public interface IForgeBlock
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default boolean |
addDestroyEffects(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
ParticleManager manager)
Spawn particles for when the block is destroyed.
default boolean |
addHitEffects(BlockState state,
World worldObj,
RayTraceResult target,
ParticleManager manager)
Spawn a digging particle effect in the world, this is a wrapper
around EffectRenderer.addBlockHitEffects to allow the block more
control over the particles.
default boolean |
addLandingEffects(BlockState state1,
ServerWorld worldserver,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState state2,
LivingEntity entity,
int numberOfParticles)
Allows a block to override the standard EntityLivingBase.updateFallState
particles, this is a server side method that spawns particles with
default boolean |
addRunningEffects(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entity)
Allows a block to override the standard vanilla running particles.
default void |
beginLeaveDecay(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Called when a leaf should start its decay process.
default boolean |
canBeConnectedTo(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing)
Determines if another block can connect to this block
default boolean |
canBeReplacedByLeaves(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Used during tree growth to determine if newly generated leaves can replace this block.
default boolean |
canBeReplacedByLogs(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Used during tree growth to determine if newly generated logs can replace this block.
default boolean |
canConnectRedstone(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Determine if this block can make a redstone connection on the side provided,
Useful to control which sides are inputs and outputs for redstone wires.
default boolean |
canCreatureSpawn(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType type,
EntityType<?> entityType)
Determines if a specified mob type can spawn on this block, returning false will
prevent any mob from spawning on the block.
default boolean |
canDropFromExplosion(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Explosion explosion)
Determines if this block should drop loot when exploded.
default boolean |
canEntityDestroy(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entity)
Determines if this block is can be destroyed by the specified entities normal behavior.
default boolean |
canHarvestBlock(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
PlayerEntity player)
Determines if the player can harvest this block, obtaining it's drops when the block is destroyed.
default boolean |
canStickTo(BlockState state,
BlockState other)
Determines if this block can stick to another block when pushed by a piston.
boolean |
canSustainPlant(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
IPlantable plantable)
Determines if this block can support the passed in plant, allowing it to be planted and grow.
default void |
catchFire(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face,
LivingEntity igniter)
If the block is flammable, this is called when it gets lit on fire.
default boolean |
collisionExtendsVertically(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity collidingEntity)
Determines if this block's collision box should be treated as though it can extend above its block space.
default TileEntity |
createTileEntity(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world)
Called throughout the code as a replacement for ITileEntityProvider.createNewTileEntity
Return the same thing you would from that function.
default PathNodeType |
getAiPathNodeType(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
MobEntity entity)
Get the
PathNodeType for this block. |
default float[] |
getBeaconColorMultiplier(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockPos beaconPos) |
default Direction |
getBedDirection(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Returns the direction of the block.
default java.util.Optional<Vec3d> |
getBedSpawnPosition(EntityType<?> entityType,
BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
LivingEntity sleeper)
Returns the position that the sleeper is moved to upon
waking up, or respawning at the bed.
default Block |
getBlock() |
default float |
getEnchantPowerBonus(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Determines the amount of enchanting power this block can provide to an enchanting table.
default int |
getExpDrop(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
int fortune,
int silktouch)
Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken.
default float |
getExplosionResistance(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity exploder,
Explosion explosion)
Location sensitive version of getExplosionResistance
default BlockState |
getExtendedState(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Can return IExtendedBlockState
default int |
getFireSpreadSpeed(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Called when fire is updating on a neighbor block.
default int |
getFlammability(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Chance that fire will spread and consume this block.
default Vec3d |
getFogColor(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entity,
Vec3d originalColor,
float partialTicks)
Use this to change the fog color used when the entity is "inside" a material.
int |
getHarvestLevel(BlockState state)
Queries the harvest level of this item stack for the specified tool class,
Returns -1 if this tool is not of the specified type
ToolType |
getHarvestTool(BlockState state)
Queries the class of tool required to harvest this block, if null is returned
we assume that anything can harvest this block.
default int |
getLightValue(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Get a light value for this block, taking into account the given state and coordinates, normal ranges are between 0 and 15
default ItemStack |
getPickBlock(BlockState state,
RayTraceResult target,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
PlayerEntity player)
Called when A user uses the creative pick block button on this block
default RayTraceResult |
getRayTraceResult(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Vec3d start,
Vec3d end,
RayTraceResult original)
Ray traces through the blocks collision from start vector to end vector returning a ray trace hit.
float |
getSlipperiness(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entity)
Gets the slipperiness at the given location at the given state.
default SoundType |
getSoundType(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity entity)
Sensitive version of getSoundType
default BlockState |
getStateAtViewpoint(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Vec3d viewpoint)
Used to determine the state 'viewed' by an entity (see
ActiveRenderInfo#getBlockStateAtEntityViewpoint(World, Entity, float) ). |
default BlockState |
getStateForPlacement(BlockState state,
Direction facing,
BlockState state2,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos1,
BlockPos pos2,
Hand hand)
//TODO: Re-Evaluate
Gets the
IBlockState to place |
java.util.Set<ResourceLocation> |
Retrieves a list of tags names this is known to be associated with.
default Direction[] |
getValidRotations(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Get the rotations that can apply to the block at the specified coordinates.
default boolean |
getWeakChanges(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
If this block should be notified of weak changes.
default boolean |
hasTileEntity(BlockState state)
Called throughout the code as a replacement for block instanceof BlockContainer
Moving this to the Block base class allows for mods that wish to extend vanilla
blocks, and also want to have a tile entity on that block, may.
default boolean |
isAir(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Determines this block should be treated as an air block
by the rest of the code.
default boolean |
isBeaconBase(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockPos beacon)
Determines if this block can be used as the base of a beacon.
default boolean |
isBed(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Entity player)
Determines if this block is classified as a Bed, Allowing
players to sleep in it, though the block has to specifically
perform the sleeping functionality in it's activated event.
default boolean |
isBedFoot(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Determines if the current block is the foot half of the bed.
default boolean |
isBurning(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Determines if this block should set fire and deal fire damage
to entities coming into contact with it.
default boolean |
isConduitFrame(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockPos conduit)
Determines if this block can be used as the frame of a conduit.
default boolean |
isFertile(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Checks if this soil is fertile, typically this means that growth rates
of plants on this soil will be slightly sped up.
default boolean |
isFireSource(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Currently only called by fire when it is on top of this block.
default boolean |
isFlammable(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Called when fire is updating, checks if a block face can catch fire.
default boolean |
isFoliage(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Used by getTopSoilidOrLiquidBlock while placing biome decorations, villages, etc
Also used to determine if the player can spawn in this block.
default boolean |
isLadder(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
LivingEntity entity)
Checks if a player or entity can use this block to 'climb' like a ladder.
default boolean |
isPortalFrame(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Determines if this block can be used as part of a frame of a nether portal.
default boolean |
isReplaceableOreGen(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
java.util.function.Predicate<BlockState> target)
Determines if the current block is replaceable by Ore veins during world generation.
default boolean |
isSlimeBlock(BlockState state) |
default boolean |
isStickyBlock(BlockState state) |
default boolean |
isToolEffective(BlockState state,
ToolType tool)
Checks if the specified tool type is efficient on this block,
meaning that it digs at full speed.
default void |
observedNeighborChange(BlockState observerState,
World world,
BlockPos observerPos,
Block changedBlock,
BlockPos changedBlockPos)
Called on an Observer block whenever an update for an Observer is received.
default void |
onBlockExploded(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Explosion explosion)
Called when the block is destroyed by an explosion.
default void |
onNeighborChange(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockPos neighbor)
Called when a tile entity on a side of this block changes is created or is destroyed.
default void |
onPlantGrow(BlockState state,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockPos source)
Called when a plant grows on this block, only implemented for saplings using the WorldGen*Trees classes right now.
default boolean |
recolorBlock(BlockState state,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
DyeColor color)
//TODO: Re-Evaluate
Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken.
default boolean |
removedByPlayer(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
PlayerEntity player,
boolean willHarvest,
IFluidState fluid)
Called when a player removes a block.
default BlockState |
rotate(BlockState state,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos,
Rotation direction) |
default void |
setBedOccupied(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
LivingEntity sleeper,
boolean occupied)
Called when a user either starts or stops sleeping in the bed.
default boolean |
shouldCheckWeakPower(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Called to determine whether to allow the a block to handle its own indirect power rather than using the default rules.
default boolean |
shouldDisplayFluidOverlay(BlockState state,
ILightReader world,
BlockPos pos,
IFluidState fluidState)
Called to determine whether this block should use the fluid overlay texture or flowing texture when it is placed under the fluid.
default Block getBlock()
float getSlipperiness(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity entity)
Note that entities may reduce slipperiness by a certain factor of their own;
for net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
, this is .91
uses .98
, and
uses .92
- state of the blockworld
- the worldpos
- the position in the worldentity
- the entity in questiondefault int getLightValue(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
- world
- pos
- default boolean isLadder(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, LivingEntity entity)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldentity
- The entity trying to use the ladder, CAN be null.default boolean isBurning(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean hasTileEntity(BlockState state)
- State of the current block@Nullable default TileEntity createTileEntity(BlockState state, IBlockReader world)
- The state of the current blockworld
- The world to create the TE indefault boolean canHarvestBlock(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player)
- The current worldpos
- The block's current positionplayer
- The player damaging the blockdefault boolean removedByPlayer(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, boolean willHarvest, IFluidState fluid)
- The current
- The current worldplayer
- The player damaging the block, may be nullpos
- Block position in worldwillHarvest
- True if Block.harvestBlock will be called after this, if the return in true.
Can be useful to delay the destruction of tile entities till after harvestBlockfluid
- The current fluid state at current positiondefault boolean isBed(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity player)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldplayer
- The player or camera entity, null in some cases.default boolean canCreatureSpawn(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType type, @Nullable EntityType<?> entityType)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldtype
- The Mob Category Typedefault java.util.Optional<Vec3d> getBedSpawnPosition(EntityType<?> entityType, BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable LivingEntity sleeper)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldsleeper
- The sleeper or camera entity, null in some cases.default void setBedOccupied(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, LivingEntity sleeper, boolean occupied)
- world
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldsleeper
- The sleeper or camera entity, null in some cases.occupied
- True if we are occupying the bed, or false if they are stopping use of the beddefault Direction getBedDirection(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean isBedFoot(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault void beginLeaveDecay(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean isAir(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean canBeReplacedByLeaves(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean canBeReplacedByLogs(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean isReplaceableOreGen(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, java.util.function.Predicate<BlockState> target)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldtarget
- The generic target block the gen is looking for, Standards define stone
for overworld generation, and neatherack for the nether.default float getExplosionResistance(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity exploder, Explosion explosion)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldexploder
- The entity that caused the explosion, can be nullexplosion
- The explosiondefault boolean canConnectRedstone(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Direction side)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldside
- The side that is trying to make the connection, CAN BE NULLdefault ItemStack getPickBlock(BlockState state, RayTraceResult target, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player)
- The full target the player is looking atdefault boolean isFoliage(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
default boolean addLandingEffects(BlockState state1, ServerWorld worldserver, BlockPos pos, BlockState state2, LivingEntity entity, int numberOfParticles)
- The current Server Worldpos
- The position of the block.state2
- The state at the specific world/posentity
- The entity that hit landed on the blocknumberOfParticles
- That vanilla world have spawneddefault boolean addRunningEffects(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity)
and is called both,
Client and server side, it's up to the implementor to client check / server check.
By default vanilla spawns particles only on the client and the server methods no-op.state
- The BlockState the entity is running
- The world.pos
- The position at the entities feet.entity
- The entity running on the block.default boolean addHitEffects(BlockState state, World worldObj, RayTraceResult target, ParticleManager manager)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldtarget
- The target the player is looking at {x/y/z/side/sub}manager
- A reference to the current particle manager.default boolean addDestroyEffects(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, ParticleManager manager)
- The current worldpos
- Position to spawn the particlemanager
- A reference to the current particle manager.boolean canSustainPlant(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing, IPlantable plantable)
- The Current stateworld
- The current worldfacing
- The direction relative to the given position the plant wants to be, typically its UPplantable
- The plant that wants to checkdefault void onPlantGrow(BlockState state, IWorld world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos source)
- The current stateworld
- Current worldpos
- Block position in worldsource
- Source plant's position in worlddefault boolean isFertile(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean isBeaconBase(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos beacon)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldbeacon
- Beacon position in worlddefault boolean isConduitFrame(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos conduit)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldconduit
- Conduit position in worlddefault boolean isPortalFrame(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault int getExpDrop(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, int fortune, int silktouch)
- The current stateworld
- The worldpos
- Block positionfortune
- default BlockState rotate(BlockState state, IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Rotation direction)
@Nullable default Direction[] getValidRotations(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current stateworld
- The worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault float getEnchantPowerBonus(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The Worldpos
- Block position in worlddefault boolean recolorBlock(BlockState state, IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing, DyeColor color)
- The current stateworld
- The worldpos
- Block positionfortune
- default void onNeighborChange(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos neighbor)
- The worldpos
- Block position in worldneighbor
- Block position of neighbordefault void observedNeighborChange(BlockState observerState, World world, BlockPos observerPos, Block changedBlock, BlockPos changedBlockPos)
- The Observer block's
- The current world.observerPos
- The Observer block's position.changedBlock
- The updated block.changedBlockPos
- The updated block's position.default boolean shouldCheckWeakPower(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction side)
- The worldpos
- Block position in worldside
- The INPUT side of the block to be powered - ie the opposite of this block's output sidedefault boolean getWeakChanges(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldToolType getHarvestTool(BlockState state)
int getHarvestLevel(BlockState state)
default boolean isToolEffective(BlockState state, ToolType tool)
default BlockState getExtendedState(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
default SoundType getSoundType(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity entity)
- The stateworld
- The worldpos
- The position. Note that the world may not necessarily have state
- The entity that is breaking/stepping on/placing/hitting/falling on this block, or null if no entity is in this context@Nullable default float[] getBeaconColorMultiplier(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos beaconPos)
- The stateworld
- The worldpos
- The position of this statebeaconPos
- The position of the beacondefault Vec3d getFogColor(BlockState state, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity, Vec3d originalColor, float partialTicks)
- The world.pos
- The position at the entity viewport.state
- The state at the entity viewport.entity
- the entityoriginalColor
- The current fog color, You are not expected to use this, Return as the default if applicable.default BlockState getStateAtViewpoint(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Vec3d viewpoint)
ActiveRenderInfo#getBlockStateAtEntityViewpoint(World, Entity, float)
Can be used by fluid blocks to determine if the viewpoint is within the fluid or not.state
- the stateworld
- the worldpos
- the positionviewpoint
- the viewpointdefault BlockState getStateForPlacement(BlockState state, Direction facing, BlockState state2, IWorld world, BlockPos pos1, BlockPos pos2, Hand hand)
to placeworld
- The world the block is being placed inpos
- The position the block is being placed atfacing
- The side the block is being placed onhitX
- The X coordinate of the hit vectorhitY
- The Y coordinate of the hit vectorhitZ
- The Z coordinate of the hit vectormeta
- The metadata of ItemStack
as processed by Item#getMetadata(int)
- The entity placing the blockhand
- The player hand used to place this blockdefault boolean canBeConnectedTo(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing)
- The current worldpos
- The position of this blockfacing
- The side the connecting block is on@Nullable default PathNodeType getAiPathNodeType(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable MobEntity entity)
for this block. Return null
for vanilla behavior.default boolean isSlimeBlock(BlockState state)
- The statedefault boolean isStickyBlock(BlockState state)
- The statedefault boolean canStickTo(BlockState state, BlockState other)
- My stateother
- Other blockdefault int getFlammability(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldface
- The face that the fire is coming fromdefault boolean isFlammable(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldface
- The face that the fire is coming fromdefault void catchFire(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Direction face, @Nullable LivingEntity igniter)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldface
- The face that the fire is coming fromigniter
- The entity that lit the firedefault int getFireSpreadSpeed(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldface
- The face that the fire is coming fromdefault boolean isFireSource(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction side)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldside
- The face that the fire is coming fromdefault boolean canEntityDestroy(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in world@Nullable default RayTraceResult getRayTraceResult(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, Vec3d start, Vec3d end, RayTraceResult original)
- The current stateworld
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldstart
- The start vectorend
- The end vectororiginal
- The original result from Block#collisionRayTrace(IBlockState, World, BlockPos, Vec3d, Vec3d)
default boolean canDropFromExplosion(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Explosion explosion)
java.util.Set<ResourceLocation> getTags()
default void onBlockExploded(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, Explosion explosion)
- The current worldpos
- Block position in worldexplosion
- The explosion instance affecting the blockdefault boolean collisionExtendsVertically(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Entity collidingEntity)
default boolean shouldDisplayFluidOverlay(BlockState state, ILightReader world, BlockPos pos, IFluidState fluidState)
- The current stateworld
- The worldpos
- Block position in worldfluidState
- The state of the fluid