Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
BipedRenderer<T extends MobEntity,M extends BipedModel<T>> |
class |
MobRenderer<T extends MobEntity,M extends EntityModel<T>> |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
StayClothingLayer<T extends MobEntity & IRangedAttackMob,M extends EntityModel<T>> |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SkeletonModel<T extends MobEntity & IRangedAttackMob> |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AgeableEntity |
class |
CreatureEntity |
class |
FlyingEntity |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends MobEntity> |
EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.register(EntityType<T> entityTypeIn,
EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType placementType,
Heightmap.Type heightMapType,
EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.IPlacementPredicate<T> p_209343_3_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
MobEntity.canSpawnOn(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> typeIn,
IWorld worldIn,
SpawnReason reason,
BlockPos pos,
java.util.Random randomIn) |
static EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType |
EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType.create(java.lang.String name,
TriPredicate<IWorldReader,BlockPos,EntityType<? extends MobEntity>> predicate) |
Constructor and Description |
MobEntity(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type,
World worldIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private MobEntity |
EntitySenses.entity |
Constructor and Description |
EntitySenses(MobEntity entityIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
NearestBedSensor.update(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.func_220462_f(ServerWorld p_220462_1_,
MobEntity p_220462_2_) |
private boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.func_220464_e(ServerWorld p_220464_1_,
MobEntity p_220464_2_) |
private boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.func_220465_d(ServerWorld p_220465_1_,
MobEntity p_220465_2_) |
private void |
JumpOnBedTask.func_220467_a(MobEntity p_220467_1_,
BlockPos p_220467_2_) |
private boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.func_220468_c(ServerWorld p_220468_1_,
MobEntity p_220468_2_) |
private boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.func_220469_b(ServerWorld p_220469_1_,
MobEntity p_220469_2_) |
private boolean |
WalkToTargetTask.func_220487_a(MobEntity p_220487_1_,
WalkTarget p_220487_2_,
long p_220487_3_) |
private java.util.Optional<BlockPos> |
JumpOnBedTask.getBed(MobEntity p_220463_1_) |
private boolean |
WalkToTargetTask.hasReachedTarget(MobEntity p_220486_1_,
WalkTarget p_220486_2_) |
protected void |
LookTask.resetTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
WalkToTargetTask.resetTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
JumpOnBedTask.resetTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected boolean |
LookTask.shouldContinueExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected boolean |
WalkToTargetTask.shouldContinueExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected boolean |
SwimTask.shouldContinueExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.shouldContinueExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected boolean |
WalkToTargetTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
SwimTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner) |
protected boolean |
JumpOnBedTask.shouldExecute(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner) |
protected void |
WalkToTargetTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
JumpOnBedTask.startExecuting(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity entityIn,
long gameTimeIn) |
protected void |
LookTask.updateTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner,
long gameTime) |
protected void |
WalkToTargetTask.updateTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner,
long gameTime) |
protected void |
SwimTask.updateTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner,
long gameTime) |
protected void |
JumpOnBedTask.updateTask(ServerWorld worldIn,
MobEntity owner,
long gameTime) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected MobEntity |
LookController.mob |
protected MobEntity |
MovementController.mob |
private MobEntity |
JumpController.mob |
private MobEntity |
BodyController.mob |
Constructor and Description |
BodyController(MobEntity mob) |
DolphinLookController(MobEntity p_i48942_1_,
int p_i48942_2_) |
FlyingMovementController(MobEntity p_i225710_1_,
int p_i225710_2_,
boolean p_i225710_3_) |
JumpController(MobEntity mob) |
LookController(MobEntity mob) |
MovementController(MobEntity mob) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
UseItemGoal<T extends MobEntity> |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected MobEntity |
InteractDoorGoal.entity |
private MobEntity |
FollowMobGoal.entity |
private MobEntity |
BreakBlockGoal.entity |
protected MobEntity |
LookAtGoal.entity |
private MobEntity |
SwimGoal.entity |
private MobEntity |
OcelotAttackGoal.entity |
private MobEntity |
RangedAttackGoal.entityHost |
private T |
UseItemGoal.field_220766_a |
private MobEntity |
FollowMobGoal.followingEntity |
protected MobEntity |
TargetGoal.goalOwner |
private MobEntity |
EatGrassGoal.grassEaterEntity |
private MobEntity |
LookRandomlyGoal.idleEntity |
private MobEntity |
LeapAtTargetGoal.leaper |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.function.Predicate<MobEntity> |
FollowMobGoal.followPredicate |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
HurtByTargetGoal.setAttackTarget(MobEntity mobIn,
LivingEntity targetIn) |
Constructor and Description |
BreakDoorGoal(MobEntity p_i50333_1_,
int p_i50333_2_,
java.util.function.Predicate<Difficulty> p_i50333_3_) |
BreakDoorGoal(MobEntity p_i50332_1_,
java.util.function.Predicate<Difficulty> p_i50332_2_) |
EatGrassGoal(MobEntity grassEaterEntityIn) |
FollowMobGoal(MobEntity p_i47417_1_,
double p_i47417_2_,
float p_i47417_4_,
float p_i47417_5_) |
InteractDoorGoal(MobEntity entityIn) |
LeapAtTargetGoal(MobEntity leapingEntity,
float leapMotionYIn) |
LookAtGoal(MobEntity entityIn,
java.lang.Class<? extends LivingEntity> watchTargetClass,
float maxDistance) |
LookAtGoal(MobEntity entityIn,
java.lang.Class<? extends LivingEntity> watchTargetClass,
float maxDistance,
float chanceIn) |
LookAtWithoutMovingGoal(MobEntity entitylivingIn,
java.lang.Class<? extends LivingEntity> watchTargetClass,
float maxDistance,
float chanceIn) |
LookRandomlyGoal(MobEntity entitylivingIn) |
NearestAttackableTargetGoal(MobEntity goalOwnerIn,
java.lang.Class<T> targetClassIn,
boolean checkSight) |
NearestAttackableTargetGoal(MobEntity goalOwnerIn,
java.lang.Class<T> targetClassIn,
boolean checkSight,
boolean nearbyOnlyIn) |
NearestAttackableTargetGoal(MobEntity goalOwnerIn,
java.lang.Class<T> targetClassIn,
int targetChanceIn,
boolean checkSight,
boolean nearbyOnlyIn,
java.util.function.Predicate<LivingEntity> targetPredicate) |
OcelotAttackGoal(MobEntity theEntityIn) |
OpenDoorGoal(MobEntity entitylivingIn,
boolean shouldClose) |
SwimGoal(MobEntity entityIn) |
TargetGoal(MobEntity mobIn,
boolean checkSight) |
TargetGoal(MobEntity mobIn,
boolean checkSight,
boolean nearbyOnlyIn) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
WitherEntity |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
EnderDragonEntity |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractVillagerEntity |
class |
VillagerEntity |
class |
WanderingTraderEntity |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractIllagerEntity |
class |
AbstractRaiderEntity |
class |
AbstractSkeletonEntity |
class |
BlazeEntity |
class |
CaveSpiderEntity |
class |
CreeperEntity |
class |
DrownedEntity |
class |
ElderGuardianEntity |
class |
EndermanEntity |
class |
EndermiteEntity |
class |
EvokerEntity |
class |
GhastEntity |
class |
GiantEntity |
class |
GuardianEntity |
class |
HuskEntity |
class |
IllusionerEntity |
class |
MagmaCubeEntity |
class |
MonsterEntity |
class |
PatrollerEntity |
class |
PhantomEntity |
class |
PillagerEntity |
class |
RavagerEntity |
class |
ShulkerEntity |
class |
SilverfishEntity |
class |
SkeletonEntity |
class |
SlimeEntity |
class |
SpellcastingIllagerEntity |
class |
SpiderEntity |
class |
StrayEntity |
class |
VexEntity |
class |
VindicatorEntity |
class |
WitchEntity |
class |
WitherSkeletonEntity |
class |
ZombieEntity |
class |
ZombiePigmanEntity |
class |
ZombieVillagerEntity |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private MobEntity |
VexEntity.owner |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MobEntity |
VexEntity.getOwner() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ZombiePigmanEntity.HurtByAggressorGoal.setAttackTarget(MobEntity mobIn,
LivingEntity targetIn) |
void |
VexEntity.setOwner(MobEntity ownerIn) |
Constructor and Description |
BodyHelperController(MobEntity p_i50612_2_) |
BodyHelperController(MobEntity mob) |
BreakDoorGoal(MobEntity p_i50578_1_) |
LookHelperController(MobEntity entityIn) |
MoveHelperController(MobEntity entityIn) |
Navigator(MobEntity p_i50754_1_,
World p_i50754_2_) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AmbientEntity |
class |
AnimalEntity |
class |
BatEntity |
class |
BeeEntity |
class |
CatEntity |
class |
ChickenEntity |
class |
CowEntity |
class |
DolphinEntity |
class |
FoxEntity |
class |
GolemEntity |
class |
IronGolemEntity |
class |
MooshroomEntity |
class |
OcelotEntity |
class |
PandaEntity |
class |
ParrotEntity |
class |
PigEntity |
class |
PolarBearEntity |
class |
RabbitEntity |
class |
SheepEntity |
class |
ShoulderRidingEntity |
class |
SnowGolemEntity |
class |
SquidEntity |
class |
TameableEntity |
class |
TurtleEntity |
class |
WaterMobEntity |
class |
WolfEntity |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static java.util.function.Predicate<MobEntity> |
ParrotEntity.CAN_MIMIC |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PandaEntity.RevengeGoal.setAttackTarget(MobEntity mobIn,
LivingEntity targetIn) |
protected void |
PolarBearEntity.HurtByTargetGoal.setAttackTarget(MobEntity mobIn,
LivingEntity targetIn) |
protected void |
BeeEntity.AngerGoal.setAttackTarget(MobEntity mobIn,
LivingEntity targetIn) |
Constructor and Description |
BeeLookController(MobEntity beeIn) |
WatchGoal(MobEntity p_i50733_2_,
java.lang.Class<? extends LivingEntity> p_i50733_3_,
float p_i50733_4_) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractFishEntity |
class |
AbstractGroupFishEntity |
class |
CodEntity |
class |
PufferfishEntity |
class |
SalmonEntity |
class |
TropicalFishEntity |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
PufferfishEntity.attack(MobEntity p_205719_1_) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractChestedHorseEntity |
class |
AbstractHorseEntity |
class |
DonkeyEntity |
class |
HorseEntity |
class |
LlamaEntity |
class |
MuleEntity |
class |
SkeletonHorseEntity |
class |
TraderLlamaEntity |
class |
ZombieHorseEntity |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
DebugPacketSender.sendGoal(World worldIn,
MobEntity p_218800_1_,
GoalSelector p_218800_2_) |
static void |
DebugPacketSender.sendPath(World worldIn,
MobEntity p_218803_1_,
Path p_218803_2_,
float p_218803_3_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected MobEntity |
NodeProcessor.entity |
protected MobEntity |
PathNavigator.entity |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NodeProcessor.func_225578_a_(Region p_225578_1_,
MobEntity p_225578_2_) |
void |
WalkAndSwimNodeProcessor.func_225578_a_(Region p_225578_1_,
MobEntity p_225578_2_) |
void |
WalkNodeProcessor.func_225578_a_(Region p_225578_1_,
MobEntity p_225578_2_) |
void |
FlyingNodeProcessor.func_225578_a_(Region p_225578_1_,
MobEntity p_225578_2_) |
Path |
PathFinder.func_227478_a_(Region p_227478_1_,
MobEntity p_227478_2_,
java.util.Set<BlockPos> p_227478_3_,
float p_227478_4_,
int p_227478_5_,
float p_227478_6_) |
PathNodeType |
SwimNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(IBlockReader blockaccessIn,
int x,
int y,
int z,
MobEntity entitylivingIn,
int xSize,
int ySize,
int zSize,
boolean canBreakDoorsIn,
boolean canEnterDoorsIn) |
abstract PathNodeType |
NodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(IBlockReader blockaccessIn,
int x,
int y,
int z,
MobEntity entitylivingIn,
int xSize,
int ySize,
int zSize,
boolean canBreakDoorsIn,
boolean canEnterDoorsIn) |
PathNodeType |
WalkNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(IBlockReader blockaccessIn,
int x,
int y,
int z,
MobEntity entitylivingIn,
int xSize,
int ySize,
int zSize,
boolean canBreakDoorsIn,
boolean canEnterDoorsIn) |
PathNodeType |
FlyingNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(IBlockReader blockaccessIn,
int x,
int y,
int z,
MobEntity entitylivingIn,
int xSize,
int ySize,
int zSize,
boolean canBreakDoorsIn,
boolean canEnterDoorsIn) |
private PathNodeType |
WalkNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(MobEntity entitylivingIn,
BlockPos pos) |
private PathNodeType |
FlyingNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(MobEntity p_192559_1_,
BlockPos p_192559_2_) |
private PathNodeType |
WalkNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(MobEntity entitylivingIn,
int x,
int y,
int z) |
private PathNodeType |
FlyingNodeProcessor.getPathNodeType(MobEntity p_192558_1_,
int p_192558_2_,
int p_192558_3_,
int p_192558_4_) |
Constructor and Description |
ClimberPathNavigator(MobEntity entityLivingIn,
World worldIn) |
FlyingPathNavigator(MobEntity entityIn,
World worldIn) |
GroundPathNavigator(MobEntity entitylivingIn,
World worldIn) |
PathNavigator(MobEntity entityIn,
World worldIn) |
SwimmerPathNavigator(MobEntity entitylivingIn,
World worldIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
ForgeHooks.canEntitySpawn(MobEntity entity,
IWorld world,
double x,
double y,
double z,
AbstractSpawner spawner,
SpawnReason spawnReason) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default PathNodeType |
IForgeBlock.getAiPathNodeType(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
MobEntity entity)
Get the
PathNodeType for this block. |
default PathNodeType |
IForgeBlockState.getAiPathNodeType(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
MobEntity entity)
Get the
PathNodeType for this block. |
default void |
IForgeItem.onHorseArmorTick(ItemStack stack,
World world,
MobEntity horse)
Called every tick from
EntityHorse#onUpdate() on the item in the
armor slot. |
default void |
IForgeItemStack.onHorseArmorTick(World world,
MobEntity horse)
Called every tick from
EntityHorse#onUpdate() on the item in the
armor slot. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event.Result |
ForgeEventFactory.canEntityDespawn(MobEntity entity) |
static net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event.Result |
ForgeEventFactory.canEntitySpawn(MobEntity entity,
IWorld world,
double x,
double y,
double z,
AbstractSpawner spawner,
SpawnReason spawnReason) |
static boolean |
ForgeEventFactory.canEntitySpawnSpawner(MobEntity entity,
World world,
float x,
float y,
float z,
AbstractSpawner spawner) |
static boolean |
ForgeEventFactory.doSpecialSpawn(MobEntity entity,
World world,
float x,
float y,
float z,
AbstractSpawner spawner,
SpawnReason spawnReason) |
static int |
ForgeEventFactory.getMaxSpawnPackSize(MobEntity entity) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private MobEntity |
BabyEntitySpawnEvent.parentA |
private MobEntity |
BabyEntitySpawnEvent.parentB |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MobEntity |
BabyEntitySpawnEvent.getParentA() |
MobEntity |
BabyEntitySpawnEvent.getParentB() |
Constructor and Description |
AllowDespawn(MobEntity entity) |
BabyEntitySpawnEvent(MobEntity parentA,
MobEntity parentB,
AgeableEntity proposedChild) |
CheckSpawn(MobEntity entity,
IWorld world,
double x,
double y,
double z,
AbstractSpawner spawner,
SpawnReason spawnReason)
CheckSpawn is fired when an Entity is about to be spawned.
LivingPackSizeEvent(MobEntity entity) |
LivingSpawnEvent(MobEntity entity,
IWorld world,
double x,
double y,
double z) |
SpecialSpawn(MobEntity entity,
World world,
double x,
double y,
double z,
AbstractSpawner spawner,
SpawnReason spawnReason) |