Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
BlockState.Cache.DIRECTIONS |
private Direction |
PistonBlockStructureHelper.facing |
private static Direction[] |
static Direction[] |
private Direction |
NetherPortalBlock.Size.leftDir |
private Direction |
PistonBlockStructureHelper.moveDirection |
private Direction |
NetherPortalBlock.Size.rightDir |
private Direction |
Block.RenderSideCacheKey.side |
private static Direction[] |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,VoxelShape> |
WallBannerBlock.BANNER_SHAPES |
static EnumProperty<Direction> |
ShulkerBoxBlock.FACING |
static java.util.Map<Direction,EnumProperty<RedstoneSide>> |
static java.util.Map<Direction,BooleanProperty> |
protected static java.util.Map<Direction,BooleanProperty> |
static java.util.Map<Direction,BooleanProperty> |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,BooleanProperty> |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,BooleanProperty> |
HugeMushroomBlock.field_196462_B |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,BooleanProperty> |
TripWireBlock.field_196537_E |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,VoxelShape> |
WallSignBlock.SHAPES |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,VoxelShape> |
DeadCoralWallFanBlock.SHAPES |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,VoxelShape> |
AttachedStemBlock.SHAPES |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,VoxelShape> |
WallSkullBlock.SHAPES |
private static java.util.Map<Direction,VoxelShape> |
WallTorchBlock.SHAPES |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Direction |
BellBlock.func_220131_q(BlockState p_220131_0_) |
static Direction |
BedBlock.func_220174_a(IBlockReader p_220174_0_,
BlockPos p_220174_1_) |
protected static Direction |
LanternBlock.func_220277_j(BlockState p_220277_0_) |
static Direction |
BedBlock.func_226862_h_(BlockState p_226862_0_) |
private Direction |
ChestBlock.getDirectionToAttach(BlockItemUseContext p_196312_1_,
Direction p_196312_2_) |
static Direction |
ChestBlock.getDirectionToAttached(BlockState state) |
private static Direction |
BedBlock.getDirectionToOther(BedPart p_208070_0_,
Direction p_208070_1_) |
protected static Direction |
HorizontalFaceBlock.getFacing(BlockState p_196365_0_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private boolean |
PistonBlockStructureHelper.addBlockLine(BlockPos origin,
Direction facingIn) |
private static boolean |
ChorusFlowerBlock.areAllNeighborsEmpty(IWorldReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction excludingSide) |
static boolean |
VineBlock.canAttachTo(IBlockReader p_196542_0_,
BlockPos worldIn,
Direction neighborPos) |
private boolean |
LadderBlock.canAttachTo(IBlockReader p_196471_1_,
BlockPos p_196471_2_,
Direction p_196471_3_) |
boolean |
FireBlock.canCatchFire(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Side sensitive version that calls the block function.
boolean |
FenceBlock.canConnect(BlockState p_220111_1_,
boolean p_220111_2_,
Direction p_220111_3_) |
protected static boolean |
RedstoneWireBlock.canConnectTo(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
boolean |
ComposterBlock.EmptyInventory.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
ComposterBlock.FullInventory.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
ComposterBlock.PartialInventory.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
ComposterBlock.EmptyInventory.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
ComposterBlock.FullInventory.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
ComposterBlock.PartialInventory.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
static boolean |
PistonBlock.canPush(BlockState blockStateIn,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
boolean destroyBlocks,
Direction p_185646_5_) |
private boolean |
BellBlock.canRingFrom(BlockState p_220129_1_,
Direction p_220129_2_,
double p_220129_3_) |
boolean |
Block.canSustainPlant(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
IPlantable plantable) |
void |
TNTBlock.catchFire(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face,
LivingEntity igniter) |
static TileEntity |
MovingPistonBlock.createTilePiston(BlockState p_196343_0_,
Direction p_196343_1_,
boolean p_196343_2_,
boolean p_196343_3_) |
static boolean |
Block.doesSideFillSquare(VoxelShape shape,
Direction side) |
private boolean |
PistonBlock.doMove(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction directionIn,
boolean extending) |
private static void |
CommandBlockBlock.executeChain(World p_193386_0_,
BlockPos p_193386_1_,
Direction p_193386_2_) |
private ItemFrameEntity |
ComparatorBlock.findItemFrame(World worldIn,
Direction facing,
BlockPos pos) |
private boolean |
VineBlock.func_196541_a(IBlockReader p_196541_1_,
BlockPos p_196541_2_,
Direction p_196541_3_) |
private boolean |
WallBlock.func_220113_a(BlockState p_220113_1_,
boolean p_220113_2_,
Direction p_220113_3_) |
static boolean |
HorizontalFaceBlock.func_220185_b(IWorldReader p_220185_0_,
BlockPos p_220185_1_,
Direction p_220185_2_) |
boolean |
BellBlock.func_226885_a_(World p_226885_1_,
BlockPos p_226885_2_,
Direction p_226885_3_) |
private Direction |
ChestBlock.getDirectionToAttach(BlockItemUseContext p_196312_1_,
Direction p_196312_2_) |
private static Direction |
BedBlock.getDirectionToOther(BedPart p_208070_0_,
Direction p_208070_1_) |
protected int |
NetherPortalBlock.Size.getDistanceUntilEdge(BlockPos pos,
Direction directionIn) |
VoxelShape |
BlockState.getFaceOcclusionShape(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction directionIn) |
private static int |
FourWayBlock.getMask(Direction facing) |
protected int |
RedstoneDiodeBlock.getPowerOnSide(IWorldReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
static BooleanProperty |
VineBlock.getPropertyFor(Direction side) |
private RedstoneSide |
RedstoneWireBlock.getSide(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
int[] |
ComposterBlock.EmptyInventory.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
int[] |
ComposterBlock.FullInventory.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
int[] |
ComposterBlock.PartialInventory.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
int |
TripWireHookBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
TrappedChestBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneTorchBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
LeverBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
ObserverBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneDiodeBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
AbstractPressurePlateBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
AbstractButtonBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneWireBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
Block.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
int |
DetectorRailBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
LecternBlock.getStrongPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
BlockState.getStrongPower(IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
TripWireHookBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
TrappedChestBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneTorchBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
LeverBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
ObserverBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneWallTorchBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneDiodeBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
AbstractPressurePlateBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
DaylightDetectorBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
AbstractButtonBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
RedstoneWireBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
Block.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
int |
DetectorRailBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
LecternBlock.getWeakPower(BlockState blockState,
IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
BlockState.getWeakPower(IBlockReader blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
static boolean |
Block.hasEnoughSolidSide(IWorldReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction directionIn) |
static boolean |
Block.hasSolidSide(BlockState state,
IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
private static boolean |
StairsBlock.isDifferentStairs(BlockState state,
IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
static boolean |
FenceGateBlock.isParallel(BlockState p_220253_0_,
Direction p_220253_1_) |
private boolean |
RedstoneWireBlock.isPowerSourceAt(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
boolean |
BreakableBlock.isSideInvisible(BlockState state,
BlockState adjacentBlockState,
Direction side) |
boolean |
PaneBlock.isSideInvisible(BlockState state,
BlockState adjacentBlockState,
Direction side) |
boolean |
FlowingFluidBlock.isSideInvisible(BlockState state,
BlockState adjacentBlockState,
Direction side) |
boolean |
Block.isSideInvisible(BlockState state,
BlockState adjacentBlockState,
Direction side)
boolean |
BlockState.isSideInvisible(BlockState state,
Direction face) |
boolean |
BlockState.isSolidSide(IBlockReader blockReaderIn,
BlockPos blockPosIn,
Direction directionIn) |
private void |
TripWireHookBlock.notifyNeighbors(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
private boolean |
PistonBlock.shouldBeExtended(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing) |
boolean |
TripWireBlock.shouldConnectTo(BlockState p_196536_1_,
Direction p_196536_2_) |
static boolean |
Block.shouldSideBeRendered(BlockState adjacentState,
IBlockReader blockState,
BlockPos blockAccess,
Direction pos) |
private void |
FireBlock.tryCatchFire(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
int chance,
java.util.Random random,
int age,
Direction face) |
BlockState |
CoralWallFanBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BeehiveBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FallingBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FarmlandBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BubbleColumnBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
TripWireHookBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
DoorBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
VineBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
SeaGrassBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
GrassPathBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CactusBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ObserverBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CoralPlantBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BedBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
StandingSignBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
HorizontalFaceBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CoralFinBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
WallBannerBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
RedstoneWallTorchBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ScaffoldingBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BambooSaplingBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
RepeaterBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ChorusFlowerBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
WallSignBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
SeaPickleBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
DeadCoralWallFanBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ChorusPlantBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
WallBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
AttachedStemBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CarpetBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
AbstractPressurePlateBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
PistonHeadBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
KelpBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
NetherPortalBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
WallTorchBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
EnderChestBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BellBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BambooBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
KelpTopBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ConduitBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
HugeMushroomBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CampfireBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ConcretePowderBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
PaneBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FlowerPotBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
AbstractCoralPlantBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FenceGateBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
LadderBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FlowingFluidBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
RedstoneWireBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
SnowyDirtBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
TrapDoorBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
StairsBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FireBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
NoteBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
TorchBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BushBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
AbstractSignBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
SnowBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
TripWireBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CakeBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
SugarCaneBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
Block.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos)
BlockState |
LanternBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
FenceBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CoralBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
LeavesBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
CocoaBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BannerBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
DoublePlantBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
ChestBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
MagmaBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
SlabBlock.updatePostPlacement(BlockState stateIn,
Direction facing,
BlockState facingState,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos facingPos) |
BlockState |
BlockState.updatePostPlacement(Direction face,
BlockState queried,
IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos currentPos,
BlockPos offsetPos) |
Constructor and Description |
PistonBlockStructureHelper(World worldIn,
BlockPos posIn,
Direction pistonFacing,
boolean extending) |
RenderSideCacheKey(BlockState state,
BlockState adjacentState,
Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
BlockPattern.PatternHelper.forwards |
private Direction |
BlockPattern.PatternHelper.up |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
BlockPattern.PatternHelper.getForwards() |
Direction |
BlockPattern.PatternHelper.getUp() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private BlockPattern.PatternHelper |
BlockPattern.checkPatternAt(BlockPos pos,
Direction finger,
Direction thumb,<BlockPos,CachedBlockInfo> lcache) |
BlockPattern.PortalInfo |
BlockPattern.PatternHelper.getPortalInfo(Direction p_222504_1_,
BlockPos p_222504_2_,
double p_222504_3_,
Vec3d p_222504_5_,
double p_222504_6_) |
protected static BlockPos |
BlockPattern.translateOffset(BlockPos pos,
Direction finger,
Direction thumb,
int palmOffset,
int thumbOffset,
int fingerOffset) |
Constructor and Description |
PatternHelper(BlockPos posIn,
Direction fingerIn,
Direction thumbIn,<BlockPos,CachedBlockInfo> lcacheIn,
int widthIn,
int heightIn,
int depthIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PlayerController.clickBlock(BlockPos loc,
Direction face) |
static void |
PlayerController.clickBlockCreative(Minecraft mcIn,
PlayerController playerController,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing) |
boolean |
PlayerController.onPlayerDamageBlock(BlockPos posBlock,
Direction directionFacing) |
private void |
PlayerController.sendDiggingPacket(CPlayerDiggingPacket.Action action,
BlockPos pos,
Direction dir) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ParticleManager.addBlockHitEffects(BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction[] |
BlockModelRenderer.NeighborInfo.corners |
private Direction |
WorldRenderer.LocalRenderInformationContainer.facing |
static Direction[] |
WorldRenderer.FACINGS |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private java.util.Set<Direction> |
WorldRenderer.getVisibleFacings(BlockPos pos) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
BlockModelRenderer.fillQuadBounds(ILightReader blockReaderIn,
BlockState stateIn,
BlockPos posIn,
int[] vertexData,
Direction face,
float[] quadBounds,
java.util.BitSet boundsFlags) |
static FaceDirection |
FaceDirection.getFacing(Direction facing) |
static BlockModelRenderer.NeighborInfo |
BlockModelRenderer.NeighborInfo.getNeighbourInfo(Direction facing) |
private ChunkRenderDispatcher.ChunkRender |
WorldRenderer.getRenderChunkOffset(BlockPos playerPos,
ChunkRenderDispatcher.ChunkRender renderChunkBase,
Direction facing) |
static BlockModelRenderer.VertexTranslations |
BlockModelRenderer.VertexTranslations.getVertexTranslations(Direction facingIn) |
boolean |
WorldRenderer.LocalRenderInformationContainer.hasDirection(Direction facingIn) |
private static boolean |
FluidBlockRenderer.isAdjacentFluidSameAs(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side,
IFluidState state) |
private static boolean |
FluidBlockRenderer.isNeighbourSideCovered(IBlockReader reader,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face,
float heightIn) |
void |
WorldRenderer.LocalRenderInformationContainer.setDirection(byte dir,
Direction facingIn) |
void |
BlockModelRenderer.AmbientOcclusionFace.updateVertexBrightness(ILightReader worldIn,
BlockState state,
BlockPos centerPos,
Direction directionIn,
float[] faceShape,
java.util.BitSet shapeState) |
Constructor and Description |
LocalRenderInformationContainer(ChunkRenderDispatcher.ChunkRender renderChunkIn,
Direction facingIn,
int counterIn) |
NeighborInfo(Direction[] cornersIn,
float brightness,
boolean doNonCubicWeightIn,
BlockModelRenderer.Orientation[] vert0WeightsIn,
BlockModelRenderer.Orientation[] vert1WeightsIn,
BlockModelRenderer.Orientation[] vert2WeightsIn,
BlockModelRenderer.Orientation[] vert3WeightsIn) |
Orientation(Direction facingIn,
boolean flip) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private java.util.Set<Direction> |
VisGraph.floodFill(int pos) |
java.util.Set<Direction> |
VisGraph.getVisibleFacings(BlockPos pos) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockPos |
ChunkRenderDispatcher.ChunkRender.getBlockPosOffset16(Direction facing) |
private int |
VisGraph.getNeighborIndexAtFace(int pos,
Direction facing) |
boolean |
SetVisibility.isVisible(Direction facing,
Direction facing2) |
boolean |
ChunkRenderDispatcher.CompiledChunk.isVisible(Direction facing,
Direction facing2) |
void |
SetVisibility.setVisible(Direction facing,
Direction facing2,
boolean value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
VisGraph.addEdges(int pos,
java.util.Set<Direction> setFacings) |
void |
SetVisibility.setManyVisible(java.util.Set<Direction> facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static float |
LivingRenderer.getFacingAngle(Direction facingIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Direction |
BlockPartFace.cullFace |
protected Direction |
BakedQuad.face |
private Direction |
ItemModelGenerator.SpanFacing.facing |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.Map<Direction,java.util.List<BakedQuad>> |
SimpleBakedModel.Builder.builderFaceQuads |
protected java.util.Map<Direction,java.util.List<BakedQuad>> |
SimpleBakedModel.faceQuads |
java.util.Map<Direction,BlockPartFace> |
BlockPart.mapFaces |
static java.util.EnumMap<Direction,TransformationMatrix> |
static java.util.EnumMap<Direction,TransformationMatrix> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
BakedQuad.getFace() |
Direction |
ItemModelGenerator.SpanFacing.getFacing() |
static Direction |
FaceBakery.getFacingFromVertexData(int[] faceData) |
private Direction |
BlockPartFace.Deserializer.parseCullFace( object) |
private Direction |
BlockPart.Deserializer.parseEnumFacing(java.lang.String name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private java.util.Map<Direction,BlockPartFace> |
BlockPart.Deserializer.parseFaces( deserializationContext, object) |
private java.util.Map<Direction,BlockPartFace> |
BlockPart.Deserializer.parseFacesCheck( deserializationContext, object) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleBakedModel.Builder |
SimpleBakedModel.Builder.addFaceQuad(Direction facing,
BakedQuad quad) |
private void |
FaceBakery.applyFacing(int[] vertexData,
Direction directionIn) |
private static BakedQuad |
BlockModel.bakeFace(BlockPart partIn,
BlockPartFace partFaceIn,
TextureAtlasSprite spriteIn,
Direction directionIn,
IModelTransform transformIn,
ResourceLocation locationIn) |
BakedQuad |
FaceBakery.bakeQuad(Vector3f posFrom,
Vector3f posTo,
BlockPartFace face,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
Direction facing,
IModelTransform transformIn,
BlockPartRotation partRotation,
boolean shade,
ResourceLocation modelLocationIn) |
private void |
FaceBakery.fillVertexData(int[] vertexData,
int vertexIndex,
Direction facing,
BlockFaceUV blockFaceUVIn,
float[] posDiv16,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
TransformationMatrix rotationIn,
BlockPartRotation partRotation,
boolean shade) |
private float |
FaceBakery.getFaceBrightness(Direction facing) |
private int |
FaceBakery.getFaceShadeColor(Direction facing) |
float[] |
BlockPart.getFaceUvs(Direction facing) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
MultipartBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
WeightedBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
IBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand)
Forge: Use
net.minecraftforge.client.extensions.IForgeBakedModel#getQuads(IBlockState, EnumFacing, Random, |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
BuiltInModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
SimpleBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
static TransformationMatrix |
UVTransformationUtil.getUVLockTransform(TransformationMatrix matrixIn,
Direction directionIn,
java.util.function.Supplier<java.lang.String> warningIn) |
static BakedQuad |
BlockModel.makeBakedQuad(BlockPart partIn,
BlockPartFace partFaceIn,
TextureAtlasSprite spriteIn,
Direction directionIn,
IModelTransform transformIn,
ResourceLocation locationIn) |
private int[] |
FaceBakery.makeQuadVertexData(BlockFaceUV uvs,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
Direction orientation,
float[] posDiv16,
TransformationMatrix rotationIn,
BlockPartRotation partRotation,
boolean shade) |
static BlockFaceUV |
FaceBakery.updateFaceUV(BlockFaceUV blockFaceUVIn,
Direction facing,
TransformationMatrix modelRotationIn,
ResourceLocation modelLocationIn) |
Constructor and Description |
BakedQuad(int[] vertexDataIn,
int tintIndexIn,
Direction faceIn,
TextureAtlasSprite spriteIn)
Use constructor with the format argument.
BakedQuad(int[] vertexDataIn,
int tintIndexIn,
Direction faceIn,
TextureAtlasSprite spriteIn,
boolean applyDiffuseLighting) |
BlockPartFace(Direction cullFaceIn,
int tintIndexIn,
java.lang.String textureIn,
BlockFaceUV blockFaceUVIn) |
SpanFacing(Direction facing,
int xOffsetIn,
int yOffsetIn) |
TexturedQuad(ModelRenderer.PositionTextureVertex[] positionsIn,
float u1,
float v1,
float u2,
float v2,
float texWidth,
float texHeight,
boolean mirrorIn,
Direction directionIn) |
Constructor and Description |
BlockPart(Vector3f p_i47624_1_,
Vector3f p_i47624_2_,
java.util.Map<Direction,BlockPartFace> p_i47624_3_,
BlockPartRotation p_i47624_4_,
boolean p_i47624_5_) |
SimpleBakedModel(java.util.List<BakedQuad> p_i230059_1_,
java.util.Map<Direction,java.util.List<BakedQuad>> p_i230059_2_,
boolean p_i230059_3_,
boolean p_i230059_4_,
boolean p_i230059_5_,
TextureAtlasSprite p_i230059_6_,
ItemCameraTransforms p_i230059_7_,
ItemOverrideList p_i230059_8_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
BedTileEntityRenderer.func_228847_a_(MatrixStack p_228847_1_,
IRenderTypeBuffer p_228847_2_,
boolean p_228847_3_,
Direction p_228847_4_,
Material p_228847_5_,
int p_228847_6_,
int p_228847_7_,
boolean p_228847_8_) |
static void |
SkullTileEntityRenderer.render(Direction directionIn,
float p_228879_1_,
SkullBlock.ISkullType skullType,
com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile gameProfileIn,
float animationProgress,
MatrixStack matrixStackIn,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer,
int combinedLight) |
private void |
EndPortalTileEntityRenderer.renderFace(T tileEntityIn,
Matrix4f p_228884_2_,
IVertexBuilder p_228884_3_,
float p_228884_4_,
float p_228884_5_,
float p_228884_6_,
float p_228884_7_,
float p_228884_8_,
float p_228884_9_,
float p_228884_10_,
float p_228884_11_,
float p_228884_12_,
float p_228884_13_,
float p_228884_14_,
Direction p_228884_15_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
DefaultDispenseItemBehavior.doDispense(World worldIn,
ItemStack stack,
int speed,
Direction facing,
IPosition position) |
protected void |
DefaultDispenseItemBehavior.spawnDispenseParticles(IBlockSource source,
Direction facingIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Direction |
Entity.teleportDirection |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
Entity.getAdjustedHorizontalFacing() |
Direction |
LivingEntity.getBedDirection() |
Direction |
Entity.getHorizontalFacing() |
Direction |
Entity.getTeleportDirection() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
LivingEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Direction |
HangingEntity.facingDirection |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
BoatEntity.getAdjustedHorizontalFacing() |
Direction |
HangingEntity.getHorizontalFacing() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ItemFrameEntity.updateFacingWithBoundingBox(Direction facingDirectionIn) |
void |
LeashKnotEntity.updateFacingWithBoundingBox(Direction facingDirectionIn) |
protected void |
HangingEntity.updateFacingWithBoundingBox(Direction facingDirectionIn) |
Constructor and Description |
ItemFrameEntity(World worldIn,
BlockPos p_i45852_2_,
Direction p_i45852_3_) |
PaintingEntity(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing) |
PaintingEntity(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
PaintingType artIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
AbstractMinecartEntity.getAdjustedHorizontalFacing() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
ContainerMinecartEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
SilverfishEntity.HideInStoneGoal.facing |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static DataParameter<Direction> |
ShulkerEntity.ATTACHED_FACE |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
ShulkerEntity.getAttachmentFacing() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
AbstractHorseEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private boolean |
PlayerEntity.bedBlocked(BlockPos p_213828_1_,
Direction p_213828_2_) |
private boolean |
PlayerEntity.bedInRange(BlockPos p_190774_1_,
Direction p_190774_2_) |
boolean |
PlayerEntity.canPlayerEdit(BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
ItemStack stack) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
PlayerEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
ShulkerBulletEntity.direction |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
PotionEntity.extinguishFires(BlockPos pos,
Direction p_184542_2_) |
private void |
ShulkerBulletEntity.setDirection(Direction directionIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected java.util.Map<Direction,IFluidState> |
FlowingFluid.func_205572_b(IWorldReader p_205572_1_,
BlockPos p_205572_2_,
BlockState p_205572_3_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default boolean |
IFluidState.canDisplace(IBlockReader p_215677_1_,
BlockPos p_215677_2_,
Fluid p_215677_3_,
Direction p_215677_4_) |
protected abstract boolean |
Fluid.canDisplace(IFluidState p_215665_1_,
IBlockReader p_215665_2_,
BlockPos p_215665_3_,
Fluid p_215665_4_,
Direction p_215665_5_) |
boolean |
EmptyFluid.canDisplace(IFluidState p_215665_1_,
IBlockReader p_215665_2_,
BlockPos p_215665_3_,
Fluid p_215665_4_,
Direction p_215665_5_) |
boolean |
WaterFluid.canDisplace(IFluidState p_215665_1_,
IBlockReader p_215665_2_,
BlockPos p_215665_3_,
Fluid p_215665_4_,
Direction p_215665_5_) |
boolean |
LavaFluid.canDisplace(IFluidState p_215665_1_,
IBlockReader p_215665_2_,
BlockPos p_215665_3_,
Fluid p_215665_4_,
Direction p_215665_5_) |
protected boolean |
FlowingFluid.canFlow(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos fromPos,
BlockState fromBlockState,
Direction direction,
BlockPos toPos,
BlockState toBlockState,
IFluidState toFluidState,
Fluid fluidIn) |
protected boolean |
FlowingFluid.causesDownwardCurrent(IBlockReader worldIn,
BlockPos neighborPos,
Direction side) |
private boolean |
FlowingFluid.doesSideHaveHoles(Direction p_212751_1_,
IBlockReader p_212751_2_,
BlockPos p_212751_3_,
BlockState p_212751_4_,
BlockPos p_212751_5_,
BlockState p_212751_6_) |
protected void |
FlowingFluid.flowInto(IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState blockStateIn,
Direction direction,
IFluidState fluidStateIn) |
protected void |
LavaFluid.flowInto(IWorld worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState blockStateIn,
Direction direction,
IFluidState fluidStateIn) |
protected int |
FlowingFluid.func_205571_a(IWorldReader p_205571_1_,
BlockPos p_205571_2_,
int p_205571_3_,
Direction p_205571_4_,
BlockState p_205571_5_,
BlockPos p_205571_6_,
it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.Short2ObjectMap<com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair<BlockState,IFluidState>> p_205571_7_,
it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.Short2BooleanMap p_205571_8_) |
private boolean |
FlowingFluid.func_211760_a(IBlockReader p_211760_1_,
Fluid p_211760_2_,
BlockPos p_211760_3_,
BlockState p_211760_4_,
Direction p_211760_5_,
BlockPos p_211760_6_,
BlockState p_211760_7_,
IFluidState p_211760_8_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ISidedInventory.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
ISidedInventory.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
int[] |
ISidedInventory.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
DirectionalPlaceContext.lookDirection |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
ItemUseContext.getFace() |
Direction |
DirectionalPlaceContext.getNearestLookingDirection() |
Direction |
BlockItemUseContext.getNearestLookingDirection() |
Direction[] |
DirectionalPlaceContext.getNearestLookingDirections() |
Direction[] |
BlockItemUseContext.getNearestLookingDirections() |
Direction |
DirectionalPlaceContext.getPlacementHorizontalFacing() |
Direction |
ItemUseContext.getPlacementHorizontalFacing() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
HangingEntityItem.canPlace(PlayerEntity playerIn,
Direction directionIn,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
BlockPos posIn) |
protected boolean |
ItemFrameItem.canPlace(PlayerEntity playerIn,
Direction directionIn,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
BlockPos posIn) |
static BlockItemUseContext |
BlockItemUseContext.func_221536_a(BlockItemUseContext context,
BlockPos pos,
Direction directionIn) |
static boolean |
BoneMealItem.growSeagrass(ItemStack stack,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
Constructor and Description |
DirectionalPlaceContext(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction lookDirectionIn,
ItemStack stackIn,
Direction against) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static IDataSerializer<Direction> |
DataSerializers.DIRECTION |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
CPlayerDiggingPacket.facing |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
CPlayerDiggingPacket.getFacing() |
Constructor and Description |
CPlayerDiggingPacket(CPlayerDiggingPacket.Action actionIn,
BlockPos posIn,
Direction facingIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
SSpawnPaintingPacket.facing |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
SSpawnPaintingPacket.getFacing() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private PathPoint |
WalkNodeProcessor.getSafePoint(int x,
int y,
int z,
int stepHeight,
double groundYIn,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DemoPlayerInteractionManager.func_225416_a(BlockPos p_225416_1_,
CPlayerDiggingPacket.Action p_225416_2_,
Direction p_225416_3_,
int p_225416_4_) |
void |
PlayerInteractionManager.func_225416_a(BlockPos p_225416_1_,
CPlayerDiggingPacket.Action p_225416_2_,
Direction p_225416_3_,
int p_225416_4_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DirectionProperty |
DirectionProperty.create(java.lang.String p_196962_0_,
Direction... p_196962_1_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DirectionProperty |
DirectionProperty.create(java.lang.String name,
java.util.Collection<Direction> values) |
static DirectionProperty |
DirectionProperty.create(java.lang.String name,
java.util.function.Predicate<Direction> filter) |
Constructor and Description |
DirectionProperty(java.lang.String name,
java.util.Collection<Direction> values) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
PistonTileEntity.pistonFacing |
Direction |
BellTileEntity.ringDirection |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static java.lang.ThreadLocal<Direction> |
PistonTileEntity.MOVING_ENTITY |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
PistonTileEntity.getFacing() |
Direction |
PistonTileEntity.getMotionDirection() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ShulkerBoxTileEntity.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
BrewingStandTileEntity.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
AbstractFurnaceTileEntity.canExtractItem(int index,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
private static boolean |
HopperTileEntity.canExtractItemFromSlot(IInventory inventoryIn,
ItemStack stack,
int index,
Direction side) |
boolean |
ShulkerBoxTileEntity.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
BrewingStandTileEntity.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
AbstractFurnaceTileEntity.canInsertItem(int index,
ItemStack itemStackIn,
Direction direction) |
private static boolean |
HopperTileEntity.canInsertItemInSlot(IInventory inventoryIn,
ItemStack stack,
int index,
Direction side) |
private void |
PistonTileEntity.fixEntityWithinPistonBase(Entity p_190605_1_,
Direction p_190605_2_,
double p_190605_3_) |
private static |
HopperTileEntity.func_213972_a(IInventory p_213972_0_,
Direction p_213972_1_) |
private static void |
PistonTileEntity.func_227022_a_(Direction p_227022_0_,
Entity p_227022_1_,
double p_227022_2_,
Direction p_227022_4_) |
AxisAlignedBB |
ShulkerBoxTileEntity.getBoundingBox(Direction p_190587_1_) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
ChestTileEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> cap,
Direction side) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
BrewingStandTileEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
AbstractFurnaceTileEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
LockableTileEntity.getCapability(Capability<T> cap,
Direction side) |
private static double |
PistonTileEntity.getMovement(AxisAlignedBB p_190612_0_,
Direction p_190612_1_,
AxisAlignedBB facing) |
int[] |
ShulkerBoxTileEntity.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
int[] |
BrewingStandTileEntity.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
int[] |
AbstractFurnaceTileEntity.getSlotsForFace(Direction side) |
private AxisAlignedBB |
ShulkerBoxTileEntity.getTopBoundingBox(Direction p_190588_1_) |
private static ItemStack |
HopperTileEntity.insertStack(IInventory source,
IInventory destination,
ItemStack stack,
int index,
Direction direction) |
private static boolean |
HopperTileEntity.isInventoryEmpty(IInventory inventoryIn,
Direction side) |
private boolean |
HopperTileEntity.isInventoryFull(IInventory inventoryIn,
Direction side) |
private static boolean |
HopperTileEntity.pullItemFromSlot(IHopper hopper,
IInventory inventoryIn,
int index,
Direction direction) |
static ItemStack |
HopperTileEntity.putStackInInventoryAllSlots(IInventory source,
IInventory destination,
ItemStack stack,
Direction direction) |
void |
BellTileEntity.ring(Direction p_213939_1_) |
boolean |
EndPortalTileEntity.shouldRenderFace(Direction face) |
boolean |
EndGatewayTileEntity.shouldRenderFace(Direction face) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <S extends TileEntity> |
TileEntityMerger.func_226924_a_(TileEntityType<S> p_226924_0_,
java.util.function.Function<BlockState,TileEntityMerger.Type> p_226924_1_,
java.util.function.Function<BlockState,Direction> p_226924_2_,
DirectionProperty p_226924_3_,
BlockState p_226924_4_,
IWorld p_226924_5_,
BlockPos p_226924_6_,
java.util.function.BiPredicate<IWorld,BlockPos> p_226924_7_) |
Constructor and Description |
PistonTileEntity(BlockState pistonStateIn,
Direction pistonFacingIn,
boolean extendingIn,
boolean shouldHeadBeRenderedIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
private static Direction[] |
Direction.BY_INDEX |
private Direction[] |
Direction.Plane.facingValues |
private static Direction[] |
Direction.VALUES |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectMap<Direction> |
Direction.BY_LONG |
private java.util.Set<Direction> |
Direction8.directions |
private static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Direction> |
Direction.NAME_LOOKUP |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Direction |
Direction.byHorizontalIndex(int horizontalIndexIn) |
static Direction |
Direction.byIndex(int index) |
static Direction |
Direction.byLong(int x,
int y,
int z) |
static Direction |
Direction.byName(java.lang.String name) |
private static Direction[] |
Direction.compose(Direction first,
Direction second,
Direction third) |
static Direction |
Direction.fromAngle(double angle) |
static Direction[] |
Direction.getFacingDirections(Entity entityIn) |
static Direction |
Direction.getFacingFromAxis(Direction.AxisDirection axisDirectionIn,
Direction.Axis axisIn) |
static Direction |
Direction.getFacingFromAxisDirection(Direction.Axis axisIn,
Direction.AxisDirection axisDirectionIn) |
static Direction |
Direction.getFacingFromVector(double x,
double y,
double z) |
static Direction |
Direction.getFacingFromVector(float x,
float y,
float z) |
Direction |
Direction.getOpposite() |
Direction |
Mirror.mirror(Direction facing) |
static Direction |
Direction.random(java.util.Random rand) |
Direction |
Direction.Plane.random(java.util.Random rand) |
Direction |
Rotation.rotate(Direction facing) |
static Direction |
Direction.rotateFace(Matrix4f matrixIn,
Direction directionIn) |
Direction |
Direction.rotateY() |
Direction |
Direction.rotateYCCW() |
static Direction |
Direction.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Direction[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.Set<Direction> |
Direction8.getDirections() |
java.util.Iterator<Direction> |
Direction.Plane.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Direction[] |
Direction.compose(Direction first,
Direction second,
Direction third) |
static AxisAlignedBB |
AabbHelper.func_227019_a_(AxisAlignedBB p_227019_0_,
Direction p_227019_1_,
double p_227019_2_) |
Direction |
Mirror.mirror(Direction facing) |
Direction |
Rotation.rotate(Direction facing) |
static Direction |
Direction.rotateFace(Matrix4f matrixIn,
Direction directionIn) |
boolean |
Direction.Axis.test(Direction p_test_1_) |
boolean |
Direction.Plane.test(Direction p_test_1_) |
Rotation |
Mirror.toRotation(Direction facing) |
Constructor and Description |
Direction8(Direction... directionsIn) |
Plane(Direction[] facingValuesIn,
Direction.Axis[] axisValuesIn) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
BlockRayTraceResult.face |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Direction |
AxisAlignedBB.func_197740_a(double[] p_197740_0_,
Direction p_197740_1_,
double p_197740_2_,
double p_197740_4_,
double p_197740_6_,
double p_197740_8_,
double p_197740_10_,
double p_197740_12_,
double p_197740_14_,
double p_197740_16_,
Direction p_197740_18_,
double p_197740_19_,
double p_197740_21_,
double p_197740_23_) |
private static Direction |
AxisAlignedBB.func_197741_a(AxisAlignedBB aabb,
Vec3d p_197741_1_,
double[] p_197741_2_,
Direction facing,
double p_197741_4_,
double p_197741_6_,
double p_197741_8_) |
Direction |
BlockRayTraceResult.getFace() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static BlockRayTraceResult |
BlockRayTraceResult.createMiss(Vec3d hitVec,
Direction faceIn,
BlockPos posIn) |
private static Direction |
AxisAlignedBB.func_197740_a(double[] p_197740_0_,
Direction p_197740_1_,
double p_197740_2_,
double p_197740_4_,
double p_197740_6_,
double p_197740_8_,
double p_197740_10_,
double p_197740_12_,
double p_197740_14_,
double p_197740_16_,
Direction p_197740_18_,
double p_197740_19_,
double p_197740_21_,
double p_197740_23_) |
private static Direction |
AxisAlignedBB.func_197741_a(AxisAlignedBB aabb,
Vec3d p_197741_1_,
double[] p_197741_2_,
Direction facing,
double p_197741_4_,
double p_197741_6_,
double p_197741_8_) |
static MutableBoundingBox |
MutableBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(int structureMinX,
int structureMinY,
int structureMinZ,
int xMin,
int yMin,
int zMin,
int xMax,
int yMax,
int zMax,
Direction facing) |
BlockPos.Mutable |
BlockPos.Mutable.move(Direction facing) |
BlockPos.PooledMutable |
BlockPos.PooledMutable.move(Direction facing) |
BlockPos.Mutable |
BlockPos.Mutable.move(Direction facing,
int n) |
BlockPos.PooledMutable |
BlockPos.PooledMutable.move(Direction facing,
int n) |
BlockPos |
BlockPos.offset(Direction facing) |
BlockPos |
BlockPos.offset(Direction facing,
int n) |
BlockPos |
BlockPos.Mutable.offset(Direction facing,
int n) |
Vec3i |
Vec3i.offset(Direction facing,
int n) |
static long |
BlockPos.offset(long pos,
Direction p_218289_2_) |
BlockRayTraceResult |
BlockRayTraceResult.withFace(Direction newFace) |
static long |
SectionPos.withOffset(long p_218172_0_,
Direction p_218172_2_) |
Constructor and Description |
BlockRayTraceResult(boolean isMissIn,
Vec3d hitVec,
Direction faceIn,
BlockPos posIn,
boolean isInside) |
BlockRayTraceResult(Vec3d hitVec,
Direction faceIn,
BlockPos posIn,
boolean isInside) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VoxelShapePart.IFaceConsumer.consume(Direction p_consume_1_,
int p_consume_2_,
int p_consume_3_,
int p_consume_4_) |
static boolean |
VoxelShapes.doAdjacentCubeSidesFillSquare(VoxelShape shape,
VoxelShape adjacentShape,
Direction side) |
private VoxelShape |
VoxelShape.doProject(Direction side) |
static VoxelShape |
VoxelShapes.getFaceShape(VoxelShape voxelShapeIn,
Direction directionIn) |
static boolean |
VoxelShapes.isCubeSideCovered(VoxelShape shape,
VoxelShape adjacentShape,
Direction side) |
VoxelShape |
VoxelShape.project(Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Direction[] |
UpgradeData.BlockFixers.field_208827_f |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockState |
UpgradeData.IBlockFixer.func_196982_a(BlockState p_196982_1_,
Direction p_196982_2_,
BlockState p_196982_3_,
IWorld p_196982_4_,
BlockPos p_196982_5_,
BlockPos p_196982_6_) |
private static BlockState |
UpgradeData.func_196987_a(BlockState p_196987_0_,
Direction p_196987_1_,
IWorld p_196987_2_,
BlockPos p_196987_3_,
BlockPos p_196987_4_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
World.extinguishFire(PlayerEntity player,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
int |
World.getRedstonePower(BlockPos pos,
Direction facing) |
default int |
IWorldReader.getStrongPower(BlockPos pos,
Direction direction) |
boolean |
World.isSidePowered(BlockPos pos,
Direction side) |
void |
World.notifyNeighborsOfStateExcept(BlockPos pos,
Block blockType,
Direction skipSide) |
BlockPattern.PortalInfo |
Teleporter.placeInExistingPortal(BlockPos p_222272_1_,
Vec3d p_222272_2_,
Direction directionIn,
double p_222272_4_,
double p_222272_6_,
boolean p_222272_8_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
VinesFeature.DIRECTIONS |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
StructurePiece.coordBaseMode |
private Direction |
MineshaftPieces.Cross.corridorDirection |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
WoodlandMansionPieces.Grid.get1x2RoomDirection(WoodlandMansionPieces.SimpleGrid p_191113_1_,
int p_191113_2_,
int p_191113_3_,
int p_191113_4_,
int p_191113_5_) |
Direction |
StructurePiece.getCoordBaseMode() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
WoodlandMansionPieces.Placer.addRoom1x1(java.util.List<WoodlandMansionPieces.MansionTemplate> p_191129_1_,
BlockPos p_191129_2_,
Rotation p_191129_3_,
Direction p_191129_4_,
WoodlandMansionPieces.RoomCollection p_191129_5_) |
private void |
WoodlandMansionPieces.Placer.addRoom1x2(java.util.List<WoodlandMansionPieces.MansionTemplate> p_191132_1_,
BlockPos p_191132_2_,
Rotation p_191132_3_,
Direction p_191132_4_,
Direction p_191132_5_,
WoodlandMansionPieces.RoomCollection p_191132_6_,
boolean p_191132_7_) |
private void |
WoodlandMansionPieces.Placer.addRoom2x2(java.util.List<WoodlandMansionPieces.MansionTemplate> p_191127_1_,
BlockPos p_191127_2_,
Rotation p_191127_3_,
Direction p_191127_4_,
Direction p_191127_5_,
WoodlandMansionPieces.RoomCollection p_191127_6_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.FitSimpleRoomHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.FitSimpleRoomTopHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.IMonumentRoomFitHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.XDoubleRoomFitHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.XYDoubleRoomFitHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.YDoubleRoomFitHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.YZDoubleRoomFitHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
OceanMonumentPieces.Piece |
OceanMonumentPieces.ZDoubleRoomFitHelper.create(Direction p_175968_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175968_2_,
java.util.Random p_175968_3_) |
protected boolean |
StructurePiece.createDispenser(IWorld worldIn,
MutableBoundingBox sbb,
java.util.Random rand,
int x,
int y,
int z,
Direction facing,
ResourceLocation lootTableIn) |
static FortressPieces.Corridor3 |
FortressPieces.Corridor3.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175883_0_,
int p_175883_1_,
int p_175883_2_,
int p_175883_3_,
Direction p_175883_4_,
int p_175883_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Corridor5 |
FortressPieces.Corridor5.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175877_0_,
int p_175877_1_,
int p_175877_2_,
int p_175877_3_,
Direction p_175877_4_,
int p_175877_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Crossing |
FortressPieces.Crossing.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175873_0_,
int p_175873_1_,
int p_175873_2_,
int p_175873_3_,
Direction p_175873_4_,
int p_175873_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Crossing2 |
FortressPieces.Crossing2.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175878_0_,
int p_175878_1_,
int p_175878_2_,
int p_175878_3_,
Direction p_175878_4_,
int p_175878_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Crossing3 |
FortressPieces.Crossing3.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175885_0_,
int p_175885_1_,
int p_175885_2_,
int p_175885_3_,
Direction p_175885_4_,
int p_175885_5_) |
static FortressPieces.NetherStalkRoom |
FortressPieces.NetherStalkRoom.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175875_0_,
int p_175875_1_,
int p_175875_2_,
int p_175875_3_,
Direction p_175875_4_,
int p_175875_5_) |
static StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom |
StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175865_0_,
int p_175865_1_,
int p_175865_2_,
int p_175865_3_,
Direction p_175865_4_,
int p_175865_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Stairs |
FortressPieces.Stairs.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175872_0_,
int p_175872_1_,
int p_175872_2_,
int p_175872_3_,
int p_175872_4_,
Direction p_175872_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Throne |
FortressPieces.Throne.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175874_0_,
int p_175874_1_,
int p_175874_2_,
int p_175874_3_,
int p_175874_4_,
Direction p_175874_5_) |
static FortressPieces.Corridor |
FortressPieces.Corridor.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175879_0_,
java.util.Random p_175879_1_,
int p_175879_2_,
int p_175879_3_,
int p_175879_4_,
Direction p_175879_5_,
int p_175879_6_) |
static FortressPieces.Corridor2 |
FortressPieces.Corridor2.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175876_0_,
java.util.Random p_175876_1_,
int p_175876_2_,
int p_175876_3_,
int p_175876_4_,
Direction p_175876_5_,
int p_175876_6_) |
static FortressPieces.End |
FortressPieces.End.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175884_0_,
java.util.Random p_175884_1_,
int p_175884_2_,
int p_175884_3_,
int p_175884_4_,
Direction p_175884_5_,
int p_175884_6_) |
static FortressPieces.Entrance |
FortressPieces.Entrance.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175881_0_,
java.util.Random p_175881_1_,
int p_175881_2_,
int p_175881_3_,
int p_175881_4_,
Direction p_175881_5_,
int p_175881_6_) |
static FortressPieces.Straight |
FortressPieces.Straight.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175882_0_,
java.util.Random p_175882_1_,
int p_175882_2_,
int p_175882_3_,
int p_175882_4_,
Direction p_175882_5_,
int p_175882_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor |
StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175868_0_,
java.util.Random p_175868_1_,
int p_175868_2_,
int p_175868_3_,
int p_175868_4_,
Direction p_175868_5_,
int p_175868_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.Crossing |
StrongholdPieces.Crossing.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175866_0_,
java.util.Random p_175866_1_,
int p_175866_2_,
int p_175866_3_,
int p_175866_4_,
Direction p_175866_5_,
int p_175866_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn |
StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175867_0_,
java.util.Random p_175867_1_,
int p_175867_2_,
int p_175867_3_,
int p_175867_4_,
Direction p_175867_5_,
int p_175867_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.Library |
StrongholdPieces.Library.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175864_0_,
java.util.Random p_175864_1_,
int p_175864_2_,
int p_175864_3_,
int p_175864_4_,
Direction p_175864_5_,
int p_175864_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.Prison |
StrongholdPieces.Prison.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175860_0_,
java.util.Random p_175860_1_,
int p_175860_2_,
int p_175860_3_,
int p_175860_4_,
Direction p_175860_5_,
int p_175860_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing |
StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175859_0_,
java.util.Random p_175859_1_,
int p_175859_2_,
int p_175859_3_,
int p_175859_4_,
Direction p_175859_5_,
int p_175859_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.Stairs |
StrongholdPieces.Stairs.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175863_0_,
java.util.Random p_175863_1_,
int p_175863_2_,
int p_175863_3_,
int p_175863_4_,
Direction p_175863_5_,
int p_175863_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.StairsStraight |
StrongholdPieces.StairsStraight.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175861_0_,
java.util.Random p_175861_1_,
int p_175861_2_,
int p_175861_3_,
int p_175861_4_,
Direction p_175861_5_,
int p_175861_6_) |
static StrongholdPieces.Straight |
StrongholdPieces.Straight.createPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175862_0_,
java.util.Random p_175862_1_,
int p_175862_2_,
int p_175862_3_,
int p_175862_4_,
Direction p_175862_5_,
int p_175862_6_) |
private static MineshaftPieces.Piece |
MineshaftPieces.createRandomShaftPiece(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_189940_0_,
java.util.Random p_189940_1_,
int p_189940_2_,
int p_189940_3_,
int p_189940_4_,
Direction p_189940_5_,
int p_189940_6_,
MineshaftStructure.Type p_189940_7_) |
private static FortressPieces.Piece |
FortressPieces.findAndCreateBridgePieceFactory(FortressPieces.PieceWeight p_175887_0_,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175887_1_,
java.util.Random p_175887_2_,
int p_175887_3_,
int p_175887_4_,
int p_175887_5_,
Direction p_175887_6_,
int p_175887_7_) |
private static StrongholdPieces.Stronghold |
StrongholdPieces.findAndCreatePieceFactory(java.lang.Class<? extends StrongholdPieces.Stronghold> clazz,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175954_1_,
java.util.Random p_175954_2_,
int p_175954_3_,
int p_175954_4_,
int p_175954_5_,
Direction p_175954_6_,
int p_175954_7_) |
static MutableBoundingBox |
MineshaftPieces.Corridor.findCorridorSize(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175814_0_,
java.util.Random rand,
int x,
int y,
int z,
Direction facing) |
static MutableBoundingBox |
MineshaftPieces.Cross.findCrossing(java.util.List<StructurePiece> listIn,
java.util.Random rand,
int x,
int y,
int z,
Direction facing) |
static MutableBoundingBox |
StrongholdPieces.Corridor.findPieceBox(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175869_0_,
java.util.Random p_175869_1_,
int p_175869_2_,
int p_175869_3_,
int p_175869_4_,
Direction p_175869_5_) |
static MutableBoundingBox |
MineshaftPieces.Stairs.findStairs(java.util.List<StructurePiece> listIn,
java.util.Random rand,
int x,
int y,
int z,
Direction facing) |
static FortressPieces.Corridor4 |
FortressPieces.Corridor4.func_214814_a(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_214814_0_,
int p_214814_1_,
int p_214814_2_,
int p_214814_3_,
Direction p_214814_4_,
int p_214814_5_) |
static StrongholdPieces.RightTurn |
StrongholdPieces.RightTurn.func_214824_a(java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_214824_0_,
java.util.Random p_214824_1_,
int p_214824_2_,
int p_214824_3_,
int p_214824_4_,
Direction p_214824_5_,
int p_214824_6_) |
private StructurePiece |
FortressPieces.Piece.generateAndAddPiece(FortressPieces.Start p_175870_1_,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175870_2_,
java.util.Random p_175870_3_,
int p_175870_4_,
int p_175870_5_,
int p_175870_6_,
Direction p_175870_7_,
int p_175870_8_,
boolean p_175870_9_) |
private static StructurePiece |
StrongholdPieces.generateAndAddPiece(StrongholdPieces.Stairs2 p_175953_0_,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175953_1_,
java.util.Random p_175953_2_,
int p_175953_3_,
int p_175953_4_,
int p_175953_5_,
Direction p_175953_6_,
int p_175953_7_) |
private static MineshaftPieces.Piece |
MineshaftPieces.generateAndAddPiece(StructurePiece p_189938_0_,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_189938_1_,
java.util.Random p_189938_2_,
int p_189938_3_,
int p_189938_4_,
int p_189938_5_,
Direction p_189938_6_,
int p_189938_7_) |
private FortressPieces.Piece |
FortressPieces.Piece.generatePiece(FortressPieces.Start p_175871_1_,
java.util.List<FortressPieces.PieceWeight> p_175871_2_,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175871_3_,
java.util.Random p_175871_4_,
int p_175871_5_,
int p_175871_6_,
int p_175871_7_,
Direction p_175871_8_,
int p_175871_9_) |
private static StrongholdPieces.Stronghold |
StrongholdPieces.generatePieceFromSmallDoor(StrongholdPieces.Stairs2 p_175955_0_,
java.util.List<StructurePiece> p_175955_1_,
java.util.Random p_175955_2_,
int p_175955_3_,
int p_175955_4_,
int p_175955_5_,
Direction p_175955_6_,
int p_175955_7_) |
private void |
WoodlandMansionPieces.Grid.recursiveCorridor(WoodlandMansionPieces.SimpleGrid p_191110_1_,
int p_191110_2_,
int p_191110_3_,
Direction p_191110_4_,
int p_191110_5_) |
void |
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition.setConnection(Direction p_175957_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_175957_2_) |
void |
StructurePiece.setCoordBaseMode(Direction facing) |
private void |
WoodlandMansionPieces.Placer.traverseOuterWalls(java.util.List<WoodlandMansionPieces.MansionTemplate> p_191130_1_,
WoodlandMansionPieces.PlacementData p_191130_2_,
WoodlandMansionPieces.SimpleGrid p_191130_3_,
Direction p_191130_4_,
int p_191130_5_,
int p_191130_6_,
int p_191130_7_,
int p_191130_8_) |
Constructor and Description |
ChestCorridor(int p_i45582_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45582_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45582_3_,
Direction p_i45582_4_) |
Corridor(int p_i50137_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50137_2_,
Direction p_i50137_3_) |
Corridor(int p_i45615_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45615_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45615_3_,
Direction p_i45615_4_) |
Corridor(int p_i47140_1_,
java.util.Random p_i47140_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i47140_3_,
Direction p_i47140_4_,
MineshaftStructure.Type p_i47140_5_) |
Corridor2(int p_i45613_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45613_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45613_3_,
Direction p_i45613_4_) |
Corridor3(int p_i50280_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50280_2_,
Direction p_i50280_3_) |
Corridor4(int p_i50277_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50277_2_,
Direction p_i50277_3_) |
Corridor5(int p_i50268_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50268_2_,
Direction p_i50268_3_) |
Cross(int p_i50455_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50455_2_,
Direction p_i50455_3_,
MineshaftStructure.Type p_i50455_4_) |
Crossing(int p_i50258_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50258_2_,
Direction p_i50258_3_) |
Crossing(int p_i45580_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45580_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45580_3_,
Direction p_i45580_4_) |
Crossing2(int p_i50273_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50273_2_,
Direction p_i50273_3_) |
Crossing3(int p_i50286_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50286_2_,
Direction p_i50286_3_) |
DoubleXRoom(Direction p_i50661_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50661_2_) |
DoubleXYRoom(Direction p_i50659_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50659_2_) |
DoubleYRoom(Direction p_i50657_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50657_2_) |
DoubleYZRoom(Direction p_i50655_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50655_2_) |
DoubleZRoom(Direction p_i50653_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50653_2_) |
End(int p_i45621_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45621_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45621_3_,
Direction p_i45621_4_) |
Entrance(int p_i45617_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45617_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45617_3_,
Direction p_i45617_4_) |
EntryRoom(Direction p_i45592_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i45592_2_) |
LeftTurn(int p_i45579_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45579_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45579_3_,
Direction p_i45579_4_) |
Library(int p_i45578_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45578_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45578_3_,
Direction p_i45578_4_) |
MonumentBuilding(java.util.Random p_i45599_1_,
int p_i45599_2_,
int p_i45599_3_,
Direction p_i45599_4_) |
MonumentCoreRoom(Direction p_i50663_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50663_2_) |
NetherStalkRoom(int p_i50264_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50264_2_,
Direction p_i50264_3_) |
Penthouse(Direction p_i45591_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45591_2_) |
Piece(IStructurePieceType p_i50648_1_,
Direction p_i50648_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50648_3_) |
Piece(IStructurePieceType p_i50649_1_,
int p_i50649_2_,
Direction p_i50649_3_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50649_4_,
int p_i50649_5_,
int p_i50649_6_,
int p_i50649_7_) |
PortalRoom(int p_i50131_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50131_2_,
Direction p_i50131_3_) |
Prison(int p_i45576_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45576_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45576_3_,
Direction p_i45576_4_) |
RightTurn(int p_i50127_1_,
java.util.Random p_i50127_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50127_3_,
Direction p_i50127_4_) |
RoomCrossing(int p_i45575_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45575_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45575_3_,
Direction p_i45575_4_) |
SimpleRoom(Direction p_i45587_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i45587_2_,
java.util.Random p_i45587_3_) |
SimpleTopRoom(Direction p_i50644_1_,
OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition p_i50644_2_) |
Stairs(int p_i50255_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50255_2_,
Direction p_i50255_3_) |
Stairs(int p_i50449_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50449_2_,
Direction p_i50449_3_,
MineshaftStructure.Type p_i50449_4_) |
Stairs(int p_i45574_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45574_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45574_3_,
Direction p_i45574_4_) |
StairsStraight(int p_i45572_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45572_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45572_3_,
Direction p_i45572_4_) |
Straight(int p_i45620_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45620_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45620_3_,
Direction p_i45620_4_) |
Straight(int p_i45573_1_,
java.util.Random p_i45573_2_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45573_3_,
Direction p_i45573_4_) |
Throne(int p_i50262_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i50262_2_,
Direction p_i50262_3_) |
WingRoom(Direction p_i45585_1_,
MutableBoundingBox p_i45585_2_,
int p_i45585_3_) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
Template.func_215385_a(Rotation rotationIn,
int offsetFront,
int p_215385_3_,
MutableBoundingBox p_215385_4_,
Direction p_215385_5_,
Direction p_215385_6_) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
SkyLightEngine.CARDINALS |
private static Direction[] |
BlockLightEngine.DIRECTIONS |
private static Direction[] |
SkyLightEngine.DIRECTIONS |
private static Direction[] |
SectionLightStorage.DIRECTIONS |
private static Direction[] |
LightEngine.DIRECTIONS |
private static Direction[] |
SkyLightStorage.field_215554_k |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
LightEngine.func_215613_a(IBlockReader p_215613_0_,
BlockState p_215613_1_,
BlockPos p_215613_2_,
BlockState p_215613_3_,
BlockPos p_215613_4_,
Direction p_215613_5_,
int p_215613_6_) |
protected VoxelShape |
LightEngine.getVoxelShape(BlockState blockStateIn,
long worldPos,
Direction directionIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ForgeHooksClient.fillNormal(int[] faceData,
Direction facing)
internal, relies on fixed format of FaceBakery
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Direction |
IForgeTransformationMatrix.rotateTransform(Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
IForgeBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData extraData) |
default Direction |
IForgeTransformationMatrix.rotateTransform(Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static Direction[] |
ItemLayerModel.HORIZONTALS |
private Direction |
SimpleModelFontRenderer.orientation |
private static Direction[] |
ItemLayerModel.VERTICALS |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.EnumMap<Direction,java.util.BitSet> | |
protected<Direction,<BakedQuad>> |
FluidModel.BakedFluid.faceQuads |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Direction |
ItemLayerModel.remap(Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private<Direction,<BakedQuad>> |
FluidModel.BakedFluid.buildQuads(boolean statePresent,
int[] cornerRound,
int flowRound,
boolean[] sideOverlays) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
IModelBuilder.addFaceQuad(Direction facing,
BakedQuad quad) |
IModelBuilder.Simple |
IModelBuilder.Simple.addFaceQuad(Direction facing,
BakedQuad quad) |
private BakedQuad |
FluidModel.BakedFluid.buildQuad(Direction side,
TextureAtlasSprite texture,
boolean flip,
boolean offset,
FluidModel.BakedFluid.VertexParameter x,
FluidModel.BakedFluid.VertexParameter y,
FluidModel.BakedFluid.VertexParameter z,
FluidModel.BakedFluid.VertexParameter u,
FluidModel.BakedFluid.VertexParameter v) |
private static BakedQuad |
ItemLayerModel.buildQuad(TransformationMatrix transform,
Direction side,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
int tint,
boolean fullbright,
float x0,
float y0,
float z0,
float u0,
float v0,
float x1,
float y1,
float z1,
float u1,
float v1,
float x2,
float y2,
float z2,
float u2,
float v2,
float x3,
float y3,
float z3,
float u3,
float v3) |
private static BakedQuad |
ItemLayerModel.buildSideQuad(TransformationMatrix transform,
Direction side,
int tint,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
int u,
int v,
int size,
boolean fullbright) |
static java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
ItemTextureQuadConverter.convertTexture(TransformationMatrix transform,
TextureAtlasSprite template,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
float z,
Direction facing,
int color,
int tint)
Takes a texture and converts it into BakedQuads.
static java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
ItemTextureQuadConverter.convertTextureHorizontal(TransformationMatrix transform,
TextureAtlasSprite template,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
float z,
Direction facing,
int color,
int tint)
Scans a texture and converts it into a list of horizontal strips stacked on top of each other.
static java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
ItemTextureQuadConverter.convertTextureVertical(TransformationMatrix transform,
TextureAtlasSprite template,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
float z,
Direction facing,
int color,
int tint)
Scans a texture and converts it into a list of vertical strips stacked next to each other from left to right.
static BakedQuad |
ItemTextureQuadConverter.genQuad(TransformationMatrix transform,
float x1,
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
float z,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
Direction facing,
int color,
int tint)
Generates a Front/Back quad for an itemmodel.
boolean |
ItemLayerModel.FaceData.get(Direction facing,
int u,
int v) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
MultiLayerModel.MultiLayerBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
BakedModelWrapper.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
FancyMissingModel.BakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
BakedItemModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
BakedItemModel.BakedGuiItemModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
FluidModel.BakedFluid.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
PerspectiveMapWrapper.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData extraData) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
MultiLayerModel.MultiLayerBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData extraData) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
BakedModelWrapper.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData extraData) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
CompositeModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData extraData) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
FluidModel.CachingBakedFluid.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData modelData) |
private static BakedQuad |
ItemTextureQuadConverter.putQuad(TransformationMatrix transform,
Direction side,
TextureAtlasSprite sprite,
int color,
int tint,
float x1,
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
float z,
float u1,
float v1,
float u2,
float v2) |
private void |
FluidModel.BakedFluid.putVertex(IVertexConsumer consumer,
Direction side,
boolean offset,
float x,
float y,
float z,
float u,
float v) |
private static void |
ItemTextureQuadConverter.putVertex(IVertexConsumer consumer,
Direction side,
float x,
float y,
float z,
float u,
float v,
int color) |
private static void |
ItemLayerModel.putVertex(IVertexConsumer consumer,
Direction side,
float x,
float y,
float z,
float u,
float v,
int uLight,
int vLight) |
private static Direction |
ItemLayerModel.remap(Direction side) |
void |
ItemLayerModel.FaceData.set(Direction facing,
int u,
int v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
B3DLoader.BakedWrapper.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData data) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
IDynamicBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand) |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
IDynamicBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData extraData) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder.cullface |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.Map<Direction,ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder> |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.faces |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private java.util.function.BiConsumer<Direction,ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder> |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.addTexture(java.lang.String texture) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder.cullface(Direction dir) |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.face(Direction dir)
Return or create the face builder for the given direction.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.allFaces(java.util.function.BiConsumer<Direction,ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder> action)
Modify all possible faces dynamically using a function, creating new
faces as necessary.
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder |
ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.faces(java.util.function.BiConsumer<Direction,ModelBuilder.ElementBuilder.FaceBuilder> action)
Modify all existing faces dynamically using a function.
Constructor and Description |
FaceBuilder(Direction dir) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<BakedQuad,Direction> |
OBJModel.makeQuad(int[][] indices,
int tintIndex,
Vector4f colorTint,
Vector4f ambientColor,
TextureAtlasSprite texture,
TransformationMatrix transform) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
BakedQuadBuilder.orientation |
private static Direction[] |
BlockInfo.SIDES |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Direction |
LightUtil.toSide(float x,
float y,
float z) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static float |
LightUtil.diffuseLight(Direction side) |
void |
VertexBufferConsumer.setQuadOrientation(Direction orientation) |
void |
VertexTransformer.setQuadOrientation(Direction orientation) |
void |
VertexLighterFlat.setQuadOrientation(Direction orientation) |
void |
IVertexConsumer.setQuadOrientation(Direction orientation) |
void |
BakedQuadBuilder.setQuadOrientation(Direction orientation) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock |
ForgeHooks.onLeftClickBlock(PlayerEntity player,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
static PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock |
ForgeHooks.onRightClickBlock(PlayerEntity player,
Hand hand,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
CapabilityProvider.getCapability(Capability<T> cap,
Direction side) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
CapabilityDispatcher.getCapability(Capability<T> cap,
Direction side) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
ICapabilityProvider.getCapability(Capability<T> cap,
Direction side)
Retrieves the Optional handler for the capability requested on the specific side.
void |
Capability.IStorage.readNBT(Capability<T> capability,
T instance,
Direction side,
INBT nbt)
Read the capability instance from a NBT tag.
void |
Capability.readNBT(T instance,
Direction side,
INBT nbt)
Quick access to the IStorage's readNBT.
Capability.IStorage.writeNBT(Capability<T> capability,
T instance,
Direction side)
Serialize the capability instance to a NBTTag.
Capability.writeNBT(T instance,
Direction side)
Quick access to the IStorage's writeNBT.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Direction |
IForgeBlock.getBedDirection(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Returns the direction of the block.
default Direction |
IForgeBlockState.getBedDirection(IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Returns the direction of the block.
default Direction[] |
IForgeBlock.getValidRotations(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Get the rotations that can apply to the block at the specified coordinates.
default Direction[] |
IForgeBlockState.getValidRotations(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos)
Get the rotations that can apply to the block at the specified coordinates.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default boolean |
IForgeBlock.canBeConnectedTo(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing)
Determines if another block can connect to this block
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.canBeConnectedTo(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing)
Determines if another block can connect to this block
default boolean |
IForgeBlock.canConnectRedstone(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Determine if this block can make a redstone connection on the side provided,
Useful to control which sides are inputs and outputs for redstone wires.
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.canConnectRedstone(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Determine if this block can make a redstone connection on the side provided,
Useful to control which sides are inputs and outputs for redstone wires.
boolean |
IForgeBlock.canSustainPlant(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
IPlantable plantable)
Determines if this block can support the passed in plant, allowing it to be planted and grow.
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.canSustainPlant(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
IPlantable plantable)
Determines if this block can support the passed in plant, allowing it to be planted and grow.
default void |
IForgeBlock.catchFire(BlockState state,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face,
LivingEntity igniter)
If the block is flammable, this is called when it gets lit on fire.
default void |
IForgeBlockState.catchFire(World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face,
LivingEntity igniter)
If the block is flammable, this is called when it gets lit on fire.
default int |
IForgeBlock.getFireSpreadSpeed(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Called when fire is updating on a neighbor block.
default int |
IForgeBlockState.getFireSpreadSpeed(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Called when fire is updating on a neighbor block.
default int |
IForgeBlock.getFlammability(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Chance that fire will spread and consume this block.
default int |
IForgeBlockState.getFlammability(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Chance that fire will spread and consume this block.
default BlockState |
IForgeBlock.getStateForPlacement(BlockState state,
Direction facing,
BlockState state2,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos1,
BlockPos pos2,
Hand hand)
//TODO: Re-Evaluate
Gets the
IBlockState to place |
default BlockState |
IForgeBlockState.getStateForPlacement(Direction facing,
BlockState state2,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos1,
BlockPos pos2,
Hand hand)
//TODO: Re-Evaluate
Gets the
IBlockState to place |
default boolean |
IForgeBlock.isFireSource(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Currently only called by fire when it is on top of this block.
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.isFireSource(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Currently only called by fire when it is on top of this block.
default boolean |
IForgeBlock.isFlammable(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Called when fire is updating, checks if a block face can catch fire.
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.isFlammable(IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face)
Called when fire is updating, checks if a block face can catch fire.
default boolean |
IForgeBlock.recolorBlock(BlockState state,
IWorld world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
DyeColor color)
//TODO: Re-Evaluate
Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken.
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.recolorBlock(IWorld world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
DyeColor color)
//TODO: Re-Evaluate
Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken.
default boolean |
IForgeBlock.shouldCheckWeakPower(BlockState state,
IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Called to determine whether to allow the a block to handle its own indirect power rather than using the default rules.
default boolean |
IForgeBlockState.shouldCheckWeakPower(IWorldReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Called to determine whether to allow the a block to handle its own indirect power rather than using the default rules.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
CapabilityAnimation.DefaultItemAnimationCapabilityProvider.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
CustomPlantTypeTest.CustomBlock.canSustainPlant(BlockState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction facing,
IPlantable plantable) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.List<BakedQuad> |
TRSRTransformerTest.MyBakedModel.getQuads(BlockState state,
Direction side,
java.util.Random rand,
IModelData data) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap.getCapability(Capability<T> cap,
Direction side) |
void |
MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap.Storage.readNBT(Capability<MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap> capability,
MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap instance,
Direction side,
INBT nbt) |
MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap.Storage.writeNBT(Capability<MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap> capability,
MarkDimensionForDeletionTest.DynamicDimensionCap instance,
Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
ForgeEventFactory.onBlockPlace(Entity entity,
BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot,
Direction direction) |
static boolean |
ForgeEventFactory.onMultiBlockPlace(Entity entity,
java.util.List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots,
Direction direction) |
static boolean |
ForgeEventFactory.onPistonMovePost(World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction direction,
boolean extending) |
static boolean |
ForgeEventFactory.onPistonMovePre(World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction direction,
boolean extending) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static BlockEvent.NeighborNotifyEvent |
ForgeEventFactory.onNeighborNotify(World world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState state,
java.util.EnumSet<Direction> notifiedSides,
boolean forceRedstoneUpdate) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
PlayerInteractEvent.face |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
PlayerInteractEvent.getFace() |
Constructor and Description |
LeftClickBlock(PlayerEntity player,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
PlayerInteractEvent(PlayerEntity player,
Hand hand,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
RightClickBlock(PlayerEntity player,
Hand hand,
BlockPos pos,
Direction face) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
PistonEvent.direction |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.util.EnumSet<Direction> |
BlockEvent.NeighborNotifyEvent.notifiedSides |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Direction |
PistonEvent.getDirection() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.EnumSet<Direction> |
Gets a list of directions from the base block that updates will occur upon.
Constructor and Description |
PistonEvent(World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction direction,
PistonEvent.PistonMoveType moveType) |
Post(World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction direction,
PistonEvent.PistonMoveType moveType) |
Pre(World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction direction,
PistonEvent.PistonMoveType moveType) |
Constructor and Description |
NeighborNotifyEvent(World world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState state,
java.util.EnumSet<Direction> notifiedSides,
boolean forceRedstoneUpdate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
ForgeFlowingFluid.canDisplace(IFluidState state,
IBlockReader world,
BlockPos pos,
Fluid fluidIn,
Direction direction) |
static LazyOptional<IFluidHandler> |
FluidUtil.getFluidHandler(World world,
BlockPos blockPos,
Direction side)
Helper method to get an IFluidHandler for at a block position.
static boolean |
FluidUtil.interactWithFluidHandler(PlayerEntity player,
Hand hand,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Used to handle the common case of a player holding a fluid item and right-clicking on a fluid handler block.
static FluidActionResult |
FluidUtil.tryPickUpFluid(ItemStack emptyContainer,
PlayerEntity playerIn,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Direction side)
Attempts to pick up a fluid in the world and put it in an empty container item.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
TileFluidHandler.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
void |
CapabilityFluidHandler.DefaultFluidHandlerStorage.readNBT(Capability<T> capability,
T instance,
Direction side,
INBT nbt) |
CapabilityFluidHandler.DefaultFluidHandlerStorage.writeNBT(Capability<T> capability,
T instance,
Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
FluidHandlerItemStackSimple.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
FluidHandlerItemStack.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> LazyOptional<T> |
FluidBucketWrapper.getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
Direction facing) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static LazyOptional<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<IItemHandler,java.lang.Object>> |
VanillaInventoryCodeHooks.getItemHandler(IHopper hopper,
Direction hopperFacing) |
static LazyOptional<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<IItemHandler,java.lang.Object>> |
VanillaInventoryCodeHooks.getItemHandler(World worldIn,
double x,
double y,
double z,
Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Direction |
SidedInvWrapper.side |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LazyOptional<IItemHandlerModifiable>[] |
SidedInvWrapper.create(ISidedInventory inv,
Direction... sides) |
static int |
SidedInvWrapper.getSlot(ISidedInventory inv,
int slot,
Direction side) |
Constructor and Description |
SidedInvWrapper(ISidedInventory inv,
Direction side) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Direction |
BlockPosContext.facing |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ContextKey<Direction> |
ContextKeys.FACING |
Constructor and Description |
BlockPosContext(PlayerEntity ep,
BlockPos pos,
BlockState state,
Direction f) |