |
BannerTileEntity.func_213136_a(ITextComponent p_213136_1_) |
void |
CommandBlockLogic.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
EnchantingTableTileEntity.setCustomName(ITextComponent name) |
void |
BeaconTileEntity.setCustomName(ITextComponent aname) |
void |
LockableTileEntity.setCustomName(ITextComponent name) |
void |
CommandBlockLogic.setLastOutput(ITextComponent lastOutputMessage) |
void |
CommandBlockLogic.setName(ITextComponent nameIn) |
void |
SignTileEntity.setText(int line,
ITextComponent p_212365_2_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.lang.String |
SignTileEntity.getRenderText(int line,
java.util.function.Function<ITextComponent,java.lang.String> p_212364_2_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
HandSide.handName |
private ITextComponent |
WorldOptimizer.statusText |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default ITextComponent |
INameable.getCustomName() |
ITextComponent |
CombatEntry.getDamageSrcDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
CombatTracker.getDeathMessage() |
ITextComponent |
NetherBedDamageSource.getDeathMessage(LivingEntity entityLivingBaseIn) |
ITextComponent |
DamageSource.getDeathMessage(LivingEntity entityLivingBaseIn) |
ITextComponent |
IndirectEntityDamageSource.getDeathMessage(LivingEntity entityLivingBaseIn) |
ITextComponent |
EntityDamageSource.getDeathMessage(LivingEntity entityLivingBaseIn) |
default ITextComponent |
INameable.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
INameable.getName() |
ITextComponent |
WorldOptimizer.getStatusText() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IProgressUpdate.displayLoadingString(ITextComponent component) |
void |
IProgressUpdate.displaySavingString(ITextComponent component) |
void |
IProgressUpdate.resetProgressAndMessage(ITextComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ScreenShotHelper.saveScreenshot( gameDirectory,
int width,
int height,
Framebuffer buffer,
java.util.function.Consumer<ITextComponent> messageConsumer) |
static void |
ScreenShotHelper.saveScreenshot( gameDirectory,
java.lang.String screenshotName,
int width,
int height,
Framebuffer buffer,
java.util.function.Consumer<ITextComponent> messageConsumer) |
private static void |
ScreenShotHelper.saveScreenshotRaw( gameDirectory,
java.lang.String screenshotName,
int width,
int height,
Framebuffer buffer,
java.util.function.Consumer<ITextComponent> messageConsumer) |
Constructor and Description |
HandSide(ITextComponent nameIn) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
KeybindTextComponent |
class |
NBTTextComponent |
static class |
NBTTextComponent.Block |
static class |
NBTTextComponent.Entity |
static class |
NBTTextComponent.Storage |
class |
ScoreTextComponent |
class |
SelectorTextComponent |
class |
StringTextComponent |
class |
TextComponent |
class |
TranslationTextComponent |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
TranslationTextComponent.children |
protected java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
TextComponent.siblings |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.appendSibling(ITextComponent component) |
ITextComponent |
TextComponent.appendSibling(ITextComponent component) |
default ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.appendText(java.lang.String text) |
default ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.applyTextStyle(java.util.function.Consumer<Style> styleConsumer) |
default ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.applyTextStyle(TextFormatting color) |
default ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.applyTextStyles(TextFormatting... colors) |
static ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.copyWithoutSiblings(ITextComponent textComponent) |
ITextComponent |
NBTTextComponent.createNames(CommandSource p_197668_1_,
Entity p_197668_2_,
int p_197668_3_) |
ITextComponent |
ScoreTextComponent.createNames(CommandSource p_197668_1_,
Entity p_197668_2_,
int p_197668_3_) |
ITextComponent |
SelectorTextComponent.createNames(CommandSource p_197668_1_,
Entity p_197668_2_,
int p_197668_3_) |
ITextComponent |
TranslationTextComponent.createNames(CommandSource p_197668_1_,
Entity p_197668_2_,
int p_197668_3_) |
ITextComponent |
ITargetedTextComponent.createNames(CommandSource p_197668_1_,
Entity p_197668_2_,
int p_197668_3_) |
default ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.deepCopy() |
ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.Serializer.deserialize( p_deserialize_1_,
java.lang.reflect.Type p_deserialize_2_, p_deserialize_3_) |
static ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.Serializer.fromJson( p_197672_0_) |
static ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.Serializer.fromJson(java.lang.String json) |
static ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.Serializer.fromJson(com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader p_197671_0_) |
static ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.Serializer.fromJsonLenient(java.lang.String json) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.getDisplayName(com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile profile) |
private ITextComponent |
TranslationTextComponent.getFormatArgumentAsComponent(int index) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.makeGreenSortedList(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> collection) |
static <T> ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.makeList(java.util.Collection<T> collection,
java.util.function.Function<T,ITextComponent> toTextComponent) |
static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
TextComponentUtils.makeSortedList(java.util.Collection<T> collection,
java.util.function.Function<T,ITextComponent> toTextComponent) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.mergeStyles(ITextComponent component,
Style styleIn) |
ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.setStyle(Style style) |
ITextComponent |
TranslationTextComponent.setStyle(Style style) |
ITextComponent |
TextComponent.setStyle(Style style) |
ITextComponent |
NBTTextComponent.Block.shallowCopy() |
ITextComponent |
NBTTextComponent.Entity.shallowCopy() |
ITextComponent |
NBTTextComponent.Storage.shallowCopy() |
ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.shallowCopy() |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.toTextComponent(com.mojang.brigadier.Message message) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.updateForEntity(CommandSource p_197680_0_,
ITextComponent p_197680_1_,
Entity p_197680_2_,
int p_197680_3_) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.wrapInSquareBrackets(ITextComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default<ITextComponent> |
ITextComponent.func_212637_f() |
java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ITextComponent.getSiblings() |
java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
TextComponent.getSiblings() |
default java.util.Iterator<ITextComponent> |
ITextComponent.iterator() |<ITextComponent> | |<ITextComponent> | |<ITextComponent> | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.appendSibling(ITextComponent component) |
ITextComponent |
TextComponent.appendSibling(ITextComponent component) |
static ITextComponent |
ITextComponent.copyWithoutSiblings(ITextComponent textComponent) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.mergeStyles(ITextComponent component,
Style styleIn) | |
ITextComponent.Serializer.serialize(ITextComponent p_serialize_1_,
java.lang.reflect.Type p_serialize_2_, p_serialize_3_) |
static java.lang.String |
ITextComponent.Serializer.toJson(ITextComponent component) |
static |
ITextComponent.Serializer.toJsonTree(ITextComponent p_200528_0_) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.updateForEntity(CommandSource p_197680_0_,
ITextComponent p_197680_1_,
Entity p_197680_2_,
int p_197680_3_) |
static ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.wrapInSquareBrackets(ITextComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> ITextComponent |
TextComponentUtils.makeList(java.util.Collection<T> collection,
java.util.function.Function<T,ITextComponent> toTextComponent) |
static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
TextComponentUtils.makeSortedList(java.util.Collection<T> collection,
java.util.function.Function<T,ITextComponent> toTextComponent) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
HoverEvent.value |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
HoverEvent.getValue() |
Constructor and Description |
HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action actionIn,
ITextComponent valueIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Difficulty.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
GameType.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
BossInfo.getName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BossInfo.setName(ITextComponent nameIn) |
Constructor and Description |
BossInfo(java.util.UUID uniqueIdIn,
ITextComponent nameIn,
BossInfo.Color colorIn,
BossInfo.Overlay overlayIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Biome.getDisplayName() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static ITextComponent |
private static ITextComponent |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ServerBossInfo.setName(ITextComponent nameIn) |
Constructor and Description |
ServerBossInfo(ITextComponent nameIn,
BossInfo.Color colorIn,
BossInfo.Overlay overlayIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
MapDecoration.customName |
private ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
MapDecoration.getCustomName() |
ITextComponent |
MapBanner.getName() |
ITextComponent |
WorldSummary.getVersionName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
MapData.updateDecorations(MapDecoration.Type type,
IWorld worldIn,
java.lang.String decorationName,
double worldX,
double worldZ,
double rotationIn,
ITextComponent p_191095_10_) |
Constructor and Description |
MapBanner(BlockPos p_i48876_1_,
DyeColor p_i48876_2_,
ITextComponent p_i48876_3_) |
MapDecoration(MapDecoration.Type p_i48875_1_,
byte p_i48875_2_,
byte p_i48875_3_,
byte p_i48875_4_,
ITextComponent p_i48875_5_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
SetLore.lore |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static java.util.function.UnaryOperator<ITextComponent> |
SetName.func_215936_a(LootContext p_215936_0_,
LootContext.EntityTarget p_215936_1_) |
Constructor and Description |
SetName(ILootCondition[] p_i51218_1_,
ITextComponent p_i51218_2_,
LootContext.EntityTarget p_i51218_3_) |
Constructor and Description |
SetLore(ILootCondition[] p_i51220_1_,
boolean replace,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> lore,
LootContext.EntityTarget p_i51220_4_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ITextComponent |
private ITextComponent |
ClientChatReceivedEvent.message |
private ITextComponent |
ScreenshotEvent.resultMessage |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ScreenshotEvent.getCancelMessage() |
ITextComponent |
ClientChatReceivedEvent.getMessage() |
ITextComponent |
ScreenshotEvent.getResultMessage() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClientChatReceivedEvent.setMessage(ITextComponent message) |
void |
ScreenshotEvent.setResultMessage(ITextComponent resultMessage) |
Constructor and Description |
ClientChatReceivedEvent(ChatType type,
ITextComponent message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ForgeIngameGui.setOverlayMessage(ITextComponent component,
boolean animateColor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeHooks.newChatWithLinks(java.lang.String string) |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeHooks.newChatWithLinks(java.lang.String string,
boolean allowMissingHeader) |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeHooks.onServerChatEvent(ServerPlayNetHandler net,
java.lang.String raw,
ITextComponent comp) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeHooks.onServerChatEvent(ServerPlayNetHandler net,
java.lang.String raw,
ITextComponent comp) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
Returns an
ITextComponent containing a short description for this selector type. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FakePlayer.sendMessage(ITextComponent component) |
void |
FakePlayer.sendStatusMessage(ITextComponent chatComponent,
boolean actionBar) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
EntitySelectorTest.ExampleCustomSelector.getSuggestionTooltip() |
Constructor and Description |
TestGui(ContainerTypeTest.TestContainer container,
PlayerInventory inv,
ITextComponent name) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ServerChatEvent.component |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
ServerChatEvent.getComponent() |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeEventFactory.getPlayerDisplayName(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent username) |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeEventFactory.onClientChat(ChatType type,
ITextComponent message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeEventFactory.getPlayerDisplayName(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent username) |
static ITextComponent |
ForgeEventFactory.onClientChat(ChatType type,
ITextComponent message) |
void |
ServerChatEvent.setComponent(ITextComponent e) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ItemTooltipEvent |
ForgeEventFactory.onItemTooltip(ItemStack itemStack,
PlayerEntity entityPlayer,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> list,
ITooltipFlag flags) |
Constructor and Description |
ServerChatEvent(ServerPlayerEntity player,
java.lang.String message,
ITextComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerEvent.NameFormat.displaynameComponent |
private ITextComponent |
PlayerEvent.NameFormat.usernameComponent |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ItemTooltipEvent.toolTip |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
PlayerEvent.NameFormat.getDisplaynameComponent() |
ITextComponent |
PlayerEvent.NameFormat.getUsernameComponent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ItemStack tooltip. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerEvent.NameFormat.setDisplaynameComponent(ITextComponent displayname) |
Constructor and Description |
NameFormat(PlayerEntity player,
ITextComponent username) |
Constructor and Description |
ItemTooltipEvent(ItemStack itemStack,
PlayerEntity entityPlayer,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> list,
ITooltipFlag flags)
This event is fired in
ItemStack#getTooltip(EntityPlayer, ITooltipFlag) , which in turn is called from it's respective GUIContainer. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
FluidStack.getDisplayName() |
ITextComponent |
FluidAttributes.getDisplayName(FluidStack stack)
Returns the localized name of this fluid.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
TextComponentMessageFormatHandler.handle(TranslationTextComponent parent,
java.util.List<ITextComponent> children,
java.lang.Object[] formatArgs,
java.lang.String format) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ModListScreen.InfoPanel.lines |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private ITextComponent |
ModListScreen.InfoPanel.findTextLine(int mouseX,
int mouseY) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private java.util.List<ITextComponent> |
ModListScreen.InfoPanel.resizeContent(java.util.List<java.lang.String> lines) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private ITextComponent | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ITextComponent |
FMLPlayMessages.OpenContainer.getName() |
Constructor and Description |
OpenContainer(ContainerType<?> id,
int windowId,
ITextComponent name,
PacketBuffer additionalData) |
OpenContainer(int id,
int windowId,
ITextComponent name,
PacketBuffer additionalData) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static <T> int |
CommandTrack.TrackResults.execute(CommandSource source,
TimeTracker<T> tracker,
java.util.function.Function<ForgeTimings<T>,ITextComponent> toString) |